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Log File Conversion to Text

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Use the command-line tool MssLogToText.exe to convert Speech Server trace log files to text.

MssLogToText.exe does not convert binary stream-related events to text. To extract embedded content such as audio streams and grammars, use MssContentExtract.exe. For more information, see Extract Audio and Grammar Streams to File.

To install Speech Server Log Tools, install Speech Server and select Data Processing Utilities. The default installation path for Speech Server Log Tools is %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Speech Server\SDK.

To start MssLogToText.exe

  1. On the taskbar, click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.

  2. At the command prompt, type cd /d %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Speech Server\SDK, and then press ENTER.

  3. Enter the appropriate MssLogToText.exe syntax, and then press ENTER.

    Pressing CTRL+C interrupts execution. The tool exits as gracefully as possible by closing any open streams.


MssLogToText logfile
[/to: datetime]


Parameter Description


Specifies the paths and file names of the trace logs to read. Wildcards are supported. Use spaces to delimit multiple file names. Required.


Specifies the path and name of the file containing arguments for the command line.


Specifies the folder to write to. If unspecified, the current folder is used. Specifying /out directs all output to the standard output stream. (Short form: /o)


No events logged earlier than this date and time are converted. If a date is omitted, the current date is used. Date and time are expected in the format specified in Control Panel under Regional and Language Options. (Short form: /f) Optional.

/to: datetime

No events logged later than this date and time are converted. If a date is omitted, the current date is used. Date and time are expected in the format specified in Control Panel under Regional and Language Options. (Short form: /t) Optional.


Specifies that the file overwrite warning is suppressed. Optional.


Specifies that the output file is in XML format. (Short form: /x) Optional.

/maxevents: nnn

Specifies the maximum number of events to extract. Optional.


Specifies that the file overwrite warning is suppressed. (Short form: /v) Optional.


Specifies that the copyright message is suppressed. Optional.


Specifies that a message displaying usage Help is displayed. (Short form: /h or /?) Optional.


Any argument with a space in it must be delimited with quotation marks.

Output File Names and Locations

Output files are written to the current directory by default or the directory specified by the /out switch. One output file is created for each trace log file that is converted. Output file names are the same as the trace log file names but with a .txt file name extension.

Sample Output

See the following sample output from MssLogToText.exe

<Entry Type ="SessionInvocationEvent" Size="277">
  <Field Name ="_Name">SessionInvocationEvent</Field>
  <Field Name ="_Guid">6e738c86-8db7-30bb-bd8f-f60093fede93</Field>
  <Field Name ="_Timestamp">Fri, 27 May 0405 16:54:13.9789 GMT</Field>
  <Field Name ="_ThreadId">680</Field>
  <Field Name ="_ProcessId">4112</Field>
  <Field Name ="_Type">Info</Field>
  <Field Name ="Context">
   <Field Name ="ApplicationInstance">c9916c0c-8a5c-49be-a158-8c1c312f813f</Field>
   <Field Name ="Session">1</Field>
   <Field Name ="TaskPhase">0</Field>
   <Field Name ="Request">0</Field>
   <Field Name ="Counts">0, 0</Field>
  <Field Name ="EventSequenceNumber">87</Field>
  <Field Name ="EventRouterName">Sampled</Field>
  <Field Name ="Timestamp">Fri, 27 May 2005 16:54:13.9789 GMT</Field>
  <Field Name ="Severity">4</Field>
  <Field Name ="CategoryId">9</Field>
  <Field Name ="CallIdentifier">c6bc9570-03d2-4a6c-84ed-194d2441542f</Field>
  <Field Name ="RemoteParticipant">sip:425552222@testsession.com</Field>
  <Field Name ="SessionTarget">sip:4255511111@localhost</Field>
  <Field Name ="UserAgent">CiscoSystemsSIPUserAgent 7548 9300 IN IP4</Field>

<Entry Type ="SessionInviteEvent" Size="226">
  <Field Name ="_Name">SessionInviteEvent</Field>
  <Field Name ="_Guid">05dd159b-edc3-3306-b153-7c4ef6d8d48a</Field>
  <Field Name ="_Timestamp">Fri, 27 May 0405 16:54:13.9789 GMT</Field>
  <Field Name ="_ThreadId">680</Field>
  <Field Name ="_ProcessId">4112</Field>
  <Field Name ="_Type">Info</Field>
  <Field Name ="Context">
   <Field Name ="ApplicationInstance">c9916c0c-8a5c-49be-a158-8c1c312f813f</Field>
   <Field Name ="Session">1</Field>
   <Field Name ="TaskPhase">0</Field>
   <Field Name ="Request">0</Field>
   <Field Name ="Counts">0, 0</Field>
  <Field Name ="EventSequenceNumber">90</Field>
  <Field Name ="EventRouterName">Sampled</Field>
  <Field Name ="Timestamp">Fri, 27 May 2005 16:54:13.9789 GMT</Field>
  <Field Name ="Severity">4</Field>
  <Field Name ="CategoryId">9</Field>
  <Field Name ="CalledNumber">3615553333</Field>
  <Field Name ="CalledUri">sip://3615553333/PizzaDelivery</Field>
  <Field Name ="CallingNumber">4253333333</Field>
  <Field Name ="CallingUri">sip://4253333333/PizzaDelivery</Field>

Response File

The response file provides an alternate method for specifying arguments. Arguments in a response file can be entered in one line or one line per argument. Any text entered after a pound sign (#) in a response file is treated as a comment. See the following example of response file content.

/from:"1/1/05 1:02:00"



#Use a pound sign to specify comment text.

The first of the following examples shows how to specify a response file.


msslogtotext *.etl @responsefile.txt

msslogtotext *.etl /from:1/1/05 /to:"1/2/05 2:00:00"

msslogtotext *.etl /maxevents:100

See Also

Other Resources

Management of Tuning Data
Speech Application Analysis and Tuning