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Application Class

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The Application class describes an instance of a speech application deployed on a computer running Speech Server.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code.


class Application
????????string Name;
????????string URI;
????????string PhysicalDirectory;
????????boolean Enabled;
????????uint32 Precedence;
????????uint32 Type;
????????string PreloadedResourceManifest;
????????string DNIS[];
????????string NotificationMessageQueue;
????????boolean UseSecureRTP; 
????????uint32 TCPListeningPort;
????????uint32 TLSListeningPort;


The Application class has no methods.


The Application class has the following properties.


Data type: string

Specifies the unique name of the application.

This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: string

Specifies the location of the application start page. This location can be specified in the following ways:

  • As a formal Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) expressed in the HTTP, HTTPS, or FILE protocol.
  • As a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) address on an accessible remote computer using the \\computerName\shareName\fileName format.
  • As a fully qualified path on the local computer using the driveLetter:\directoryName\fileName format.

This page is either a Web page for SALT voice response applications or VoiceXML applications or a SPEAX page for managed code voice response applications.

If the host name for the application is localhost, Speech Server automatically configures settings in Internet Information Services (IIS), such as virtual directory, that set up the application run-time environment.

This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: string

Specifies the path of the physical directory containing the application files when the application is deployed to the localhost Web server. The value of this property must be specified in one of the following ways:

  • As a fully qualified path on the local computer using the driveLetter:\directoryName\fileName format.
  • As a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) address on an accessible remote computer using the \\computerName\shareName\fileName format.

When this property is set, Speech Server automatically configures settings in IIS, such as virtual directory, that set up the application run-time environment on localhost.


Do not set the PhyscalDirectory property for applications deployed to remote Web servers (in other words, non-localhost deployments).

You must restart the Speech Server service for changes to this property to take effect. This property is exposed in the Speech Server??Administrator console.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether the application is active. If set to true, Speech Server starts the application when a call is received that matches one of the expressions in the DNIS property. If set to false, no calls are routed to it.

The default value of this property is true. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Determines the order in which calls are routed to applications when a Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) value is mapped to multiple applications. The application with the lower Precedence value is tried first.

This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Specifies the application type.

This property has the following valid values.

Value Description


Managed code voice response application.


A Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) voice response application based on the SALT standard.


A Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) application based on the VoiceXML standard.

The default value of Type is 0. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: string

Specifies the location of the application manifest file. This location must be specified in Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) syntax by using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.

This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: string array

Specifies a list of regular expressions applied to the DNIS information for an incoming call. Calls that match one or more of these expressions are answered by this application. Speech Server supports using any valid regular expression allowed in the .NET Framework. The value of this property should be empty (null value) for applications that only make outbound calls.

The default value of this property is "*". This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: string

Specifies the path of the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) containing outbound call notifications for this application.

The path of the message queue can be specified in the following formats depending on the type of queue and its location.

Queue Type Queue Location Format













Each application deployed to a particular computer running Speech Server must have a unique message queue. However, the same application deployed on multiple computers running Speech Server can share the same message queue.

This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: boolean

Specifies whether the application should use Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) for communication with the trusted SIP peers. If set to true, the trusted SIP peer from which the application receives calls and with which the application originates outbound calls should support Secure RTP communication. The WMI property UseMutualTLS of the TrustedSIPPeer object associated with the SIP peer must also be set to true; otherwise, Speech Server declines calls to the application.

You must restart the Speech Server service for changes to this property to take effect. The default value of this property is false. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Specifies the network port for TCP connections that Speech Server expects incoming SIP INVITE messages for the application. This port is exclusively used by the application for all SIP traffic and allows communications to bypass the TCP listening port specified for the service. The port specified by this property must be unique (that is, it cannot be used by any other process or application on the computer running Speech Server). Before setting it, check usage of network ports to ensure that there are no conflicts with other processes.

You might need to make this port an exception in Windows Firewall, if it is activated.


Carefully select the port to use for this property and keep its identity confidential. Exposing ports in Windows Firewall is a security risk and should be managed carefully.

You must restart the Speech Server service for changes to this property to take effect. The default value of this property is 0, which indicates that SIP messages are expected on the general TCP listening port specified for the service. For more information, see TCPListeningPort in the MSS Class. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Data type: uint32

Specifies the network port for TLS connections that Speech Server expects incoming SIP INVITE messages for the application. This port is exclusively used by the application for all SIP traffic and allows communications to bypass the TLS listening port specified for the service. The port specified by this property must be unique (that is, it cannot be used by any other process or application on the computer running Speech Server). Before setting it, check usage of network ports to ensure that there are no conflicts with other processes.

You may need to make this port an exception in Windows Firewall, if activated.


Carefully select the port to use for this property and keep its identity confidential. Exposing ports in Windows Firewall is a security risk and should be managed carefully.

You must restart the Speech Server service for changes to this property to take effect. The default value of this property is 0, which indicates that SIP messages are expected on the general TLS listening port specified for the service. For more information, see TLSListeningPort in the MSS Class. This property is exposed in the Speech Server Administrator console.


Server: Requires Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Speech Server.

Namespace: Included in \root\mssv2.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Script Example

strComputer = "." 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\MSSV2") 
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
    "SELECT * FROM Application",,48) 
For Each objItem in colItems 
    Wscript.Echo "-----------------------------------"
    Wscript.Echo "Application instance"
    Wscript.Echo "-----------------------------------"
    If isNull(objItem.DNIS) Then
        Wscript.Echo "DNIS: "
        Wscript.Echo "DNIS: " & Join(objItem.DNIS, ",")
    End If
    Wscript.Echo "Enabled: " & objItem.Enabled
    Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objItem.Name
    Wscript.Echo "NotificationMessageQueue: " & objItem.NotificationMessageQueue
    Wscript.Echo "PhysicalDirectory: " & objItem.PhysicalDirectory
    Wscript.Echo "Precedence: " & objItem.Precedence
    Wscript.Echo "PreloadedResourceManifest: " & objItem.PreloadedResourceManifest
    Wscript.Echo "Type: " & objItem.Type
    Wscript.Echo "URI: " & objItem.URI
    Wscript.Echo "UseSecureRTP: " & objItem.UseSecureRTP

See Also

Other Resources

Speech Server Administration Through WMI
Application Administration