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LayoutsPageBase Members

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Include Inherited Members

Represents an application page to which access can be limited to users that possess certain rights.

The LayoutsPageBase type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method LayoutsPageBase Initializes a new instance of the LayoutsPageBase class.



  Name Description
Protected property Adapter (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property AllowAnonymousAccess Gets a value that indicates whether users can access the page without logging in. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected property AllowNullWeb Gets a value indicating whether the UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase can initialize even if the current Web site is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public property Application (Inherited from Page.)
Public property AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Public property AppRelativeVirtualPath (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected property AspCompatMode (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property AsyncMode (Inherited from Page.)
Public property AsyncTimeout (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property AutoHandlers Obsolete. (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public property AutoPostBackControl (Inherited from Page.)
Public property BindingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Buffer (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Cache (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property ChildControlsCreated (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ClientID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property ClientIDSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ClientQueryString (Inherited from Page.)
Public property ClientScript (Inherited from Page.)
Public property ClientTarget (Inherited from Page.)
Public property CodePage (Inherited from Page.)
Public property ContentType (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property Context (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Controls (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Culture (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property CurrentRequestUrlAndQuery Gets the full original URL that the browser requested including any query string. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected property DesignMode (Inherited from Control.)
Public property DynamicMasterPageFile (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public property EnableEventValidation (Inherited from Page.)
Public property EnableTheming (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public property EnableViewState (Inherited from Page.)
Public property EnableViewStateMac (Inherited from Page.)
Public property ErrorPage (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property Events (Inherited from Control.)
Protected property FileDependencies Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Form (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property HasChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Header (Inherited from Page.)
Public property ID (Inherited from Page.)
Public property IdSeparator (Inherited from Page.)
Public property IsAsync (Inherited from Page.)
Public property IsCallback (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property IsChildControlStateCleared (Inherited from Control.)
Public property IsCrossPagePostBack (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property IsDialogMode Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the application page is hosted inside a dialog box. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public property IsPostBack (Inherited from Page.)
Public property IsPostBackEventControlRegistered (Inherited from Page.)
Public property IsReusable (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property IsTrackingViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Public property IsValid (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property IsViewStateEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Items (Inherited from Page.)
Public property LCID (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property LoadViewStateByID (Inherited from Control.)
Public property MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Master (Inherited from Page.)
Public property MasterPageFile (Inherited from Page.)
Public property MaxPageStateFieldLength (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property MobilePageUrl Gets the Web site-relative URL of the mobile version of the page. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public property NamingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Page (Inherited from Control.)
Public property PageAdapter (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property PageStatePersister (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property PageTarget Use the PageTargetSecurableObject property instead of this property.
Protected property PageTargetSecurableObject Gets or sets the securable object, such as a Web site or list on which the LayoutsPageBase operates.
Public property PageToRedirectOnCancel Gets a URL to a page that will open if the original page request is cancelled. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public property Parent (Inherited from Control.)
Public property PreviousPage (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Request (Inherited from Page.)
Public property RequestResources Gets a bitwise itemization of the resources the page needs. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public property RequestViewGuid (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected property RequireDefaultLayoutsRights Gets a value that indicates whether the page requires at least the default set of rights that are required to access application pages (which are pages in the _layouts folder).
Public property RequiresHighReliability Gets or sets the value that represents the self-healing flag for pages that need protection from master page errors. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected property RequireSiteAdministrator Gets a value that indicates whether only site collection administrators can access the page.
Protected property RequiresMasterInfo (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public property Response (Inherited from Page.)
Public property ResponseEncoding (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property RightsCheckMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the rights of the user to the page are checked at the LoadComplete event, the PreInit event, both, or neither.
Protected property RightsRequired Gets an object that identifies the rights a user must have to access the LayoutsPageBase page.
Public property Server (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Session (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property ShowStandardControls Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the Go Back, Help, and Close links are hidden in the v4 UI. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public property Site Gets a reference to the current site collection. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public property SkinID (Inherited from Control.)
Public property SmartNavigation Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public property StyleSheetTheme (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property SupportAutoEvents (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected property SupportsReadOnlySite Gets a value that indicates whether this page supports a read-only site collection (or database).
Public property TemplateControl (Inherited from Control.)
Public property TemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Theme (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Title (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Trace (Inherited from Page.)
Public property TraceEnabled (Inherited from Page.)
Public property TraceModeValue (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property TransactionMode (Inherited from Page.)
Public property UICulture (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property UniqueFilePathSuffix (Inherited from Page.)
Public property UniqueID (Inherited from Control.)
Public property User (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Validators (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property ViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ViewStateEncryptionMode (Inherited from Page.)
Protected property ViewStateIgnoresCase (Inherited from Control.)
Public property ViewStateUserKey (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Visible (Inherited from Page.)
Public property Web Gets a reference to the current Web site. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)



  Name Description
Protected method AddContentTemplate (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method AddedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Public method AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync(BeginEventHandler, EndEventHandler) (Inherited from Page.)
Public method AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync(BeginEventHandler, EndEventHandler, Object) (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method AddParsedSubObject (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method AddWrappedFileDependencies (Inherited from Page.)
Public method ApplyStyleSheetSkin (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method AspCompatBeginProcessRequest (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method AspCompatEndProcessRequest (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method AsyncPageBeginProcessRequest (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method AsyncPageEndProcessRequest (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method BuildProfileTree (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method CheckRights Verifies that the current user has the rights that are required to access the LayoutsPageBase page.
Protected method ClearChildControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method Construct (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method CreateChildControls Creates the child controls on the UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected method CreateControlCollection (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method CreateHtmlTextWriter (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method CreateResourceBasedLiteralControl (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method DataBind() (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method DataBind(Boolean) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method DataBindChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Public method DesignerInitialize (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method DetermineMasterPage (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected method DeterminePostBackMode (Inherited from Page.)
Public method Dispose (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method EnsureChildControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method EnsureID (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Eval(String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method Eval(String, String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method ExecuteRegisteredAsyncTasks (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FindControl(String) (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method FindControl(String, Int32) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Focus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method FrameworkInitialize (Inherited from Page.)
Public method GetDataItem (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method GetGlobalResourceObject(String, String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method GetGlobalResourceObject(String, String, Type, String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetLocalResourceObject(String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method GetLocalResourceObject(String, Type, String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method GetPostBackClientEvent Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public method GetPostBackClientHyperlink Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public method GetPostBackEventReference(Control) Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public method GetPostBackEventReference(Control, String) Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public method GetResourceString Returns a localized string constructed from a string in a resource (.resx) file in a subfolder of %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\ and from the specified array of strings. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetTypeHashCode (Inherited from Page.)
Public method GetValidators (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method GetWrappedFileDependencies (Inherited from Page.)
Public method HasControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method HasEvents (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method InitializeCulture (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method InitOutputCache(OutputCacheParameters) (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method InitOutputCache(Int32, String, String, OutputCacheLocation, String) (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method InitOutputCache(Int32, String, String, String, OutputCacheLocation, String) (Inherited from Page.)
Public method IsClientScriptBlockRegistered Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method IsLiteralContent (Inherited from Control.)
Public method IsStartupScriptRegistered Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public method LoadControl(String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method LoadControl(Type, []) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method LoadControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium (Inherited from Page.)
Public method LoadTemplate (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method LoadViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodStatic member MakeImageUrl Returns a virtual directory URL for the specified image file.
Public method MapPath (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method MapPathSecure (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MobileRedirect Redirects a request from a mobile device to the mobile version of the page as specified by the MobilePageUrl property. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected method OnAbortTransaction (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method OnBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnCommitTransaction (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method OnDataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnError (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method OnInit Represents the method that handles the Init event. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected method OnInitComplete (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method OnLoad Represents that method that handles the Load event of the page. (Overrides UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.OnLoad(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnLoadComplete Represents that method that handles the LoadComplete event. (Overrides Page.OnLoadComplete(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnPreInit Represents that method that handles the PreInit event. (Overrides UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.OnPreInit(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnPreLoad (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method OnPreRender Represents the method that handles the PreRender event. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected method OnPreRenderComplete (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method OnSaveStateComplete (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method OnUnload (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OpenFile (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ParseControl(String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method ParseControl(String, Boolean) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method ProcessRequest (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method RaiseBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RaisePostBackEvent (Inherited from Page.)
Public method ReadStringResource (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method RegisterArrayDeclaration Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public method RegisterAsyncTask (Inherited from Page.)
Public method RegisterClientScriptBlock Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public method RegisterHiddenField Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public method RegisterOnSubmitStatement Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Public method RegisterRequiresControlState (Inherited from Page.)
Public method RegisterRequiresPostBack (Inherited from Page.)
Public method RegisterRequiresRaiseEvent (Inherited from Page.)
Public method RegisterRequiresViewStateEncryption (Inherited from Page.)
Public method RegisterStartupScript Obsolete. (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method RegisterV4Flag (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public method RegisterViewStateHandler (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method RemovedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method Render Sends server control content to the specified HtmlTextWriter object, which writes the content to be rendered on the client. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Protected method RenderChildren Outputs the content of child controls of the UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase to a provided HtmlTextWriter object, which writes the content to be rendered on the client. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public method RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter, ControlAdapter) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method RequiresControlState (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method ResolveAdapter (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ResolveClientUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ResolveUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SaveControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method SaveViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SendResponseForPopUI Sends ECMAScript (JScript, JavaScript) code to the client to make it close its pop-up dialog box.
Protected method SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method SetFocus(Control) (Inherited from Page.)
Public method SetFocus(String) (Inherited from Page.)
Public method SetRenderMethodDelegate (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SetStringResourcePointer (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method StopRequestIfClientIsNotValid Stops page processing if the client has become disconnected. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public method TestDeviceFilter (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method TrackViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method TryToRedirectMobileAccess Redirects a request from a mobile device to the mobile version of the page, if there is one, or to an error page informing the user that there is no mobile version of the page. (Inherited from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.)
Public method UnregisterRequiresControlState (Inherited from Page.)
Public method Validate() (Inherited from Page.)
Public method Validate(String) (Inherited from Page.)
Public method VerifyRenderingInServerForm (Inherited from Page.)
Protected method WriteUTF8ResourceString (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method XPath(String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method XPath(String, IXmlNamespaceResolver) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method XPath(String, String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method XPath(String, String, IXmlNamespaceResolver) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method XPathSelect(String) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Protected method XPathSelect(String, IXmlNamespaceResolver) (Inherited from TemplateControl.)



  Name Description
Public event AbortTransaction (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public event CommitTransaction (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public event DataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Disposed (Inherited from Control.)
Public event Error (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Public event Init (Inherited from Control.)
Public event InitComplete (Inherited from Page.)
Public event Load (Inherited from Control.)
Public event LoadComplete (Inherited from Page.)
Public event PreInit (Inherited from Page.)
Public event PreLoad (Inherited from Page.)
Public event PreRender (Inherited from Control.)
Public event PreRenderComplete (Inherited from Page.)
Public event SaveStateComplete (Inherited from Page.)
Public event Unload (Inherited from Control.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member DefaultLayoutsRights Specifies the default rights that are needed to access to application pages (which are pages in the _layouts folder.


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IParserAccessor.AddParsedSubObject (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IFilterResolutionService.CompareFilters (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IControlBuilderAccessor.ControlBuilder (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IDataBindingsAccessor.DataBindings (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IFilterResolutionService.EvaluateFilter (Inherited from TemplateControl.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IExpressionsAccessor.Expressions (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IDataBindingsAccessor.HasDataBindings (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IExpressionsAccessor.HasExpressions (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.SetOwnerControl (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IControlDesignerAccessor.UserData (Inherited from Control.)


See Also


LayoutsPageBase Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls Namespace