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Specifying Antivirus Scanning Exclusions


Topic Last Modified: 2011-11-29

To ensure that the antivirus scanner does not interfere with the operation of Microsoft Lync Server 2010, you must exclude specific processes and directories for each Lync Server 2010 server or server role on which you run an antivirus scanner. The following processes and directories should be excluded:


Folder and file locations listed below are the default locations for Lync Server 2010. For any locations for which you did not use the default, exclude the locations you specified for your organization instead of the default locations specified in this topic.

  • Lync Server 2010 processes:

    • ASMCUSvc.exe

    • AVMCUSvc.exe

    • DataMCUSvc.exe

    • DataProxy.exe

    • FileTransferAgent.exe

    • IMMCUSvc.exe

    • MasterReplicatorAgent.exe

    • MediaRelaySvc.exe

    • MediationServerSvc.exe

    • MeetingMCUSvc.exe

    • MRASSvc.exe

    • OcsAppServerHost.exe

    • QmsSvc.exe

    • ReplicaReplicatorAgent.exe

    • RTCArch.exe

    • RtcCdr.exe

    • RTCSrv.exe

  • IIS processes:

    • %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe

    • %systemroot%\SysWOW64\inetsrv\w3wp.exe

  • SQL Server processes:

    • %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn\SQLServr.exe

    • %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\Bin\ReportingServicesService.exe

    • %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Bin\MSMDSrv.exe

  • Directories and files:

    • %systemroot%\System32\LogFiles

    • %systemroot%\SysWow64\LogFiles

    • %systemroot%\Windows\Assembly\GAC_MSIL

    • %programfiles%\Microsoft Lync Server 2010

    • %programfiles%\commonfiles\Microsoft Lync Server 2010

    • %SystemDrive%\RtcReplicaRoot

    • File share store (specified in Topology Builder). File stores are specified in Topology Builder.

    • SQL Server data and log files, including those for the back-end database, user store, archiving store, monitoring store, and application store. Database and log files can be specified in Topology Builder. For details about the data and log files for each database, including default names, see SQL Server Data and Log File Placement in the Deployment documentation.