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Custom extensions were detected on the report server (Upgrade Advisor)

Upgrade Advisor detected custom extension settings in the configuration files, indicating that your installation includes one or more custom extensions for data processing, delivery, rendering, security, or authentication. Upgrade will move the extension configuration settings with the upgraded report server. However, if the custom extensions are installed in the existing report server installation folder, the assembly files for those custom extensions will not be moved to the new installation folder during the upgrade process. After upgrade completes, you must move the assembly files to the new Reporting Services installation folder.

Applies to: Reporting Services Native mode | Reporting Services SharePoint mode.


Reporting Services


SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services provides an extensible architecture that allows developers to create custom extensions for data processing, delivery, rendering, security, and authentication.

If custom extensions or assemblies are used in your Reporting Services installation, you can use Setup to perform an upgrade, but you may need to move extensions to the new installation location after upgrade completes, or you may need to perform steps prior to upgrade.


Upgrade Advisor does not detect whether custom code assemblies are configured for use in reports to calculate item values, styles, and formatting. For more information, see Other Reporting Services Upgrade Issues.

If you purchased custom extensions from a software vendor, check with the vendor for additional information about upgrading your custom functionality.

Corrective Action

Use the following sections to determine steps to perform in addition to or prior to performing an upgrade of Reporting Services:

Custom data processing or delivery extensions

Custom rendering extensions

Custom security or authentication extensions on a SQL Server 2000 report server

Custom security or authentication extensions on a SQL Server 2005 report server

After upgrade completes, move the extension assemblies to the new installation folder and then verify that the custom extensions work as expected. If your extension does not work, you might have to recompile it.

To recompile an extension

  1. Copy the Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll file to the folder that contains your source code.

  2. Open the project that contains your source files and add a reference to the Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll file.

  3. Rebuild the solution to bind the extension.

If you decide not to continue with upgrade, you might decide to migrate Reporting Services instead. For steps on migrating custom extensions, see Migrating custom extensions in this topic.

Custom data processing or delivery extensions

If Upgrade Advisor detects custom data processing or delivery extensions, the upgrade process is not blocked. However, after upgrade completes, you might need to perform additional steps before the custom functionality provided by these extensions will work. For example, you must perform additional steps when the custom extension files are installed in the Reporting Services installation folder.

Post-upgrade steps for custom data processing or delivery extensions
  1. Move the extension file or files to the new program folder for the report server. By default, the report server program folder is in \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.<instance_name>\report server.

For more information, see "Deploying a Data Processing Extension" and "Implementing a Delivery Extension" in SQL Server Books Online.

Custom rendering extensions

If Upgrade Advisor detects custom rendering extensions, the upgrade process is blocked. You can continue with the upgrade process by removing the custom extension configuration entries from the configuration file. However, this will cause the custom extensions to be unavailable to users after upgrade completes. If you need custom rendering extensions after upgrade, you must build updated rendering extensions or obtain updated rendering extensions from a custom extension vendor.

You must perform steps to enable an upgrade or you may chose to migrate Reporting Services instead.


Do not upgrade or migrate your report server until you have tested and verified that the updated rendering extension works as expected.

To upgrade custom rendering extensions
  1. Obtain rendering extensions with the latest interfaces.

  2. Remove the old custom rendering extension entry or entries from RSReportServer.config.

  3. Upgrade the report server.

  4. After upgrade completes, install the updated extensions on the report server.

For more information, see "Implementing a Rendering Extension" in SQL Server Books Online.

Custom security or authentication extensions on a SQL Server 2000 report server

If Upgrade Advisor detects custom security or authentication extensions on a SQL Server 2000 report server, the upgrade process is blocked. You must perform steps to enable an upgrade or you may chose to migrate Reporting Services instead. In either case, you must update and recompile the extensions with the latest interfaces in Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll, because the interfaces have changed between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2008.


Do not upgrade or migrate your report server until you have tested and verified that the updated security or authentication extension works as expected.

If you are using a custom authentication extension that you created for SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services, you must modify the source code to support new classes and members introduced for model-driven reporting.

To upgrade custom security or authentication extensions from a SQL Server 2000 report server
  1. Update and recompile any security or authentication extensions with the latest interfaces.

  2. Remove the security or authentication extension entry or entries from RSReportServer.config.

  3. Upgrade the report server.

  4. After upgrade completes, install the updated extensions on the report server.

For more information, see "Implementing a Security Extension" in SQL Server Books Online.

Custom security or authentication extensions on a SQL Server 2005 report server

If Upgrade Advisor detects custom security or authentication extensions on a SQL Server 2005 report server, the upgrade process is blocked. You must perform steps to enable an upgrade or you may chose to migrate Reporting Services instead.

To upgrade custom security or authentication extensions from a SQL Server 2005 report server
  1. Remove the security or authentication extension configuration entries from RSReportServer.config.

  2. Upgrade the report server.

  3. After upgrade completes, add the configuration entries back in RSReportServer.config.

  4. If the extension assemblies were installed in the old Reporting Services installation folder, move then to the new installation folder.

For more information, see "Implementing a Security Extension" in SQL Server Books Online.

Migrating custom extensions

If you decide to migrate Reporting Services instead performing an upgrade, use the steps to migrate custom extensions to the new Reporting Services instance.

To migrate custom extensions to a new Reporting Services instance
  1. Build or obtain updated extensions with the latest Reporting Services interfaces.

  2. Migrate the report server to a new instance.

  3. Configure the extensions on the new instance.

See Also

Reporting Services Upgrade Issues (Upgrade Advisor)