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JobFilter.DateFindOperand Property

Gets or sets the operator used to evaluate date constraints in the job filter.

Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent
Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll)


Public Property DateFindOperand As FindOperand
public FindOperand DateFindOperand { get; set; }
property FindOperand DateFindOperand {
    FindOperand get ();
    void set (FindOperand value);
/** @property */
public FindOperand get_DateFindOperand ()

/** @property */
public void set_DateFindOperand (FindOperand value)
public function get DateFindOperand () : FindOperand

public function set DateFindOperand (value : FindOperand)

Property Value

A FindOperand object value that specifies the way that dates are evaluated in the job filter.


A job filter can be applied to the JobServer object's EnumJobs method to restrict the returned enumerated list. When the constraint is a date property such as DateJobCreated the FindOperand is used to specify whether the enumerated list is restricted to jobs created on an earlier, later, or equal date.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Development Platforms

For a list of the supported platforms, see Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server.

Target Platforms

For a list of the supported platforms, see Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server.