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STIsValid (geography Data Type)

Returns true if a geography instance is well-formed and recognized as a valid geography object based on its Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) type. Returns false if a geography instance is not well-formed. This method is precise.

This geography data type method supports FullGlobe instances or spatial instances that are larger than a hemisphere.


.STIsValid ( )

Return Types

SQL Server return type: bit

CLR return type: SqlBoolean


The OGC type of a geography instance can be determined by invoking STGeometryType().

SQL Server produces only valid geography instances, but allows for the storage and retrieval of invalid instances. A valid instance representing the same point set of an invalid instance can be retrieved using the MakeValid() method.


The following example creates a geography instance and uses STIsValid() to test if the instance is valid.

DECLARE @g geography = geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 2 2, 1 0)', 4326);
SELECT @g.STIsValid();
DECLARE @g geography

Zobacz także


STGeometryType (geography Data Type)

MakeValid (geography Data Type)

Inne zasoby

OGC Methods on Geography Instances