Server Provisioning Template (Non-SQL Server)
This template enables you to create the stored procedures that enumerate, insert, and update data and metadata in the server database. To create procedures, find and replace the strings below with the appropriate values for your database:
Change [basetable] to the name of the base table, e.g. orders
Change [trackingtable] to the name of the tracking table, e.g. orders_tracking
Change [bt.allcols] to a list of the columns in the base table (bt), e.g. bt.order_id, bt.order_date
Change [] to join the PK columns in the base table (bt) with those in the tracking table (tt), e.g. bt.order_id = tt.order_id
Change [bt.nonPkCols] to a list of columns in the base table that are not PK columns, e.g. bt.order_date
Change [@allcols_with_datatype] to a list of columns in the base table, as sql variables along with their datatypes, e.g. @order\_id int, @order\_date datetime
Change [pkcol= @pkcol\] to match PK columns with their corresponding sql variables, e.g. order_id = @order\_id
Change [allcols] to a list of columns in the base table, e.g. order_id, order_date
Change [@allcols] to a list of columns in the base table as sql variables, e.g. @order\_id, @order\_date
Change [@pkcols_with_Datatype] to a list of PK columns in the base table as sql variables along with their datatypes, e.g. @order\_id int
Change [set_allcols_except_PK] to assign values to all non-PK columns from their corresponding sql variables, e.g. order_date = @order\_date
Change [] to match PK columns in the tracking table with their corresponding sql variables, e.g. tt.order_id = @order\_id
Change [pkcols] to a list of PK columns in the base table, e.g. order_id
Change [database] to the name of the database that contains the base table e.g. peer1
Change [ScopeTableMap] to the name of the table that stores the scope-to-table mappings, e.g. scope_table_map
-- ========================================================================================================================================================================
-- Template for Creating Stored Procedures for DbSyncAdapter Commands
-- ========================================================================================================================================================================
use [database]
if object_id(N'dbo.sp_[basetable]_selectchanges', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_selectchanges
if object_id(N'dbo.sp_[basetable]_applyinsert', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_applyinsert
if object_id(N'dbo.sp_[basetable]_insertmetadata', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_insertmetadata
if object_id(N'dbo.sp_[basetable]_applyupdate', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_applyupdate
if object_id(N'dbo.sp_[basetable]_updatemetadata', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_updatemetadata
if object_id(N'dbo.sp_[basetable]_applydelete', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_applydelete
if object_id(N'dbo.sp_[basetable]_deletemetadata', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_deletemetadata
if object_id(N'dbo.sp_[basetable]_selectrow', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_selectrow
if object_id(N'dbo.sp_[basetable]_selecttombstones', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_selecttombstones
if object_id (N'dbo.sp_select_shared_scopes', 'P') is not null
drop procedure dbo.sp_select_shared_scopes
-- ***********************************************
-- Select Incremental Changes Proc for [basetable]
-- ***********************************************
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_selectchanges (
@sync_min_timestamp bigint,
@sync_metadata_only int,
@sync_scope_local_id int
select tt.pkcols,
tt.local_update_peer_timestamp as sync_row_timestamp,
case when (tt.update_scope_local_id is null or tt.update_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then case when (tt.restore_timestamp is null) then tt.local_update_peer_timestamp else tt.restore_timestamp end else tt.scope_update_peer_timestamp end as sync_update_peer_timestamp,
case when (tt.update_scope_local_id is null or tt.update_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then tt.local_update_peer_key else tt.scope_update_peer_key end as sync_update_peer_key,
case when (tt.create_scope_local_id is null or tt.create_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then tt.local_create_peer_timestamp else tt.scope_create_peer_timestamp end as sync_create_peer_timestamp,
case when (tt.create_scope_local_id is null or tt.create_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then tt.local_create_peer_key else tt.scope_create_peer_key end as sync_create_peer_key
from [basetable] bt right join [trackingtable] tt on [ =]
where tt.local_update_peer_timestamp > @sync_min_timestamp
-- ***********************************************
-- Insert Procs for [basetable]
-- ***********************************************
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_applyinsert (
@order_id int,
@order_date datetime,
@sync_row_count int out)
if not exists (select * from [trackingtable] tt where [pkcol = @pkcol])
insert into [basetable] ([allcols])
values ([@allcols])
set @sync_row_count = @@rowcount
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_insertmetadata (
@sync_scope_local_id int,
@sync_row_is_tombstone int,
@sync_create_peer_key int ,
@sync_create_peer_timestamp bigint,
@sync_update_peer_key int ,
@sync_update_peer_timestamp timestamp,
@sync_check_concurrency int,
@sync_row_timestamp timestamp,
@sync_row_count int out)
update [trackingtable] set
[create_scope_local_id] = @sync_scope_local_id,
[scope_create_peer_key] = @sync_create_peer_key,
[scope_create_peer_timestamp] = @sync_create_peer_timestamp,
[local_create_peer_key] = 0,
[local_create_peer_timestamp] = @@DBTS+1,
[update_scope_local_id] = @sync_scope_local_id,
[scope_update_peer_key] = @sync_update_peer_key,
[scope_update_peer_timestamp] = @sync_update_peer_timestamp,
[local_update_peer_key] = 0,
[restore_timestamp] = NULL,
[sync_row_is_tombstone] = @sync_row_is_tombstone
where [pkcol = @pkcol]
and (@sync_check_concurrency = 0 or local_update_peer_timestamp = @sync_row_timestamp)
set @sync_row_count = @@ROWCOUNT
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_insertmetadata (
@sync_scope_local_id int,
@sync_row_is_tombstone int,
@sync_create_peer_key int ,
@sync_create_peer_timestamp bigint,
@sync_update_peer_key int ,
@sync_update_peer_timestamp timestamp,
@sync_check_concurrency int,
@sync_row_timestamp timestamp,
@sync_row_count int out)
update [trackingtable] set
[create_scope_local_id] = @sync_scope_local_id,
[scope_create_peer_key] = @sync_create_peer_key,
[scope_create_peer_timestamp] = @sync_create_peer_timestamp,
[local_create_peer_key] = 0,
[local_create_peer_timestamp] = @@DBTS+1,
[update_scope_local_id] = @sync_scope_local_id,
[scope_update_peer_key] = @sync_update_peer_key,
[scope_update_peer_timestamp] = @sync_update_peer_timestamp,
[local_update_peer_key] = 0,
[restore_timestamp] = NULL,
[sync_row_is_tombstone] = @sync_row_is_tombstone
where [pkcol = @pkcol]
and (@sync_check_concurrency = 0 or local_update_peer_timestamp = @sync_row_timestamp)
set @sync_row_count = @@ROWCOUNT
if (@sync_row_count = 0 )
-- inserting metadata for row if it does not already exist
-- this can happen if a node sees a delete for a row it never had, we insert only metadata
-- for the row in that case
insert into [trackingtable] (
[sync_row_is_tombstone] )values (
set @sync_row_count = @@ROWCOUNT
-- ***********************************************
-- Update Procs for [basetable]
-- ***********************************************
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_applyupdate (
@sync_force_write int,
@sync_min_timestamp bigint ,
@sync_row_count int out)
update [basetable]
set [set_allcols_except_PK] from [basetable] bt join [trackingtable] tt on [ =]
where (tt.local_update_peer_timestamp <= @sync_min_timestamp or @sync_force_write = 1)
and [ = @pk]
set @sync_row_count = @@rowcount
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_updatemetadata (
@sync_scope_local_id int,
@sync_row_is_tombstone int,
@sync_create_peer_key int ,
@sync_create_peer_timestamp bigint,
@sync_update_peer_key int ,
@sync_update_peer_timestamp timestamp,
@sync_row_timestamp timestamp,
@sync_check_concurrency int,
@sync_row_count int out)
declare @was_tombstone int
select @was_tombstone = sync_row_is_tombstone from [trackingtable]
where [order_id] = @order_id
if (@was_tombstone is not null and @was_tombstone=1 and @sync_row_is_tombstone=0)
update [trackingtable] set
[update_scope_local_id] = @sync_scope_local_id,
[scope_update_peer_key] = @sync_update_peer_key,
[scope_update_peer_timestamp] = @sync_update_peer_timestamp,
[local_update_peer_key] = 0,
[restore_timestamp] = NULL,
[create_scope_local_id] = @sync_scope_local_id,
[scope_create_peer_key] = @sync_create_peer_key,
[scope_create_peer_timestamp] = @sync_create_peer_timestamp,
[sync_row_is_tombstone] = @sync_row_is_tombstone
where [pkcol = @pkcol]
and (@sync_check_concurrency = 0 or local_update_peer_timestamp = @sync_row_timestamp)
update [trackingtable] set
[update_scope_local_id] = @sync_scope_local_id,
[scope_update_peer_key] = @sync_update_peer_key,
[scope_update_peer_timestamp] = @sync_update_peer_timestamp,
[local_update_peer_key] = 0,
[restore_timestamp] = NULL,
[sync_row_is_tombstone] = @sync_row_is_tombstone
where [pkcol = @pkcol]
and (@sync_check_concurrency = 0 or local_update_peer_timestamp = @sync_row_timestamp)
set @sync_row_count = @@rowcount
-- ***********************************************
-- Delete Procs for [basetable]
-- ***********************************************
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_applydelete(
@sync_min_timestamp bigint ,
@sync_force_write int,
@sync_row_count int out)
delete [basetable] from [basetable] bt join [trackingtable] tt on [ =]
where (tt.local_update_peer_timestamp <= @sync_min_timestamp or @sync_force_write = 1)
and [ = @pk]
set @sync_row_count = @@rowcount
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_deletemetadata(
@sync_row_timestamp timestamp,
@sync_check_concurrency int,
@sync_row_count int out)
-- delete metadata only
delete tt
from [trackingtable] tt
where [ = @pk] and (@sync_check_concurrency = 0 or local_update_peer_timestamp = @sync_row_timestamp)
set @sync_row_count = @@rowcount
-- ***********************************************
-- Get conflicting row proc
-- ***********************************************
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_selectrow
@sync_scope_local_id int
select [],
tt.local_update_peer_timestamp as sync_row_timestamp,
case when (tt.update_scope_local_id is null or tt.update_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then case when (tt.restore_timestamp is null) then tt.local_update_peer_timestamp else tt.restore_timestamp end else tt.scope_update_peer_timestamp end as sync_update_peer_timestamp,
case when (tt.update_scope_local_id is null or tt.update_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then tt.local_update_peer_key else tt.scope_update_peer_key end as sync_update_peer_key,
case when (tt.create_scope_local_id is null or tt.create_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then tt.local_create_peer_timestamp else tt.scope_create_peer_timestamp end as sync_create_peer_timestamp,
case when (tt.create_scope_local_id is null or tt.create_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then tt.local_create_peer_key else tt.scope_create_peer_key end as sync_create_peer_key
from [basetable] bt right join [trackingtable] tt on [ =]
where [ = @pk]
-- ***********************************************
-- Get tombstones for cleanup proc
-- ***********************************************
create procedure dbo.sp_[basetable]_selecttombstones
@tombstone_aging_in_hours int,
@sync_scope_local_id int
select [pkcols],
local_update_peer_timestamp as sync_row_timestamp,
case when (update_scope_local_id is null or update_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then case when (restore_timestamp is null) then local_update_peer_timestamp else restore_timestamp end else scope_update_peer_timestamp end as sync_update_peer_timestamp,
case when (update_scope_local_id is null or update_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then local_update_peer_key else scope_update_peer_key end as sync_update_peer_key,
case when (create_scope_local_id is null or create_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then local_create_peer_timestamp else scope_create_peer_timestamp end as sync_create_peer_timestamp,
case when (create_scope_local_id is null or create_scope_local_id <> @sync_scope_local_id)
then local_create_peer_key else scope_create_peer_key end as sync_create_peer_key
from [trackingtable]
where sync_row_is_tombstone=1
and DATEDIFF(hh, last_change_datetime, GetDate()) > @tombstone_aging_in_hours go
create procedure dbo.sp_select_shared_scopes
@sync_scope_name nvarchar(100)
select scopeTableMap2.table_name as sync_table_name,
scopeTableMap2.scope_name as sync_shared_scope_name
from [ScopeTableMap] scopeTableMap1 join [ScopeTableMap] scopeTableMap2
on scopeTableMap1.table_name = scopeTableMap2.table_name
and scopeTableMap1.scope_name = @sync_scope_name
where scopeTableMap2.scope_name <> @sync_scope_name
See Also
How to: Provision a Server Database for Collaborative Synchronization (Non-SQL Server)