SmsCustomDialog Members
Represents a custom dialog box base that is launched directly from the Configuration Manager 2007 snap-in in Microsoft Management Console.
The following tables list the members exposed by the SmsCustomDialog type.
Public Constructors
Name | Description | |
SmsCustomDialog | Initializes a new instance of SmsCustomDialog. |
Protected Fields
Name | Description | |
ScrollStateAutoScrolling | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
ScrollStateFullDrag | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
ScrollStateHScrollVisible | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
ScrollStateUserHasScrolled | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
ScrollStateVScrollVisible | (inherited from ScrollableControl) |
Public Properties
(see also Protected Properties)
Name | Description | |
AcceptButton | (inherited from Form) | |
AccessibilityObject | (inherited from Control) | |
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription | (inherited from Control) | |
AccessibleDescription | (inherited from Control) | |
AccessibleName | (inherited from Control) | |
AccessibleRole | (inherited from Control) | |
ActiveControl | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
ActiveForm | (inherited from Form) | |
ActiveMdiChild | (inherited from Form) | |
AllowDrop | (inherited from Control) | |
AllowTransparency | (inherited from Form) | |
Anchor | (inherited from Control) | |
AutoScale | Obsolete. (inherited from Form) | |
AutoScaleBaseSize | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoScaleDimensions | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
AutoScaleMode | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
AutoScroll | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoScrollMargin | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
AutoScrollMinSize | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
AutoScrollOffset | (inherited from Control) | |
AutoScrollPosition | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
AutoSize | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoSizeMode | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoValidate | (inherited from Form) | |
BackColor | (inherited from Form) | |
BackgroundImage | (inherited from Control) | |
BackgroundImageLayout | (inherited from Control) | |
BindingContext | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
Bottom | (inherited from Control) | |
Bounds | (inherited from Control) | |
CancelButton | (inherited from Form) | |
CanFocus | (inherited from Control) | |
CanSelect | (inherited from Control) | |
Capture | (inherited from Control) | |
CausesValidation | (inherited from Control) | |
CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls | (inherited from Control) | |
ClientRectangle | (inherited from Control) | |
ClientSize | (inherited from Form) | |
CompanyName | (inherited from Control) | |
Container | (inherited from Component) | |
ContainsFocus | (inherited from Control) | |
ContextMenu | (inherited from Control) | |
ContextMenuStrip | (inherited from Control) | |
ControlBox | (inherited from Form) | |
Controls | (inherited from Control) | |
Created | (inherited from Control) | |
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
Cursor | (inherited from Control) | |
DataBindings | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultBackColor | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultFont | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultForeColor | (inherited from Control) | |
DesktopBounds | (inherited from Form) | |
DesktopLocation | (inherited from Form) | |
DialogResult | (inherited from Form) | |
DisplayRectangle | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Disposing | (inherited from Control) | |
Dock | (inherited from Control) | |
DockPadding | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Enabled | (inherited from Control) | |
Focused | (inherited from Control) | |
Font | (inherited from Control) | |
ForeColor | (inherited from Control) | |
FormBorderStyle | (inherited from Form) | |
Handle | (inherited from Control) | |
HasChildren | (inherited from Control) | |
Height | (inherited from Control) | |
HelpButton | (inherited from Form) | |
HorizontalScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Icon | (inherited from Form) | |
ImeMode | (inherited from Control) | |
InvokeRequired | (inherited from Control) | |
IsAccessible | (inherited from Control) | |
IsDisposed | (inherited from Control) | |
IsHandleCreated | (inherited from Control) | |
IsMdiChild | (inherited from Form) | |
IsMdiContainer | (inherited from Form) | |
IsMirrored | (inherited from Control) | |
IsRestrictedWindow | (inherited from Form) | |
KeyPreview | (inherited from Form) | |
LayoutEngine | (inherited from Control) | |
Left | (inherited from Control) | |
Location | (inherited from Form) | |
MainMenuStrip | (inherited from Form) | |
Margin | (inherited from Form) | |
MaximizeBox | (inherited from Form) | |
MaximumSize | (inherited from Form) | |
MdiChildren | (inherited from Form) | |
MdiParent | (inherited from Form) | |
Menu | (inherited from Form) | |
MergedMenu | (inherited from Form) | |
MinimizeBox | (inherited from Form) | |
MinimumSize | (inherited from Form) | |
Modal | (inherited from Form) | |
ModifierKeys | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseButtons | (inherited from Control) | |
MousePosition | (inherited from Control) | |
Name | (inherited from Control) | |
Opacity | (inherited from Form) | |
OwnedForms | (inherited from Form) | |
Owner | (inherited from Form) | |
Padding | (inherited from Control) | |
Parent | (inherited from Control) | |
ParentForm | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
PreferredSize | (inherited from Control) | |
ProductName | (inherited from Control) | |
ProductVersion | (inherited from Control) | |
RecreatingHandle | (inherited from Control) | |
Region | (inherited from Control) | |
RestoreBounds | (inherited from Form) | |
Right | (inherited from Control) | |
RightToLeft | (inherited from Control) | |
RightToLeftLayout | (inherited from Form) | |
ShowForm | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box can be shown after initialization. (inherited from SmsDialogBase) | |
ShowIcon | (inherited from Form) | |
ShowInTaskbar | (inherited from Form) | |
Site | (inherited from Control) | |
Size | (inherited from Form) | |
SizeGripStyle | (inherited from Form) | |
SnapIn | Gets or sets the snap-in for the dialog box. (inherited from SmsDialogBase) | |
StartPosition | (inherited from Form) | |
TabIndex | (inherited from Form) | |
TabStop | (inherited from Form) | |
Tag | (inherited from Control) | |
Text | (inherited from Form) | |
Top | (inherited from Control) | |
TopLevel | (inherited from Form) | |
TopLevelControl | (inherited from Control) | |
TopMost | (inherited from Form) | |
TransparencyKey | (inherited from Form) | |
UseWaitCursor | (inherited from Control) | |
VerticalScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Visible | (inherited from Control) | |
Width | (inherited from Control) | |
WindowState | (inherited from Form) | |
WindowTarget | (inherited from Control) |
Protected Properties
Name | Description | |
AdditionalObjects | Gets additional objects that are used by individual pages of the custom dialog box. | |
AutoScaleFactor | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
CanRaiseEvents | (inherited from Control) | |
CreateParams | (inherited from Form) | |
DefaultCursor | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultImeMode | (inherited from Form) | |
DefaultMargin | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultMaximumSize | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultMinimumSize | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultPadding | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultSize | (inherited from Form) | |
DesignMode | (inherited from Component) | |
DoubleBuffered | (inherited from Control) | |
Events | (inherited from Component) | |
FontHeight | (inherited from Control) | |
HScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
MaximizedBounds | (inherited from Form) | |
PageData | Gets or sets page information for the custom dialog box. | |
RenderRightToLeft | Obsolete. (inherited from Control) | |
ResizeRedraw | (inherited from Control) | |
ScaleChildren | (inherited from Control) | |
ShowFocusCues | (inherited from Control) | |
ShowKeyboardCues | (inherited from Control) | |
ShowWithoutActivation | (inherited from Form) | |
VScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) |
Public Methods
(see also Protected Methods)
Name | Description | |
Activate | (inherited from Form) | |
AddOwnedForm | (inherited from Form) | |
BeginInvoke | Overloaded. (inherited from Control) | |
BringToFront | (inherited from Control) | |
Close | (inherited from Form) | |
Contains | (inherited from Control) | |
CreateControl | (inherited from Control) | |
CreateGraphics | (inherited from Control) | |
CreateObjRef | (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) | |
Dispose | Overloaded. | |
DoDragDrop | (inherited from Control) | |
DrawToBitmap | (inherited from Control) | |
EndInvoke | (inherited from Control) | |
Equals | Overloaded. (inherited from Object) | |
FindForm | (inherited from Control) | |
Focus | (inherited from Control) | |
FromChildHandle | (inherited from Control) | |
FromHandle | (inherited from Control) | |
GetAutoScaleSize | Obsolete. (inherited from Form) | |
GetChildAtPoint | Overloaded. (inherited from Control) | |
GetContainerControl | (inherited from Control) | |
GetHashCode | (inherited from Object) | |
GetLifetimeService | (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) | |
GetNextControl | (inherited from Control) | |
GetPreferredSize | (inherited from Control) | |
GetType | (inherited from Object) | |
Hide | (inherited from Control) | |
Initialize | Initializes the custom dialog box when called by the dialog box framework before the framework is launched. | |
InitializeLifetimeService | (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) | |
Invalidate | Overloaded. (inherited from Control) | |
Invoke | Overloaded. (inherited from Control) | |
InvokeUpdateDelegate | Invokes the delegate for the Refresh verb in the main Configuration Manager console snap-in thread. | |
IsKeyLocked | (inherited from Control) | |
IsMnemonic | (inherited from Control) | |
LayoutMdi | (inherited from Form) | |
PerformAutoScale | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
PerformLayout | Overloaded. (inherited from Control) | |
PointToClient | (inherited from Control) | |
PointToScreen | (inherited from Control) | |
PreProcessControlMessage | (inherited from Control) | |
PreProcessMessage | (inherited from Control) | |
RectangleToClient | (inherited from Control) | |
RectangleToScreen | (inherited from Control) | |
ReferenceEquals | (inherited from Object) | |
Refresh | (inherited from Control) | |
RemoveOwnedForm | (inherited from Form) | |
ResetBackColor | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetBindings | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetCursor | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetFont | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetForeColor | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetImeMode | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetRightToLeft | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetText | (inherited from Control) | |
ResumeLayout | Overloaded. (inherited from Control) | |
Scale | Overloaded. (inherited from Control) | |
ScrollControlIntoView | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Select | Overloaded. (inherited from Form) | |
SelectNextControl | (inherited from Control) | |
SendToBack | (inherited from Control) | |
SetAutoScrollMargin | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
SetBounds | Overloaded. (inherited from Control) | |
SetDesktopBounds | (inherited from Form) | |
SetDesktopLocation | (inherited from Form) | |
Show | Overloaded. (inherited from Form) | |
ShowDialog | Overloaded. (inherited from SmsDialogBase) | |
SuspendLayout | (inherited from Control) | |
ToString | (inherited from Form) | |
Update | (inherited from Control) | |
Validate | Overloaded. (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
ValidateChildren | Overloaded. (inherited from Form) |
Protected Methods
Public Events
Name | Description | |
Activated | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoSizeChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoValidateChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
BackColorChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
BackgroundImageChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
BindingContextChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
CausesValidationChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
ChangeUICues | (inherited from Control) | |
Click | (inherited from Control) | |
ClientSizeChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Closed | (inherited from Form) | |
Closing | (inherited from Form) | |
ContextMenuChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
ContextMenuStripChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
ControlAdded | (inherited from Control) | |
ControlRemoved | (inherited from Control) | |
CursorChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Deactivate | (inherited from Form) | |
Disposed | (inherited from Component) | |
DockChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
DoubleClick | (inherited from Control) | |
DragDrop | (inherited from Control) | |
DragEnter | (inherited from Control) | |
DragLeave | (inherited from Control) | |
DragOver | (inherited from Control) | |
EnabledChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Enter | (inherited from Control) | |
FontChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
ForeColorChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
FormClosed | (inherited from Form) | |
FormClosing | (inherited from Form) | |
GiveFeedback | (inherited from Control) | |
GotFocus | (inherited from Control) | |
HandleCreated | (inherited from Control) | |
HandleDestroyed | (inherited from Control) | |
HelpButtonClicked | (inherited from Form) | |
HelpRequested | (inherited from Control) | |
ImeModeChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
InputLanguageChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
InputLanguageChanging | (inherited from Form) | |
Invalidated | (inherited from Control) | |
KeyDown | (inherited from Control) | |
KeyPress | (inherited from Control) | |
KeyUp | (inherited from Control) | |
Layout | (inherited from Control) | |
Leave | (inherited from Control) | |
Load | (inherited from Form) | |
LocationChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
LostFocus | (inherited from Control) | |
MarginChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
MaximizedBoundsChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
MaximumSizeChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
MdiChildActivate | (inherited from Form) | |
MenuComplete | (inherited from Form) | |
MenuStart | (inherited from Form) | |
MinimumSizeChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
MouseCaptureChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseClick | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseDoubleClick | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseDown | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseEnter | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseHover | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseLeave | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseMove | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseUp | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseWheel | (inherited from Control) | |
Move | (inherited from Control) | |
PaddingChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Paint | (inherited from Control) | |
ParentChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
PreviewKeyDown | (inherited from Control) | |
QueryAccessibilityHelp | (inherited from Control) | |
QueryContinueDrag | (inherited from Control) | |
RegionChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Resize | (inherited from Control) | |
ResizeBegin | (inherited from Form) | |
ResizeEnd | (inherited from Form) | |
RightToLeftChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
RightToLeftLayoutChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
Scroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Shown | (inherited from Form) | |
SizeChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
StyleChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
SystemColorsChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
TabIndexChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
TabStopChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
TextChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Validated | (inherited from Control) | |
Validating | (inherited from Control) | |
VisibleChanged | (inherited from Control) |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Name | Description | |
System.Windows.Forms.IContainerControl.ActivateControl | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragDrop | (inherited from Control) | |
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragEnter | (inherited from Control) | |
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragLeave | (inherited from Control) | |
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragOver | (inherited from Control) |
See Also
SmsCustomDialog Class
Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole Namespace
Other Resources
Configuration Manager Console Forms
How to Create a Configuration Manager Dialog Box