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Creates the Outlook bar control.

virtual BOOL Create(
   LPCTSTR lpszCaption,
   CWnd* pParentWnd,
   const RECT& rect,
   UINT nID,
   DWORD dwStyle,
   DWORD dwControlBarStyle=AFX_CBRS_RESIZE,
   CCreateContext* pContext=NULL 


  • [in] lpszCaption
    Specifies the window caption.

  • [in] pParentWnd
    Specifies a pointer to a parent window. It must not be NULL.

  • [in] rect
    Specifies the outlook bar size and position in pixels.

  • [in] nID
    Specifies the control ID. Must be distinct from other control IDs used in the application.

  • [in] dwStyle
    Specifies the desired control bar style. For possible values, see Window Styles.

  • [in] dwControlBarStyle
    Specifies the special library-defined styles.

  • [in] pContext
    Create context.

Return Value

Nonzero if the method is successful; otherwise 0.


You construct a CMFCOutlookBar object in two steps. First call the constructor, and then call Create, which creates the outlook bar control and attaches it to the CMFCOutlookBar object.

See CBasePane::CreateEx for the list of the available library-defined styles to be specified by dwControlBarStyle.


The following example demonstrates how to use the Create method of the CMFCOutlookBar class. This code snippet is part of the OutlookMultiViews Sample: An SDI Application with Multiple Views and Outlook Bar control.

  CMFCOutlookBar          m_wndShortcutsBar;


    // int nInitialWidth
    // CString strCaption
    if (!m_wndShortcutsBar.Create (strCaption, this, 
        CRect (0, 0, nInitialWidth, nInitialWidth), 
        TRACE0("Failed to create outlook bar\n");
        return FALSE;      // fail to create


Header: afxoutlookbar.h

See Also


MFC Hierarchy Chart


CMFCOutlookBar Class