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Creates a licensed ActiveX control, initializes it, hosts it in the specified window, and retrieves an interface pointer (or pointers) from the control.

HRESULT CreateControlLicEx( 
   LPCOLESTR lpszName,  
   IStream* pStream = NULL, 
   IUnknown** ppUnkContainer = NULL,  
   IUnknown** ppUnkControl = NULL, 
   REFIID iidSink = IID_NULL,  
   IUnknown* punkSink = NULL,  
   BSTR bstrLicKey = NULL 
HRESULT CreateControlLicEx( 
   DWORD dwResID, 
   IStream* pStream = NULL, 
   IUnknown** ppUnkContainer = NULL, 
   IUnknown** ppUnkControl = NULL, 
   REFIID iidSink = IID_NULL,  
   IUnknown* punkSink = NULL,  
   BSTR bstrLickey = NULL 


  • bstrLicKey
    The license key for the control; NULL if creating a nonlicensed control.


See CAxWindow::CreateControlEx for a description of the remaining parameters and return value.


See Hosting ActiveX Controls Using ATL AXHost for a sample that uses CAxWindow2T::CreateControlLicEx.


Header: atlwin.h

See Also


CAxWindow2T Class

Other Resources

CAxWindow2T Members