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Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Common Namespace

This namespace provides classes that are used by the testing framework or user interface of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate or Visual Studio 2010 Premium, in addition to classes and interfaces that a developer can modify to extend the functionality, such as ITestElement and TestElement.


  Class Description
Public class AspNetDevelopmentServer Represents the settings for an instance of the ASP.NET Development Server. More than one instance may occur during a test.
Public class CollectorDataEntry Infrastructure. Represents a data entry from a diagnostic data adapter.
Public class ComputerInfo Obsolete. Provides information about the computer that sent a TestResultMessage. This class is obsolete.
Public class DataCollectorExceptionMessageInfo Represents information about an exception that is reported by a diagnostic data collector.
Public class DataCollectorMessageInfo Represents an error message or warning message for diagnostic data adapters.
Public class DebugOperationResult Represents the results of a debug operation.
Public class DebugRequestMessage Represents a request from a test adapter or host adapter for a debug test operation.
Public class DebugTargetInfo Provides information about a debug target.
Public class DeploymentItem Represents a file, a directory, or another item to be deployed with a test run.
Public class DeploymentItemCollection A collection of DeploymentItem objects.
Public class EqtBaseCollection<T> Provides a base class for collections in this namespace.
Public class EqtTextWriterTraceListener Opens a shared log file in append mode.
Public class GroupingPropertyAttribute Represents the attribute that marks a property as a grouping property.
Public class HostRunConfigurationData Infrastructure. Encapsulates test run configuration data about both the current active host and storage for configuration settings for all hosts.
Public class KnownExecutionAppKeys Infrastructure. Represents the keys that are used to access properties in the test environment.
Public class Link Represents a link to a test object or to a file on the server in Visual Studio Test Professional.
Public class LocalizedDescriptionAttribute Infrastructure. Represents the attribute that enables the localization of a property description. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class NameValue Represents a named text value.
Public class NonPersistableAttribute Represents a marker attribute for a field that indicates that it must not be persisted.
Public class PersistenceElementNameAttribute Represents an attribute that provides an element name for persisting an element to XML.
Public class ProjectData Represents information about a test project in Visual Studio.
Public class PropertyWindowAttribute Represents an attribute for a property that indicates whether the property will appear in the property window.
Public class PublishInfo Infrastructure. Represents internal information about publishing test results.
Public class RunInfo Represents information about the execution of a test run.
Public class RunOutputTestResultMessage Collects standard output, standard error, and trace data about a test run for diagnostic data adapters to report to the user.
Public class RunResultAndStatistics Represents a test result that is used to keep statistics at the test run level.
Public class RunStateEvent Represents a request to change the state of a test run.
Public class SessionId Represents an identifier for a test session. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class TcmContext Encapsulates test run context information that is related to the test run manager.
Public class TcmInformation Infrastructure. Encapsulates the information about a test that is stored in the test case management server.
Public class TestAggregation Represents an aggregation of test elements and links.
Public class TestAndCategoryPair Represents a match between a test and a test category that is used by the Test List Editor window of Visual Studio Test Professional.
Public class TestCaseManagementDisplayNameAttribute Represents an attribute that can be applied to test element properties that enables the Visual Studio Test Professional user interface to localize property names. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class TestCategoryItem Represents a category for a test.
Public class TestCategoryItemCollection Represents a collection of strings that categorize a test.
Public class TestElement Provides a base class for all tests.
Public class TestExecId Represents a unique ID for a test in a test run. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class TestExecutionTraceInformation Encapsulates the trace information when an error occurs during test execution. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class TestId Represents a unique ID for a test.
Public class TestListCategoryId Identifies a specific list of tests in the Test List Editor window of Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 and provides access to the IDs of the predefined test lists.
Public class TestMessage Represents a base class for messages that are passed between client, controller, and agents.
Public class TestOutcomeHelper Infrastructure. Provides helper methods for test outcomes.
Public class TestResult Represents a base class for test results and represents the results of a test.
Public class TestResultAggregation Represents a test result that has aggregated information from all test results in the associated test run.
Public class TestResultBase Provides an optional base class for a custom test result class.
Public class TestResultCounter Provides functionality to persist the counts of the outcomes of test cases in a test aggregation.
Public class TestResultDetail Represents the detailed information for a test result.
Public class TestResultErrorInfo Represents an error or warning message that was encountered during a test run and included in the test result.
Public class TestResultId Represents a unique identifier for a test result.
Public class TestResultMessage Provides a base class for test results.
Public class TestRun Provides a snapshot of a test job that was taken when it was executed. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class TestRunConfiguration Provides the configuration of the test job that is currently being executed. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class TestRunConfigurationId Represents an identifier for a test run configuration object.
Public class TestRunEventArgs Represents the base class for test run event arguments.
Public class TestRunTextResultMessage Represents text information to report extra information that is provided by the user and added to the test result.
Public class TestStateEvent Represents a notification record for a change in test state.
Public class TestType Identifies a type of test.
Public class TestTypeExtensionClientSide Provides a base class for custom test extensions to work on the client.
Public class TextTestResultMessage Provides a message that is used by tests to report additional information that the user wants to see in the result.
Public class TimerResult Records the result of a timer that a test writer may use to execute a part of a test.
Public class Tip Represents the default implementation of a test item provider that must be implemented for each type of test.
Public class UriDataAttachment Provides an implementation of IDataAttachment for sending any resource that can be accessed by a uniform resource identifier (URI) as an attachment.
Public class UserVisiblePropertyAttribute Represents an attribute that can be applied to a property of a test element to make the property visible in the property window of the Visual Studio Test Professional user interface. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class VisiblePropertyAttribute Represents an attribute that is applied to a property of a test element that marks a property as a grouping property in the property window of the Visual Studio Test Professional user interface. 
Public class WarningEventArgs Represents the event arguments for a warning that occurred during a test execution.
Public class XmlTestReader Provides XML reading functionality in Visual Studio Test Professional.
Public class XmlTestWriter Provides XML writing functionality in Visual Studio Test Professional.


  Interface Description
Public interface IAspNetDevelopmentServerTest Represents an interface that contains a list of AspNetDevelopmentServer objects for this test.
Public interface IDataAttachment Represents an interface that is used to define a data attachment.
Public interface IDataSourceBindingData Infrastructure. Represents the information that is required to create a connection for a test element to a data source.
Public interface IFastVisiblePropertyProvider Represents an interface for a streamlined object to work with properties and property values.
Public interface IFileProvider Represents an interface that is implemented by classes to return a list of file paths.
Public interface IHostedTest A test type that implements the IHostedTest interface or inherits from a class that implements the IHostedTest interface can be hosted by a host adapter. Custom test types are usually derived from the TestElement class, and the TestElement class implements the IHostedTest interface. Consequently, any test type that derives from TestElement can be hosted by a host adapter.
Public interface IHostSpecificRunConfigurationData Infrastructure. Represents a marker interface for the test framework.
Public interface IPersistable Represents an interface that can be implemented by a class to perform actions before and after persistence when it is called by the testing framework of Visual Studio Test Professional.
Public interface IPotentiallyLarge Represents an interface that can be implemented by a potentially large object to enable the testing framework to determine whether to enforce flow control during operations that involve the object.
Public interface ITestAggregation Represents an interface that can be implemented by a test element.
Public interface ITestElement Represents a test object that is used internally in the test framework of Visual Studio, and is the interface that is implement by all test cases.
Public interface ITestElementResultTestPropertyProvider Represents an interface that an object can implement to provide test data in the test results.
Public interface ITestList Interface for creating custom test lists.
Public interface ITestManagementEvents Represents an interface that a class can implement to add the TestRunSubmitting event handler.
Public interface ITestResultExtension Represents an interface that is implemented by Visual Studio Test Professional to enable unit tests to extract extension data that is attached to test results.
Public interface ITestTypeExtension Represents an interface that is implemented by Visual Studio Test Professional to enable a client extension to get a list of tests in the test run before the test run is executed.
Public interface ITestTypeSpecificRunConfigurationData Represents an interface that must be implemented by extension objects that define test types by using test run configuration data that is specific to the test type.
Public interface ITip Interface for a test item provider that must be implemented for each type of test.
Public interface ITmi Infrastructure. Represents the Test Management interface (UI) of Visual Studio Test Professional.
Public interface IVerifiable Represents an interface that can be implemented by test extension classes to verify its required test elements.
Public interface IVisiblePropertyProvider Represents an interface that can be implemented by test objects that have properties that are visible to the user.
Public interface IWarningHandler Represents an interface for test classes that handle and report warning events.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate DebugEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the debug event.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DataCollectorMessageLevel Represents the severity levels at which a DataCollectorExceptionMessageInfo for a diagnostic data adapter can be logged.
Public enumeration DebugEngine Specifies the debug engines that you can use to test code.
Public enumeration PropertyConverterType Enumerates the possible type converters for test object property values.
Public enumeration PropertyEditorType This enumeration provides the valid values for the editor of a property value.
Public enumeration RunState This enumeration represents the valid states for a test run.
Public enumeration TestMessageKind Infrastructure. Provides the valid types for an internal message.
Public enumeration TestOutcome Describes the outcome of a test run.
Public enumeration TestState This enumeration represents the valid states for a test.
Public enumeration WebServerType This enumeration provides valid types of Web server settings.