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How to: Add authentication to your app

This topic describes the basics of user authentication for your RMS-enabled app.

What is user authentication

User authentication is an essential step to establish communication between your device app and the RMS infrastructure. This authentication process uses the standard OAuth 2.0 protocol which requires the following pieces of information about the current user and his/her authentication request; authority, resource and userId.


Scope is not currently used but may be and is therefore reserved for future use.


User authentication callback - The Rights Management SDK 4.2 will use your implementation of an authentication callback when you don’t provide an access token, when your access token needs to be refreshed or when the access token is expired.

Each of the platform's RMS APIs has a callback that must implement in order to enable the user's authentication.

What library to use for authentication

In order to implement your authentication callback you will need to download an appropriate library and configure your development environment to use it. You will find the ADAL libraries on GitHub for these platforms. Each of the following resources contains guidance to setup your environment and use the library.


We recommend that you use one of the above Active Directory Authentication Libraries (ADAL) although you may use other authentication libraries.


Inputs for authentication with Azure Active Director Authentication Library (ADAL)

The ADAL requires several parameters to successfully authenticate a user to Azure RMS (or AD RMS). These are the standard OAuth 2.0 parameters that are generally required of any Azure AD app, as with RMS-enabled apps. You can find the current guidelines for ADAL usage in the README file of the corresponding Github repositories, listed previously.

These parameters and guidelines are required for RMS work-flows:

  • Authority – the URL for the authentication end-point, usually AAD or ADFS. This parameter is provided to your app by the RMS SDK authentication callback.

  • Resource - the URL/URI of the service application you are trying to access, usually Azure RMS or AD RMS. This parameter is provided to your app by the RMS SDK authentication callback.

  • User Id – the UPN, usually email address, of the user who wants to access the app. This parameter can be empty if the user is not yet known, and is also used for caching the user token or requesting a token from the cache. This is also generally used as a ‘hint’ for user prompting.

  • Client Id – the ID of your client app. This must be a valid Azure AD application ID. For more information, see How to: Get an Azure Application ID.

  • Redirect Uri – provides the authentication library with a URI target for the authentication code. Note that specific formats are required for iOS and Android, and are explained in the README files of the corresponding GitHub repositories of ADAL.

    Android: msauth://packagename/Base64UrlencodedSignature

    iOS: <app-scheme>://<bundle-id>


If your app does not follow these guidelines, Azure RMS and Azure AD workflows are likely to fail and will not be supported by Microsoft.com. Further, the Rights Management License Agreement (RMLA) may be violated if an invalid Client Id is used in a production app.


What should an authentication callback implementation look like

Authentication Code Examples - This SDK has example code showing the use of authentication callbacks. For your convenience, these code examples are represented here as well as in each of the follow linked topics.

**Android user authentication** - for more information, see [Android code examples](android-code.md), **Step 2** of the first scenario, "Consuming an RMS protected file".
class MsipcAuthenticationCallback implements AuthenticationRequestCallback

    public void getToken(Map<String, String> authenticationParametersMap,
                         final AuthenticationCompletionCallback authenticationCompletionCallbackToMsipc)
        String authority = authenticationParametersMap.get("oauth2.authority");
        String resource = authenticationParametersMap.get("oauth2.resource");
        String userId = authenticationParametersMap.get("userId");
        mClientId = “12345678-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCDEFGHIJ”; // get your registered Azure AD application ID here
        mRedirectUri = “urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob”;
        final String userHint = (userId == null)? "" : userId; 
        AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = App.getInstance().getAuthenticationContext();
        if (authenticationContext == null || !authenticationContext.getAuthority().equalsIgnoreCase(authority))
                authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(App.getInstance().getApplicationContext(), authority, …);
            catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
            catch (NoSuchPaddingException e)
        App.getInstance().getAuthenticationContext().acquireToken(mParentActivity, resource, mClientId, mRedirectURI, userId, mPromptBehavior,
                       "&amp;USERNAME=" + userHint, new AuthenticationCallback<AuthenticationResult>()
                            public void onError(Exception exc)
                                if (exc instanceof AuthenticationCancelError)

                            public void onSuccess(AuthenticationResult result)
                                if (result == null || result.getAccessToken() == null
                                        || result.getAccessToken().isEmpty())
                                    // request is successful

iOS/OS X user authentication - for more information, see iOS/OS X code examples, Step 2 of the first scenario, "Consuming an RMS protected file".

// AuthenticationCallback holds the necessary information to retrieve an access token.
@interface MsipcAuthenticationCallback : NSObject<MSAuthenticationCallback>
@implementation MsipcAuthenticationCallback
- (void)accessTokenWithAuthenticationParameters:
         (MSAuthenticationParameters *)authenticationParameters 
         (void(^)(NSString *accessToken, NSError *error))completionBlock
    ADAuthenticationError *error;
    ADAuthenticationContext* context = [ADAuthenticationContext authenticationContextWithAuthority:authenticationParameters.authority error:&amp;error];

    NSString *appClientId = @”12345678-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCDEFGHIJ”; // get your registered Azure AD application ID here

    NSURL *redirectURI = [NSURL URLWithString:@”ms-sample://com.microsoft.sampleapp”]; // get your <app-scheme>://<bundle-id> here
    // Retrieve token using ADAL
    [context acquireTokenWithResource:authenticationParameters.resource
                      completionBlock:^(ADAuthenticationResult *result) {
                          if (result.status != AD_SUCCEEDED)
                              NSLog(@"Auth Failed");
                              completionBlock(nil, result.error);
                              completionBlock(result.accessToken, result.error);

Linux / C++ user authentication - for more information, see Linux code examples.

// Class Header

class AuthCallback : public IAuthenticationCallback {

  std::shared_ptr<rmsauth::FileCache> FileCachePtr;
  std::string clientId_;
  std::string redirectUrl_;


  AuthCallback(const std::string&amp; clientId,
               const std::string&amp; redirectUrl);
  virtual std::string GetToken(shared_ptr<AuthenticationParameters>&amp; ap) override;

class ConsentCallback : public IConsentCallback {

  virtual ConsentList Consents(ConsentList&amp; consents) override;

// Class Implementation

AuthCallback::AuthCallback(const string&amp; clientId, const string&amp; redirectUrl)
  : clientId_(clientId)
  , redirectUrl_(redirectUrl)
  FileCachePtr = std::make_shared<FileCache>();

string AuthCallback::GetToken(shared_ptr<AuthenticationParameters>&amp; ap) {
  string redirect =
    ap->Scope().empty() ? redirectUrl_ : ap->Scope();

    if (redirect.empty()) {
      throw rmscore::exceptions::RMSInvalidArgumentException(
              "redirect Url is empty");

    if (clientId_.empty()) {
      throw rmscore::exceptions::RMSInvalidArgumentException("client Id is empty");

    AuthenticationContext authContext(
      ap->Authority(), AuthorityValidationType::False, FileCachePtr);

    auto result = authContext.acquireToken(ap->Resource(),
                                           clientId_, redirect,
    return result->accessToken();
  catch (const rmsauth::Exception&amp; ex)
    // out logs