Using the Get-Help Cmdlet
Getting Help
Windows PowerShell includes two basic types of help - command help and conceptual help - both of which can be accessed from the console using the Get-Help cmdlet. To retrieve a list of all available help topics simply type the following command:
Get-Help *
That will bring back a list similar to this:
Name Category Synopsis
---- -------- --------
ac Alias Add-Content
asnp Alias Add-PSSnapin
clc Alias Clear-Content
cli Alias Clear-Item
clp Alias Clear-ItemProperty
Once you have that list you can then get help on the specific topic by passing the topic name to Get-Help. For example, suppose you’d like more information about the Get-Member cmdlet. In that case, simply use that command:
Get-Help Get-Member
By default help appears in the console window as one long, scrolling topic. If you’d prefer to view help a single page at a time, then pipe the results of the Get-Help cmdlet to more:
Get-Help Get-Member | more