Node Class

Represents a single node in a Data box Edge/Gateway device Gateway devices, standalone Edge devices and a single node cluster Edge device will all have 1 node Multi-node Edge devices will have more than 1 nodes.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

ivar id: The path ID that uniquely identifies the object.

vartype id: str

ivar name: The object name.

vartype name: str

ivar type: The hierarchical type of the object.

vartype type: str

ivar node_status: The current status of the individual node. Possible values include: "Unknown", "Up", "Down", "Rebooting", "ShuttingDown".

vartype node_status: str or ~azure.mgmt.databoxedge.v2019_08_01.models.NodeStatus

ivar node_chassis_serial_number: Serial number of the Chassis.

vartype node_chassis_serial_number: str

ivar node_serial_number: Serial number of the individual node.

vartype node_serial_number: str

ivar node_display_name: Display Name of the individual node.

vartype node_display_name: str

ivar node_friendly_software_version: Friendly software version name that is currently installed on the node.

vartype node_friendly_software_version: str

ivar node_hcs_version: HCS version that is currently installed on the node.

vartype node_hcs_version: str

ivar node_instance_id: Guid instance id of the node.

vartype node_instance_id: str


