1000 pkt.

Manage Microsoft Power Platform deployments

Business User
App Maker
Functional Consultant
Power Apps
Microsoft Power Platform

Design and deploy apps with Microsoft Power Platform. Best Practices during this process will decrease the chances of technical issues in the future related to poor application lifecycle management process and storage limitations. The first step before the customization and configuration of the solution takes place is the configuration of your online tenant and online environment

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Explore Microsoft Power Platform deployment foundations concepts
  • Determine technical requirements
  • Plan your deployment
  • Multitenant and multi-instance Dynamics 365 deployments
  • Manage subscriptions
  • Determine storage
  • Integration considerations
  • Manage authentication


Basic infrastructure understanding of Microsoft Power Platform, Microsoft Online Business Solutions including the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal is preferred.

Ten moduł jest częścią następujących ścieżek szkoleniowych

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