AppId Table
The AppId table or the Registry table specifies that the installer configure and register DCOM servers to do one of the following during an installation.
- Run the DCOM server under a different identity than the user activating the server. For example, to configure a DCOM server to always run as an interactive user or as a predefined user.
- Run the DCOM server as a service.
- Configure the default security access for the DCOM server.
- Register the DCOM server such that it is activated on a different computer.
This table is processed at the installation of the component associated with the DCOM server in the _Component column of the Class table. An AppId is not advertised.
The AppId table has the following columns.
Column | Type | Key | Nullable |
AppId | GUID | Y | N |
RemoteServerName | Formatted | N | Y |
LocalService | Text | N | Y |
ServiceParameters | Text | N | Y |
DllSurrogate | Text | N | Y |
ActivateAtStorage | Integer | N | Y |
RunAsInteractiveUser | Integer | N | Y |
The AppId column of the Class table is a foreign key into this column of the AppId table. This column contains the AppId value that will be written under the CLSID and creates the AppId GUID key under HKCR\AppId.
This column contains the value of "RemoteServerName"=<xxxx> that will be written under HKCR\AppID\{AppID}\ .
This column contains the value of LocalService that will be written under HKCR\AppID\{<appid>} "LocalService"=<xxx>.
This column contains the value of ServiceParameters that will be written under HKCR\AppID\{appid>} "ServiceParameters".
This column contains the value of DllSurrogate that will be written under HKCR\AppId\{<appid>} "DllSurrogate"=<xxx>. If this column is present it will typically be an empty string.
A non-zero integer value in this field causes Windows Installer to write HKCR\AppID\{<appid>} "ActivateAtStorage"="Y" into the registry. If the field is left empty, or has a value of zero, no value will be written.
A non-zero integer value in this field causes Windows Installer to write HKCR\AppID\{appid>} "RunAs"="Interactive User" into the registry. If the field is left empty, or has a value of zero, no value will be written.
This table is used by the RegisterClassInfo action and UnregisterClassInfo action.
Note that the AppId table does not have a column for registering a Default name. Therefore in cases where you need to write a user friendly name as the Default name value, you must register using the Registry table.