Getting ADSI Interfaces From Your Extension

An extension often needs to get data from the directory object it binds to. For example, an extension for a computer object may want to get the dnsHostName of the current object from the directory. This can be easily achieved by issuing a QueryInterface call on the IUnknown interface for the aggregator.

IADs *pADs; ' ADSI Interface to get/set attributes.
hr = m_pOuterUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IADs,(void**)&pADs);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
    VARIANT var;
    hr  = pADs ->Get(_bstr_t("dnsHostName"), &var);
    if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
        printf("%S\n", V_BSTR(&var));

You should release the interface immediately after using it. If the extension has an open reference to the aggregator, you have created a circular reference and the aggregator cannot release the extension. Therefore, the aggregator cannot be released and the result is memory leaks in your application.