Call and Media Controls Interfaces
The following are the TAPI 3.x call and media controls interfaces. For a listing of these interfaces by functionality, see Call and Media Controls Quick Reference.
- IEnumAddress
- IEnumBstr
- IEnumCall
- IEnumCallHub
- IEnumCallingCard
- IEnumLocation
- IEnumParticipant
- IEnumPhone
- IEnumPluggableSuperclassInfo
- IEnumPluggableTerminalClassInfo
- IEnumTerminal
- IEnumTerminalClass
- IH323LineEx
- IKeyFrameControl
- IMulticastControl
- ITAddress
- ITAddress2
- ITAddressCapabilities
- ITAddressDeviceSpecificEvent
- ITAddressEvent
- ITAddressTranslation
- ITAddressTranslationInfo
- ITAllocatorProperties
- ITAMMediaFormat
- ITASRTerminalEvent
- ITAudioDeviceControl
- ITAudioSettings
- ITAutomatedPhoneControl
- ITBasicAudioTerminal
- ITBasicCallControl
- ITBasicCallControl2
- ITCallHub
- ITCallHubEvent
- ITCallInfo
- ITCallInfo2
- ITCallInfoChangeEvent
- ITCallingCard
- ITCallMediaEvent
- ITCallNotificationEvent
- ITCallQualityControl
- ITCallStateEvent
- ITCollection
- ITCollection2
- ITCustomTone
- ITDetectTone
- ITDigitDetectionEvent
- ITDigitGenerationEvent
- ITDigitsGatheredEvent
- ITDispatchMapper
- ITFileTerminalEvent
- ITFileTrack
- ITFormatControl
- ITForwardInformation
- ITForwardInformation2
- ITLegacyAddressMediaControl
- ITLegacyAddressMediaControl2
- ITLegacyCallMediaControl
- ITLegacyCallMediaControl2
- ITLegacyWaveSupport
- ITLocalParticipant
- ITLocationInfo
- ITMediaControl
- ITMediaPlayback
- ITMediaRecord
- ITMediaSupport
- ITMultiTrackTerminal
- ITParticipant
- ITParticipantControl
- ITParticipantEvent
- ITParticipantSubStreamControl
- ITPhone
- ITPhoneDeviceSpecificEvent
- ITPhoneEvent
- ITPluggableTerminalClassInfo
- ITPluggableTerminalClassRegistration
- ITPluggableTerminalEventSink
- ITPluggableTerminalEventSinkRegistration
- ITPluggableTerminalInitialization
- ITPluggableTerminalSuperclassInfo
- ITPluggableTerminalSuperclassRegistration
- ITPrivateEvent
- ITQOSApplicationID
- ITQOSEvent
- ITRequest
- ITRequestEvent
- ITScriptableAudioFormat
- ITStaticAudioTerminal
- ITStreamQualityControl
- ITTAPICallCenter
- ITTAPIEventNotification
- ITTAPIObjectEvent
- ITTAPIObjectEvent2
- ITToneDetectionEvent
- ITToneTerminalEvent
- ITTTSTerminalEvent
The following interfaces are available if an MSP is associated with the call. The MSP interfaces control media streaming and terminals for the call.
- ITStream (MSPI)
- ITStreamControl (MSPI)
- ITSubStream (MSPI)
- ITSubStreamControl (MSPI)
- ITTerminal (MSPI)
- ITTerminalEvent (MSPI)
- ITTerminalSupport (MSPI)