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Desabilitar Painel de Controle Herdado (CSCP)

Post the launch of New Painel de Controle, from Skype for Business Server build 2019 2046.524, estamos adicionando suporte para duas novas chaves de registro que, quando presentes, validam a entrada e desabilitam o CSCP (Painel de Controle original) no menu de opção de lançamento.

SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Comunicações em Tempo Real{5DC8C4D5-5133-4CE5-BF4E-8C459BF419D6}\DMR : Adiciona validação para o Servidor de Monitoramento

SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Comunicações em Tempo Real{5DC8C4D5-5133-4CE5-BF4E-8C459BF419D6}\OCP : Chave do registro para desabilitar o CSCP (Painel de Controle original)


Se as chaves do registro não estiverem presentes, não haverá alteração no comportamento de inicialização do Painel de Controle.

O script do PowerShell a seguir adiciona as duas novas chaves de registro:

param (

# IIS site details
$iisSiteName = "Skype for Business Server Internal Web Site"
$iisAppName = "cscp"
$iisAppPhysicalPathOld = "C:\Program Files\Skype for Business Server 2019\Web Components\AdminUI"
$iisAppPhysicalPath = "C:\Program Files\Skype for Business Server 2019\Web Components"

# Load the WebAdministration module
Import-Module WebAdministration

if ($Undo) {
    # Undo the changes made by the script
    $parentKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Real-Time Communications\{5DC8C4D5-5133-4CE5-BF4E-8C459BF419D6}"
    $registryKeys = @("DMR", "OCP")

    foreach ($key in $registryKeys) {
        $registryKey = "$parentKey\$key"
        # Check if the key exists before removing it
        if (Test-Path $registryKey) {
            Remove-Item -Path $registryKey -Recurse -Force
            Write-Host "Registry key '$registryKey' removed."
        } else {
            Write-Host "Registry key '$registryKey' does not exist. No changes were made."

     # IIS application changes
    # Check if the IIS site exists
    if ($iisSite = Get-Website $iisSiteName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        # Check if the application exists
        $existingApp = Get-WebApplication -Site $iisSiteName | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq "/$iisAppName" }
        if ($existingApp) {
            # If the application exists, change the Physical Path using Set-WebConfigurationProperty
            Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter "/system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='$iisSiteName']/application[@path='/$iisAppName']/virtualDirectory[@path='/']" -Name "physicalPath" -Value $iisAppPhysicalPathOld
            Write-Host "IIS application '$iisAppName' Physical Path changed to '$iisAppPhysicalPathOld'."
        } else {
            Write-Host "IIS application '$iisAppName' does not exist. The Physical Path cannot be changed."
    } else {
        Write-Host "IIS site '$iisSiteName' does not exist. The application cannot be changed."
else {
    # Apply the changes

    # Registry changes
    $parentKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Real-Time Communications\{5DC8C4D5-5133-4CE5-BF4E-8C459BF419D6}"
    $registryKeys = @("DMR", "OCP")

    foreach ($key in $registryKeys) {
        $registryKey = "$parentKey\$key"
        # Check if the key exists
        if (-Not (Test-Path $registryKey)) {
            # If the key does not exist, create it with a default value or add any necessary subkeys or values
            New-Item -Path $registryKey -Force | Out-Null
            Write-Host "Registry key '$registryKey' and values created."
        } else {
            Write-Host "Registry key '$registryKey' already exists."

    # IIS application changes
    # Check if the IIS site exists
    if ($iisSite = Get-Website $iisSiteName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        # Check if the application exists
        $existingApp = Get-WebApplication -Site $iisSiteName | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq "/$iisAppName" }
        if ($existingApp) {
            # If the application exists, change the Physical Path using Set-WebConfigurationProperty
            Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter "/system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='$iisSiteName']/application[@path='/$iisAppName']/virtualDirectory[@path='/']" -Name "physicalPath" -Value $iisAppPhysicalPath
            Write-Host "IIS application '$iisAppName' Physical Path changed to '$iisAppPhysicalPath'."
        } else {
            Write-Host "IIS application '$iisAppName' does not exist. The Physical Path cannot be changed."
    } else {
        Write-Host "IIS site '$iisSiteName' does not exist. The application cannot be changed."

Write-Host "Restarting IIS Server"
# Perform IIS reset
Write-Host "Done"


Se você tiver executado acidentalmente o script acima e quiser reverter as alterações, execute o script do PowerShell acima com -Undo parâmetro.