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LightSwitch Community & Content Rollup–March 2013

Last year I started posting a rollup of interesting community happenings, content, samples and extensions popping up around Visual Studio LightSwitch. If you missed those rollups you can check them all out here: LightSwitch Community & Content Rollups.

LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2

March was an exciting month for us as we released the last HTML Client preview in Visual Studio Update 2 CTP4! The new HTML5 and JavaScript-based client addresses the increasing need to build touch-oriented business applications that run well on modern mobile devices. The preview also supports publishing these apps to SharePoint 2013 & Office 365, so you can also build SharePoint 2013 apps with LightSwitch. To give it a try see:

Getting Started with LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2


Updated Tutorials

With the latest release we also overhauled our two tutorials that give you a good introduction to developing with the HTML client as well as working with SharePoint 2013. If you haven’t checked these out recently I encourage you to do so.

“Step-By-Step” with Andy Kung

Andy is one of our most popular team writers and he’s put together another GREAT series of articles walking you through building a mobile app with LightSwitch. The app is a clipboard-style app that let’s people sign-in for events and is a good introduction for anyone learning LightSwitch and the HTML client. Check out his “Signed-In” series:

Festive Themes from Xpert360

imageOn the western calendar, March had a couple holidays this year – St. Patrick’s day and Easter – and with that, Xpert360 created a few FREE festive themes based on the Cosmopolitan shell. Awesome! Thanks guys!


Syncfusion Raffle

In April, Syncfusion will be giving away five Enterprise Syncfusion Essential Studio licenses worth $1999 each! Check out the end of Jan van der Haegen’s blog post for details:

 #LightSwitch and #Syncfusion: simply beautiful applications ($10.000 April raffle!)



imageEarlier this month I spoke at TechDays in the Netherlands and got to meet a couple of my favorite LightSwitch rock stars, Jan van der Haegen and Paul van Bladel. If you missed my trip report check it out:

Trip Report: TechDays Netherlands 2013

We also have a bunch more events coming up. Check it out:

VSLive! Chicago May 13-16
Michael Washington of the famed spoke at VSLive! in Las Vegas last week and is also speaking in Chicago in May. Check out the sessions here.

DevTeach Toronto May 27 – 31
I have a couple LightSwitch sessions and an all-day training at the 10-year anniversary of this awesome community run conference in Canada. I’ve been speaking here every year except the first, even before I joined Microsoft, so I’m honored to have been invited to this special event.

TechEd North America June 3 – 6 New Orleans, LA & TechEd Europe June 25-28 Madrid, Spain 
Session details haven’t been announced yet but you can be sure that we’ll have a LightSwitch presence at TechEd again this year.

FalafelCon 2013 June 10th – 11th Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus, Mountain View, CA
I’ll also be speaking at the conference put on by Falafel Software, Telerik & Microsoft. It’s here in my neck of the woods and it should be a great event with a lot of very well known speakers.

//build/ June 25 – 28 San Francisco, CA
Enough said. :)

Did I miss any events? Drop me a comment below!

More Notable Content this Month

Extensions released this month ( see over 100 of them here! ):

Samples ( see all 98 of them here ):

Team Articles:

Community Articles:

Did I miss any good articles? Drop me a comment below!

Top Forum Answerers

Thanks to all our contributors to the LightSwitch forums on MSDN. Thank you for helping make the LightSwitch community a better place. Great job this month from our very own Huy Nguyen who has been really helping out in the HTML client preview forum! And another shout out to Yann Duran who consistently shows up in the top 5!

Top 5 forum answerers in March:


User Name Answers Posts
Huy Nguyen MSFT 35 132
Yann Duran 15 118
Dave Kidder 13 24
Babloo1436 12 32
Heinrich M. Wendel 8 29

Keep up the great work guys!

LightSwitch Team Community Sites

Become a fan of Visual Studio LightSwitch on Facebook. Have fun and interact with us on our wall. Check out the cool stories and resources. Here are some other places you can find the LightSwitch team:

LightSwitch MSDN Forums
LightSwitch Developer Center
LightSwitch Team Blog
LightSwitch on Twitter (@VSLightSwitch, #VS2012 #LightSwitch)



  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2013
    Hello Beth, Thanks for all of your great "How to Videos and Tutorials". I have a simple question and I would appreciate a straight answer. I want to use LightSwitch at my job to develop an internal business application, but one of my coworkers is insisting that it is a bad idea due to the fact that Silverlight is not supported by Microsoft anymore. What is the future of LightSwitch? Sincerely, Jonathan

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2013
    The comment has been removed