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CSS Friendly ASP.NET 2.0 Adapaters Beta 2 Now Available

The success of the original Beta 1 of the CSS Adapters was amazing -- we got tons of solid feedback and both developers and designers have a had a lot of success taking advantage of the modified rendering of controls.  We've been closely monitoring the forums and working hard to extend the functionality.  I'm pleased to announce immediate availability of the CSS Adapaters Beta 2 which includes lots of new and improved features -- upgrade today.

Here is a quick rundown on what is new and what we know is still not working perfectly.  Let us know what you think, Russ Helfand has been extraordinary in putting this together for us and he will be monitoring the forums for any new feedback/questions/issues. 

New in Beta 2.0

Known Issues

  • The sample adapters for DetailsView and FormView render content using an unordered list (UL tag). There are good reasons to consider using a definition list (DL tag) instead. This change is still being considered and may be implemented before the final release of this kit.
  • The Menu property StaticDisplayLevels is ignored by the sample menu adapter.
  • When the sample adapters are in use, superfluous and old-fashioned styles are still sometimes added to the page's HEAD. These styles come from deep within the framework and are difficult to prevent. Though it would be best if they didn't exist on the page since they are superfluous, they are basically harmless.
  • The sample FormView adapter doesn't properly refresh itself when bound to the last record in a dataset and that record is subsequently deleted. See,
  • Several accessibility improvements are being considered before the final version of the kit is released: skip navigation links, access keys, better navigation via tabbing (especially for menus and trees).
  • The sample CreateUserWizard adapter does not support extra wizard steps or navigation templates.