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BASF IT Services Case Study on Application Virtualization (SoftGrid)

It's a busy week this week.  After a bit of travel last week, I am out and about again this week (Michigan and Philly).  I want to point out a case study we released back in February with BASF IT Service around application virtualization.  I held off blogging about it, mainly because there was nothing particularly chemical industry-specific written in this case study.  At the Microsoft Manufacturing Users Group (MS MUG) earlier this month, however, BASF talked publicly about the work they did with one of our industry partners and virtualization.  The case study is going through the final sign-offs before posting, but I plan to blog again about the chemical-industry specific work they did and benefits.  It is a terrific story.  So check out this case study to get a feel for application virtualization, in general, and I will come back and hit this topic again...hopefully within a month.
