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Flowing or propagating transactions in .Net

System.Transactions transactions are bounded to the appdomain. Which means that if you make in-appdomain calls from inside a TransactionScope, those calls will share the transaction. This also means that if you need to make a call outside the current appdomain, or outside the process, you will need to "flow" the transaction.

To flow a System.Transactions transaction, there are a few options:

a. if you are using serialization

 //sender code
using(TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
  RemoteCallUsingSerialization(Transaction.Current, other parameter); // this is the call to other appdomain/process
  // notice I added a new parameter of type System.Transactions.Transaction  


//destination code
void RemoteCallUsingSerialization(System.Transactions.Transaction tx, other parameter)
  using(TransactionScope ts2 = new TransactionsScope(tx))
   // access transactional resourses like a database; this code will execute as part of the same transaction

b. if you are not using serialization

 //sender code
using(TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
  RemoteCall(TransactionInterop.GetTransmitterPropagationToken(Transaction.Current), other parameter); // this is the remote call
  // notice I added a new parameter of type byte[]  


//destination code
void RemoteCall(byte[] tx, other parameter)
  using(TransactionScope ts2 = new TransactionsScope(TransactionInterop.GetTransactionFromTransmitterPropagationToken(tx)))
   // access transactional resourses like a database;
   // this code will execute as part of the same transaction

c. if .Net 3.0 or higher is an option, you can use WCF and its support for transactions using attributes:

Remark: When the transaction is flown outside the current appdomain, it will get upgraded to a distributed transaction (or MSDTC transaction).

If you are not using .Net, see for propagating transactions in C++.