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Welcome to Filter Central ! Here you'll find resources, examples and discussions pertaining to the IFilter COM interface, the de facto standard for creating document filters to work with Windows Indexing service, Windows Desktop Search and Microsoft Sharepoint technologies.

The interface is defined in MSDN as follows:

"The IFilter interface scans documents for text and properties (also called attributes). It extracts chunks of text from these documents, filtering out embedded formatting and retaining information about the position of the text. It also extracts chunks of values,which are properties of an entire document or of well-defined parts of a document. IFilter provides the foundation for building higher-level applications such as document indexers and application-independent viewers."

The primary objective of this forum is to provide a platform for discussing various implementation and deployment issues pertaining to components that implement the IFilter interface (both Microsoft and third party) in the context of Windows XP, Win2K server,Windows desktop search ,and Microsoft Sharepoint technologies.

I encourage all consumers and implementors of document filter to actively paticipate in this forum by discusiing problems and solutions to Filter implementation, debugging and deployment in microsoft software environments. Happy Filtering !!!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this forum are solely that of the creator and participants and are not endorsed by Microsoft in any way whatsoever.