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Sample solutions from Internet development support

Changing file dates and other more uncommon properties in PowerShell

There are some file properties that aren’t too easy to change. Neither in the command line or in...

Author: JohanSt Date: 12/29/2011


Today I found the following e-mail in my inbox: Hello According to this article,...

Author: JohanSt Date: 12/01/2011

Changing Site Settings through code in SharePoint 2010

It’s been quite a while since I had the time to post. A customer dropped me this question...

Author: JohanSt Date: 09/13/2011

Problems running sos-commands

Yesterday I tried opening up a standard dump file from a 64-bit Windows 2008 Server. It opened up...

Author: JohanSt Date: 03/04/2011

Updating the Smart tag panel of a WebControl requires closing and reopening the panel

The problem I came across the following scenario a while back: A customer was creating a custom...

Author: JohanSt Date: 09/02/2010

Using SSL without an Internet connection

Problem If you have a web application that uses SSL and this application, for some reason, is hosted...

Author: JohanSt Date: 02/02/2010

Problems with Flash-content in the WebBrowser control

A recent case I worked on involved the following scenario. Problem description The client was...

Author: JohanSt Date: 08/06/2009

Adding Server ROles to an IIS installation on an RODC

In a recent case I was involved with I stumbled upon something quite interesting. The customer had...

Author: JohanSt Date: 05/05/2009

Creating a game for the Zune

I've finally had the time to sit down and create a simple game for my Zune. Rather than running off...

Author: JohanSt Date: 03/31/2009

Internet Explorer 8 Released today

Today we release Internet Explorer 8. You'll be able to download it later today from...

Author: JohanSt Date: 03/19/2009

Glimpsing 10 years into the future

Stephen Elop, the president of Microsoft's Business Division recently held a presentation where he...

Author: JohanSt Date: 03/09/2009

Running a scheduled PowerShell script on a pre-Vista OS

It's been fun to see the reception that PowerShell has gotten. People are using it for tons of...

Author: JohanSt Date: 03/05/2009

PowerShell - Managing Feature Delegation in IIS7

Perhaps you've read my earlier post on advanced feature delegation using PowerShell and the IIS 7.0...

Author: JohanSt Date: 12/16/2008

PowerShell - Advanced configuration editing in IIS7

I've written a lot of PowerShell posts lately and here's another one. :-) I got a question from one...

Author: JohanSt Date: 10/02/2008

PowerShell - Editing permissions on a file or folder

I got the following question from a reader the other day: I've been trying to figure out how to...

Author: JohanSt Date: 10/01/2008

PowerShell - Automatically organizing your mp3-collection

Is your mp3-collection perfectly sorted? I know mine wasn't. I thought I'd address that while...

Author: JohanSt Date: 09/23/2008

PowerShell - An introduction, Part II

This is a continuation of part I. If you haven't read it I suggest at least going through the...

Author: JohanSt Date: 08/25/2008

Back in business

Okay, after a summer break that no doubt got a little longer than expected I am now I'm now back in...

Author: JohanSt Date: 08/22/2008

The first thing you should do after setting up an IIS7-server

As you're probably well aware IIS7 relies heavily on a master configuration file named...

Author: JohanSt Date: 05/29/2008

PowerShell – An introduction, Part I

Over the past months I’ve been holding a couple of workshops on PowerShell. It’s quite an...

Author: JohanSt Date: 05/28/2008

Why doesn’t the GC kick in when the worker process is inactive?

I got the following question in my Getting started with windbg – post and I thought it might be...

Author: JohanSt Date: 05/13/2008

What to do about the slow startup of web services

Due to the architecture of web services and web applications they can be quite slow to start. For...

Author: JohanSt Date: 04/02/2008

Did you know Windows 9 will be voice controlled only?

Yesterday an early Alpha of Windows 9 was released on the corporate network and I couldn’t resist...

Author: JohanSt Date: 04/01/2008

Using IE6 With Visual Studio 2008

Here's a little scenario I came across the other day. I've forwarded the information to development,...

Author: JohanSt Date: 03/26/2008

Walkthrough - Troubleshooting a native memory leak

Problem: A customer called in. They had a Web Service running on a single IIS6. Memory usage would...

Author: JohanSt Date: 02/21/2008

Games on the Zune

I was really excited to hear that XNA 3.0 will support game development for the Zune. I've always...

Author: JohanSt Date: 02/21/2008

Monitoring Application Pool and Application Restarts

This morning I found the following in my inbox: I had set my web servers running on IIS 6 to recycle...

Author: JohanSt Date: 02/18/2008

Did you know? - Changing ASP.NET Version restarts IIS

Here's a little something I learned the other day. If you go to the ASP.NET tab and change the...

Author: JohanSt Date: 02/05/2008

Debugging School

As you may or may not have noticed I've started organizing all posts I've made regarding debugging...

Author: JohanSt Date: 02/01/2008

Using WinDbg - Hunting Exceptions

Prerequisites This post will require some basic knowledge of windbg and the sos extension. For this...

Author: JohanSt Date: 01/31/2008

Implicit casting in DataRepeater not working in certain scenarios after SP1

Problem Using the following VB-syntax in a DataRepeater will no longer work after applying .NET...

Author: JohanSt Date: 01/30/2008

Using WinDbg - Advanced commands

Did you know you can build your own advanced commands using for each, if, etc? The complete list of...

Author: JohanSt Date: 01/23/2008


Introduction This was originally intended to be a post on identifying and troubleshooting Exceptions...

Author: JohanSt Date: 01/18/2008

Aspnet_state.exe crashing on Xp

I ran across an interesting situation with a customer today. He had a workstation running Windows Xp...

Author: JohanSt Date: 12/21/2007

Lot's of objects on the Large Object Heap on a 64-bit server

My colleague Tess showed me a dump today which I thought was really interesting. The scenario was as...

Author: JohanSt Date: 12/14/2007

New tools-section

I just added a page where I list some of the tools I use on a daily basis. You're probably familiar...

Author: JohanSt Date: 11/27/2007

Getting started with windbg - part II

This is a continuation of my previous post with the imaginative name Getting started with windbg -...

Author: JohanSt Date: 11/26/2007

Clients getting incorrect session data or sessions are inexplicably reset

This is something me and my colleagues come across quite often. It is often quite time consuming to...

Author: JohanSt Date: 11/02/2007

Test Projects and AJAX

If you have an AJAX project and you're using Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Testers you...

Author: JohanSt Date: 06/13/2007

Common reasons why your application pool may unexpectedly recycle

If your application crashes, hangs and deadlocks it will cause/require the application pool to...

Author: JohanSt Date: 05/16/2007

Finalizers and weak references

What do finalizers and weak references have in common? Well more than you might think actually....

Author: JohanSt Date: 04/26/2007
