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Bringin' it back to this blog

Previously I blogged about moving all my personal blog entries about random stuff and my music over to MSN Spaces.

Well, I tried that...and to tell you the truth, for ME (and of course this is my opinion, and not the opinion of everyone else), MSN Spaces just doesn't work out for me.

There is a lot of information that I'd like to blog about, and I'd rather do it in one spot. For specific projects like the work on SCA, I'll blog at the appropriate spot (i.e. SharePointThoughts), as that is where those postings belong.

I've followed some other MSDN blogs, and they don't necessarily just blog about developer related stuff all the time, so should I be that concerned about putting a few posts here and there about what's going on with me outside of SharePoint and Development? I guess not.

I also don't want to just add an entry for everything that just happens to cross my mind during the course of the day. I don't have the time for that. In other words, you're not going to see a blog posting form me every hour with something to the effect of "Well, I got into the office today, and there was this pool of oil on the garage floor, and I tripped and fell and spilled my coffee on myself". You're just not going to see me putting a bunch of stuff on here like that.....Well, unless I find it extremely funny or there is a good point to make :), but those will be very few and far between :).

I've created a new Category here on this blog called "Personal" so those of you aggregating this blog can filter those out if you want. I'll also use the "Music" category to put items related to my music etc. I'll also try to be more consistent and ensure that I'm actually "Stamping" my posts with categories in general.

Anyways, that's enough on this topic...It's beginning to sound like one of those " ... and there was this pool of oil on the garage floor, and I tripped and fell and spilled my coffee... " posts.


- Keith
