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The Tangerine Dream Collection Project - Part 2 - The cost estimate and the wifes' reaction!

The Tangerine Dream Collection Project - Part 2 - The cost estimate and the wifes' reaction!

The Wifes' Reaction

So I told my wife about my little project, and to my complete utter amazement, she stated "Ok"

After I got back up off the floor from falling out of my chair (I don't think she realizes just how much this is going to cost yet :)), I started thinking of how I wanted to attack backfilling my collection.

  • Should I start with replacing the destroyed media first?
  • Or should I just start chronologically from the beginning?

I think I'll go with the chronological pattern first (as much as possible :). What stinks about this, is that I'll be replacing all the earlier releases which I either had at one time, and were damaged, etc. So it will be tough until I start getting to a lot of the newer releases I haven't even heard yet.

The Cost Estimate

Based on my current Items to Acquire list, which is currently sitting at 136 items, with an average of $10 per CD...simple math tells us that this will run me $1,360 at a minimum.

Obviously I want to order as many as possible if I order them online, to save costs with shipping and handling.

Some of you may be asking

    "Why don't you just purchase as many as you can from the Digital Distributors like MSN Music, iTunes, etc?"

Well, I could do that...but I want the to be able to rip using the highest quality for my media server.

    "Why don't you use someone like MusicGiants who provides Hi-Fi music downloads using Windows Media Audio Lossless encoding?"

Well, for me...Each CD is like a fine painting :). Some people collect paintings...I collect CDs of my favorite artists:)

Truthfully, there are only a few artists in which I would just insist on having hard copies of CDs. TD is one of them. I want to ensure I have the hard copies as backups in case I have to re-rip again. That's just that :) Until we're able to download (legally that is) uncompressed 24bit audio :) I'll stick with the CDs, as a lot of new music (Especially from TD) is coming out in 24bit formats.

The plan

I think the best way to tackle this, would be for me to order at least 5 CD's per month on each months self allowance for this project.

That would allow me to complete this task in just over 2 years (around 27 moinths :))

But, if I find good copies of CDs in used shops, etc...Obviously I'm going to go that route, for cost savings and time savings.

I'll probably use Amazon as much as possible as they have the widest stock of TD material at this time. Once I get into the "Current years" releases, I can go to the official TD site and order from there if necessary, for specialty items.

Also, after each purchase is established, I'll update my Items currently in my collection list and the others with the source location so in the end, we'll have a complete list to refer back to just in case.

With that in mind, here are the first 5 CDs that I'll be purchasing.

Stay tuned for Part 3 "The first order"

- Keith

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