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Kristofer's Blog

My thoughts on development

Passing custom data to your Azure VMs, a metadata service workaround?!

Sometimes you develop a solution where your VM need to be aware of itself and the information...

Author: KristofeL Date: 05/16/2016

The Git Command Line 101 for Windows Users

I'm currently working on a project using Git as source control system and I thought it would be...

Author: KristofeL Date: 07/02/2013

TechEd Europe 2013

I'm currently preparing for my session at TechEd Europe 2013 and I suddenly feel the urge to once...

Author: KristofeL Date: 06/22/2013

Unit testing with Microsoft Moles

I’ve been thinking for a while: “How come Microsoft doesn’t have a Mocking Library like Moq, Rhino...

Author: KristofeL Date: 03/07/2010

Creating and Hosting an even more Minimal WCF Service in .NET 4 using F#

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 will include support for a new language called F#. I must admit that...

Author: KristofeL Date: 03/01/2010

Creating and hosting a minimal WCF Service in .NET 4

12th of March… that’s the date when we release Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4. I’m so...

Author: KristofeL Date: 02/11/2010

Installing the Visual Studio 2008 Development Stack… in the right order

I just installed Windows 7 RC and once again found myself sitting with a clean Windows installation...

Author: KristofeL Date: 05/04/2009

Silverlight 2

Yesterday, we released Silverlight 2. You can learn more about Silverlight 2 and install it on the...

Author: KristofeL Date: 10/15/2008

Test Driven Development, TDD, will become quicker and better with Visual Studio Team System 2010

We have just recently started to talk about our next developer tool, Visual Studio Team System 2010,...

Author: KristofeL Date: 10/08/2008

VSTS Developer Edition merges with Database Edition

Good news for all you developers that are also working with databases (I know... that's probably all...

Author: KristofeL Date: 10/06/2008

Refreshing my Linq skills

... and just thought I could share my experience with you. My training in the US is over and I’ve...

Author: KristofeL Date: 10/03/2008