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PowerShell Snippets Pt. 1

Below are a number of PowerShell snippets that I have find useful. This is just part 1. I will add more along the way.

Running as Admin

Often you need your script to run as admin - with this function you can check before hand that this is actually the case.

 function Check-RunningAsAdmin 
 if (!$elevated) 
 throw "You need to start PowerShell as Administrator to run this script" 

Comparison Operators

Just for reference if you are used to e.g. .NET operators it can be difficult to remember to PowerShell equivalent.

-eq Equal to -lt Less than -gt Greater than -ge Greater than or Eqaul to -le Less than or equal to -ne Not equal to

Logical Operators

Just for reference if you are used to e.g. .NET operators it can be difficult to remember to PowerShell equivalent.-not Not ! Not -and And -or Or

Support for "-WhatIf" and "-Confirm"

WhatIf and Confirm are commands for testing scripts without actually running it. Using the -WhatIf switch, you get to preview what will happen.

 function Start-VisualStudio2012 
 [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="Low")] 
 param ( 
 $visualStudioPath="${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7IDEdevenv.exe" 
 $visualStudioWorkingDir="${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7IDE" 
 if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Visual Studio 2012")) 
 #WhatIf code here 
 Write "Launch process $visualStudioPath" 

Running this code with -WhatIf:

Setting $ConfirmPreference = "Low" will cause a confirmation prompt:

Inside the function you can of course change the ConfirmImpact depending on what the impact is of what you are trying to do.