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VSDM :: Displaying notices to users (billboard)

VSDM has a built-in capability of displaying messages, like a billboard. To unveil this feature, you have to edit the vsdm_config.xml directly, as the Wizard does not have support to manage it using the graphical interface.

The only important advise is to be very careful to avoid breaking the XML. I recommend you view the XML file in Internet Explorer to make sure it is well-formed. Start by opening it in IE, then perform the changes and refresh IE. If IE complains the XML is malformed, you mistyped something. Nevertheless important to remember: backup your vsdm_config.xml file before start, just in case something wrong happens.

How does it work?

The configuration file contains a section called <Notices> that contains the information about all notices on the system. A notice can be one of the three possible types: notice, warning or critical. Depending on the type of the notice, its appearance changes (e.g. critical notice appears in red to call for attention). A sample notice entry is displayed below:

<Notice type="notice" date="03/30/2004 10:10" expires="04/01/2006" owner="Jack">
<Title>Sample Notice</Title>
This is a sample notice. The color will depend on the type.

Notice Fields

Some fields are mandatory whereas others are not. The list below summarizes the fields you can use in this feature:

  • Title (mandatory, node): Title of the notice
  • Text (mandatory, node): Text to be displayed inside the notice
  • type (mandatory, attribute): Determines the type of the notice. Possible values are: notice, warning and critical
  • date (optional, attribute, in date format): Date when the notice was published
  • expires (optional, attribute, in date format): Date when the notice will expire (VSDM will automatically hide all expired notices from users. This field is useful when you know when you should take the notice away)
  • owner (optional, attribute, text): Name to be displayed as owner of the notice
  • duration (optional, attribute): Duration of the task (if it is a maintenance for example)

Note: Date format is in the form "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM" (without quotes)