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Bing it on

When it doubt, Bing it!

Bing Relevance Rocks!

Very exciting to see news of a 3rd party company which did an adhoc test of relevancy to see which...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 01/12/2011

Bing Operators

One of the lesser known facts is the different operators that you can use when doing searches on...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 11/16/2010

Bing it on!

After 3 years with the SQL Server Data Tools team, I have moved onto another exciting chapter within...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/08/2010

ADO.Net Entity Designer in VS 2010 - Stored Procedure Return Type Shape Sensing

The Entity Framework in .Net Framework 4.0 contains a bunch of new functionality mentioned here and...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/23/2010

Visual Studio 2010 is NOW available!

After a couple of grueling years, one of the biggest and best releases of Visual Studio is out –...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/12/2010

Spec Explorer 2010

I am very excited to see the latest version of Spec Explorer (which is available even for Visual...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/02/2009

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 CTP

Right on the heels of VS 2008 SP1 the VS 2010 CTP is available for download as a Virtual PC 2007...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 11/07/2008

VS 2008 SP1

has released. w00t! For the XML Tools team this is an especially big release since SP1 is the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 08/20/2008

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta

It's great to see a lot of the work that has been going on in our product unit finally get into the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/13/2008

Visual Studio 2008 and XML Tools

Sure - it's a little late in coming, but still feels good to say that Visual Studio 2008 has...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/17/2007

Changing Gears

After a memorable ~5 years on the Commerce Server team, I recently changed gears and have joined the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 11/02/2007

MSDN Tester Center now live

Great to see the MSDN Tester Center go live! You can expect to see this evolve as a central portal...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/29/2007

The BEST Silverlight sample of them all...

Oh well...I am biased since I worked on this...but I really think this is a COOL demo of silverlight...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/05/2007

Elements of MBT - Part 3 – Actions and Action Parameters

In the last 2 posts we have looked at what we mean by a model of a system and defined what States...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 07/05/2007

Elements of MBT - Part 2 – States and State Variables

This is a continuation of the Elements of MBT series of posts which I started last time with Part 1...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/27/2007

I'm making a difference

And so can you. Simply while chatting with your buddies. What I find quite amazing about this...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 03/04/2007

Model for Getting Drunk

You know your team members are really catching onto this whole model-based way of thinking when they...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 01/08/2007

How to test a delete operation?

Question to the community: How can you best test a delete operation? For e.g. When you test the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 11/17/2006

Process Monitor for Debugging

The Process Monitor looks like a great tool to help in debugging issues and includes a bunch of...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 11/09/2006

Final version of CS 2007 Starter Site and Commerce Team Blog now LIVE!

The much anticipated Starter Site for Commerce Server 2007 is now available for download. With the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/31/2006

Interested in having fun breaking code? And getting paid for it?

Do you get a kick out of breaking code and finding bugs in software? Do you have a passion for...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/26/2006

Commerce Server 2002 Service Pack 4 Released

Commerce Server 2002 SP4 is now live and available for download! SP4 rolls up all existing QFEs and...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/11/2006

What's NXT?

Finally managed to make at least the first basic robot using the Lego Mindstorm NXT kit which I...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/08/2006

The StarterSite CTP is now available for download. This should help and get everyone started on a...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 08/31/2006

CS 2007: Starter Site Availability Plans

I know this has been asked a million times by now - When are we getting the StarterSite? Well Ryan...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 08/18/2006

CS 2007: How to display a custom user profile definition in the Customer and Orders Manager?

This was a question recently posted on one of the Commerce Server newsgroups and I thought I’d write...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 08/08/2006

CS 2007: Running Pipelines in a Console Application

One of things you might need to do occasionally is to run pipelines from code which is not running...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 08/07/2006

CS 2007: Things you didn't know about the Customer and Orders Manager UI

Just wanted to highlight a couple of points about the Customer and Orders Manager Business...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 08/07/2006

CS 2007: Where is my CreditCardNumber?

In case you have been playing around with Payments in Commerce Server 2007, you might have noticed...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 07/20/2006

CS 2007: Business Application Source Code now available for download

You can download the full source code for the business applications present in Commerce Server 2007,...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 07/17/2006

CS 2007: GetShippingMethods and GetShippingMethods(String)

Just wanted to highlight the key difference between these 2 APIs which can both be used to display...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 07/17/2006

Wow! Posting this from Word 2007!

Am trying out the new Blogging feature in Word 2007 and love it. One of the biggest benefits is the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/30/2006

Vinod Kumar Joins Blogdom

One of the core developers on Commerce Server has jumped onto the blogging bandwagon and that too...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/29/2006

Commerce Server 2007: How to use a predefined tracking number for placing an Order?

An often asked question while working with the Order system in Commerce Server has been whether it...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/21/2006

Windows Vista and Office 2007 – Two Thumbs Up

So now that we RTMed Commerce Server 2007 (and the docs are online on MSDN as well), I finally got a...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/21/2006

CS 2007 - Recurring Orders Sample Code

Here is a code sample which illustrates how you can achieve a common scenario on a B2B / B2C...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/31/2006

CS 2007 - Secure by Default

In case you thought that was all talk, take a look at the Customer and Orders Manager UI in the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/26/2006

CS 2007 - Orders Data Management Sample Code

The Orders subsystem in Commerce Server 2007 offers some really powerful new APIs which can make...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/25/2006

Upgrading from CS 2007 Beta 1 to RC 1

In this post I shall attempt to highlight the steps required to get a basic StarterSite Beta running...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/23/2006

Commerce Server 2007 Release Candidate Released

Well the news is all over the place, from Ryan Donovan's blog to Scott Guthrie's blog to Brian...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/22/2006

IE7 Beta 2

Delicious! I finally decided to jump in and give IE7 Beta 2 a shot and I am just loving it. Just got...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/26/2006

Buggy Test Code

All the technical jargon of the world put together cannot compensate for raw stupidity. I recently...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/21/2006

CS 2006 Orders: Are my indexer properties saved to the database? Where? How?

Indexer properties (or weakly-typed properties as they are sometimes referred to - I can see Cathy,...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/07/2006

Alan Faulkner joins Blogdom

A big welcome to Alan Faulkner who is a fellow tester on the Commerce Server team and will be...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 03/03/2006

Aadi Ashok Kaul

Don't know if I've ever been this proud of anything so much - feel like screaming at the top of a...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 02/03/2006

CS 2006 News

A lot has been happening on the CS 2006 front. Firstly we have our CS 2006 documentation up online...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 01/26/2006
