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What could be a more reliable way to find out "A word or phrase in the file"?

Well, I don't trust A word or phrase in the file search in Windows XP. And sure it needs improvement! Sometimes, it gives you results, but most of the times it doesn't :o(

Here is what you can do to prove the point which I want to make.
1. Go to your desktop and create a folder called Test
2. Create a file called Test.cs and open in Notepad.
3. Write Catch me if you can and save it.
4. Click Start -> Search.
5. Click All files and folders. Type catch in A word or phrase in the file textbox
6. Lets make its job easier by selecting Desktop in the Look In drop down.
7. Hit search and you would expect the file Test.cs come up. Right??

BUT, it won't. Atleast with my Windows XP, SP 2... it just won't. There are quite a lot of other extensions as well, which it is unable to search.

At the moment, I am just using Log Parser, so at least it tells me that there IS/ARE some files for the text which I am looking for. It doesn't tell me what is the file name, but yes, I can use it to first ensure that there are certainly those files in a folder and then manually open all files one by one in that folder (that's a pain)!

Here is how I use LOG PARSER to get it...

C:\Program Files\IIS Resources\Log Parser 2.2> LOGPARSER "Select Text from 'C:\Documents and Settings\Rahul Soni\Desktop\Test\*.*' where Text like '%catch%'" -i:TEXTLINE

And here is the output...

Catch me if you can

Elements processed: 85
Elements output:    1
Execution time:     0.02 seconds

So, it tells me that indeed there is a file (and I have some hope :o). As I said, the next step now is to open all the files in Notepad 1 by 1 and do CTRL + F. Another drawback is that here we are searching in folder TEST\*.*. Although that will search all the files, but if we have any folders inside TEST it won't search inside that folder :o(

I have three questions here...

1) How can we still find the files which we are looking for, RELIABLY?
2) Is there anything in Log Parser using which we can find out all the files which contain a specific Text in a folder RECURSIVELY.
3) If there is an option with Log Parser, is it possible to output FileName as well, rather than just the TextLine?
