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Sandcastle Version Supporting VS 2010, .NET 4 and Microsoft Help Viewer

We released the source code for Sandcastle a year ago ( supporting Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 documentation. After this release we were extremely busy in releasing the new Help Viewer for VS 2010 Beta2, CTP and RTM. In addition we launched "lightweight" view as default for MSDN library.

Thanks for all the community support, feedback and patience during the past 11 months.

Sandcastle Release:

I am currently working with my colleague, Darren Parker (pictured here!) to manage Sandcastle releases in codeplex. Moving forward Darren will manage Sandcastle releases to Codeplex and communication with the community through this blog. I will be assisting Darren with the blogs and releases.

Darren is currently working on a new release of Sandcastle with the following enhancements:

· Sandcastle will generate cabs (MSHC files) as output for integration with the new Microsoft Help Viewer that shipped with VS2010.

· Bug fixes and functionality updates to accurately document VS 2010 and .NET 4.

 Sandcastle Longer term:

Per Darren’s post here, we are already working on a new content build system and have plans to also release this as Sandcastle vNext. Darren will provide more details about this in a later post.

Sandcastle Team at TechED 2010:

Darren, myself and David Wright (architect for Sandcastle) will be at TechEd 2010 in New Orleans (June 7 through10). If any of you are interested in meeting up with us that week, let me know. We won't have a booth, but would love to meet some of you for drinks, dinner etc. and at the same time talk about the current state and future of Sandcastle.


