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Enterprise Libary 1.1 - Dev Complete

We are Dev Complete on Enterprise Library June 2005 (barring no major bugs) !  I know Tom has already covered the changes in his post here, so I want go into to much detail about it.  Since Tom posted to the newsgroup about this, I guess it is ok to tell you guys what else is in there…. wait for it…. wait for it….

It will work on Whidbey Beta 2.  Now saying that, this is not best practice / guidance on Whidbey, just a way to get you guys up and running on Enterprise Library on .NET 2.0.   Tom has told me that this is the major question that he has gotten at Tech-Ed in Orlando.  Hopefully this will appease the masses until we get more clear direction of .NET 2.0.  This will teach us to ship so close to a platform change .

Now playing: Zero 7 - In the Waiting Line