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Enterprise Library : Configuraiton2 and Injection

You knew it was coming. Configuration again.  This time around it was fun because I got to work with Fernando.  I have been bugging him about getting a blog and now that he has one, I thought I would let him write the first post on the new Configuration and Dependency Injection overview in Enterprise Library 2.0.  Then he and I will start drilling down on the topics in the overview.  Think of it as on-line hands on labs .   I will try to focus on how you can upgrade / relate this to V1.x, because it is very similar.  We wanted to get some information out there for the August CTP.

One of the best things about working at Microsoft is working with smart people, especially those people out in the world that are our customers.  There are a lot of them at Clarius

I am completely stoked about the new version!  Get ready for a lot more. Be nice to Fernando he is new.

Update : If you can’t get to Fernando’s site the post is here now.

Now playing: Iron Maiden - Bring Your Daughter...To the Slaughter