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Windows Azure 的更新:Android 支持,SQL Reporting Services,Active Directory,以及更多…

[原文发表地址]  Windows Azure Updates: Android Support, SQL Reporting Services, Active Directory,...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 03/27/2013

宣布ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Update

[原文发表地址]  Announcing release of ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Update [原文发表时间]  2013-02-18...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 02/21/2013

使用Windows Azure Notification Hubs将推送消息广播到数以百万计的移动设备上

[原文发表地址]  Broadcast push notifications to millions of mobile devices using Windows Azure...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 02/03/2013

Accelerator for Windows Azure的初创公司:演示日

[原文发表地址]  Startup Accelerator for Windows Azure: Demo Day [原文发表时间]  2013-01-29 9:34 AM...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 01/30/2013

Windows Azure Store:新的加载项和更多的可用物

[原文发表地址]  Windows Azure Store: New add-ons and expanded availability [原文发表时间]  2013-01-23...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 01/28/2013

签出本周三的LIDNUG 在线会谈 (1 月 9 日)

[原文发表地址] “Unplugged” LIDNUG online talk with me on Tuesday (Jan 9th) [原文发表时间] 2013-01-06...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 01/06/2013

Entity Framework 6: Alpha2现已发布

[原文发表地址]  Entity Framework 6: Alpha2 Now Available [原文发表时间]  2012-12-11  16:10 Entity...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 12/26/2012

对 Windows Azure (移动、 Web 站点、 SQL Data Sync,ACS,媒体、 应用商店) 的更新

[原文发表地址]  Updates to Windows Azure (Mobile, Web Sites, SQL Data Sync, ACS, Media, Store)...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 12/24/2012

应用程序现在为Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure开放了-2013

[原文发表地址]  Applications are now open for the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure - 2013...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 12/19/2012

宣布ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 RC版

[原文发表地址] Announcing the ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Release Candidate [原文发表时间] 2012-12-14 8:54...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 12/16/2012

Windows Azure 移动服务的iOS 支持 — — 现在有了推送通知

[原文发表地址]  iOS Support with Windows Azure Mobile Services – now with Push Notifications...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 12/12/2012

对Windows Azure 管理门户的更多改进

[原文发表地址] More Great Improvements to the Windows Azure Management Portal [原文发表时间] November 19, 2012...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 11/27/2012

SharePoint 应用程序和 Windows Azure

[原文发表地址]  SharePoint Apps and Windows Azure [原文发表时间]   2012-11-18 17:11...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 11/19/2012

12 月 9-12日的DevIntersection 会议

[原文发表地址]  DevIntersection Conference Dec 9th-12th [原文发表时间]  2012-11-19 0:33...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 11/18/2012

本周三免费的在线Windows Azure会议

[原文发表地址] Free online Windows AzureConf this Wednesday [原文发表时间] 2012-11-12 15:10 本周三,11 月 14...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 11/12/2012

现在Windows Azure 网站支持.NET 4.5

[原文发表地址]  .NET 4.5 now supported with Windows Azure Web Sites [原文发表时间]  2012-10-25 20:06...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/26/2012

Windows Azure 移动服务: 对iOS 应用、 Facebook/Twitter/Google验证、 电子邮件、 SMS、 Blob、 Service Bus和更多的新支持

[原文发表地址]  Windows Azure Mobile Services: New support for iOS apps, Facebook/Twitter/Google...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/17/2012

Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure的入围项

[原文发表地址]  Finalists for the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure [原文发表时间]  2012-10-01...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/15/2012

宣布:对 Windows Azure 门户的改进

[原文发表地址] Announcing: Improvements to the Windows Azure Portal [原文发表时间] 2012-10-07 23:44...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/14/2012

宣布:对Windows Azure Web站点的重大改善

[原文发表地址]  Announcing: Great Improvements to Windows Azure Web Sites [原文发表时间]  2012-09-17...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 09/24/2012

有关使用ASP.NET Web API、 Knockout.js 和 jQuery构建HTML 5应用程序的免费课程

[原文发表地址]  Great Free Courses on Building HTML5 apps using ASP.NET Web API, Knockout.js and...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 09/13/2012

发布Windows Azure移动服务

[原文发表地址] Announcing Windows Azure Mobile Service [原文发表时间] 2012-8-28 7:15 我非常激动地宣布,今天我们向Windows Azure...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 09/04/2012

Windows Azure 和 Office 365

[原文发表地址]  Windows Azure and Office 365 [原文发表时间]   2012-07-26 19:07 上周Microsoft Office...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 08/05/2012

Entity Framework 和开放源码

[原文发表地址]  Entity Framework and Open Source [原文发表时间]  2012-07-19 8:55 在过去的几年中,Entity...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 07/23/2012

aspConf-本周免费虚拟的 ASP.NET 大会

[原文发表地址]  aspConf - Free Virtual ASP.NET Conference this week [原文发表时间]  2012-07-14 16:18...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 07/15/2012

遇见崭新的Windows Azure (2012.6)

[原文发表地址] Meet the New Windows Azure [原文发表时间] 2012-06-07 9:05 AM 今天我们发布了一系列Windows...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 07/08/2012

ASP.NET MVC、 Web API、 Razor和开放源代码

[原文发表地址] ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Razor and Open Source [原文发表时间] 2012-03-27 17:02 自从第一个 V1 版本以来,微软已经将...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 05/28/2012

宣布Windows Azure Media Service

[原文发表地址]  Announcing Windows Azure Media Services [原文发表时间]  2012-04-16 7:26 AM...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 05/20/2012

ASP.NET Web API (第一部分)

[原文发表地址] ASP.NET Web API (Part 1) [原文发表时间]  2012-02-23 22:06 本周早些时候,我写过一篇关于 ASP. NET MVC 4...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 03/25/2012


[原文发表地址]  ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta [原文发表时间]  2012-02-19 18:00 几天前我们发布了ASP.NET MVC 4...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 03/25/2012

ScottGu关于Windows Azure的视频演讲

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure [原文发表时间] 2012-01-15 22:35 PM 你可能知道,在过去的 6 个月里,我花了许多时间,致力于Windows Azure...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 02/27/2012

Windows Azure 入门

[原文发表地址] Getting Started with Windows Azure [原文发表时间] 2012-01-19 18:24 这是我的 Windows Azure...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 02/27/2012


[原文发表地址]  ASP.NET Security Update Shipping Thursday, Dec 29th [原文发表时间]  2011-12-28 20:59...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 02/20/2012

新捆绑和缩小支持(ASP.NET 4.5系列)

[原文发表地址]  New Bundling and Minification Support (ASP.NET 4.5 Series) [原文发表时间]  2011-11-27...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 02/08/2012

WebForm模型绑定第三部分:更新和验证(ASP.NET 4.5系列)

[原文发表地址]  Web Forms Model Binding Part 3: Updating and Validation (ASP.NET 4.5 Series)...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 12/28/2011

Visual Studio 中新CSS编辑器的改进(ASP.NET 4.5 系列)

[原文发表地址]   New CSS Editor Improvements in Visual Studio (ASP.NET 4.5 Series)...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 12/26/2011


[原文发表地址]    Hacking Education: A Contest for Developers and Data Crunchers...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 11/23/2011

HTML编辑器智能任务和事件句柄生成器(ASP.NET vNext系列)

HTML编辑器智能任务和事件句柄生成器(ASP.NET vNext系列) [原文发表地址] HTML Editor Smart Tasks and Event Handler Generation...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/25/2011

强类型数据控件(ASP.NET vNext系列)

[原文发表地址] Strongly Typed Data Controls (ASP.NET vNext Series) [原文发表时间] 2011-09-05 21:58 这是我的ASP.NET...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/13/2011

Web窗体模型绑定第一部分:数据选择(ASP.NET vNext系列)

[原文发表地址] Web Forms Model Binding Part 1: Selecting Data (ASP.NET vNext Series)[原文发表时间] 2011-09-05...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/09/2011

Web窗体模型绑定第二部分:数据筛选(ASP.NET vNext系列)

[原文发表地址] Web Forms Model Binding Part 2: Filtering Data (ASP.NET vNext Series) [原文发表时间] 2011-09-12...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/09/2011

Visual Studio里面的搜索和浏览的一些技巧

[原文发表地址] Search and Navigation Tips/Tricks with Visual Studio [原文发表日期] 2010/8/24 12:24 AM...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/08/2011

Visual Studio的调试技巧

[原文英文地址]Debugging Tips with Visual Studio 2010 [原文发表日期]2010/8/19 10:48 AM...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 10/08/2011


[原文发表地址] Links to my “Best of 2010” Posts [原文发表时间] December 31, 2010 10:01 PM...

Author: DevDivChina Date: 08/18/2011


[原文发表地址] Upcoming Conference talks in Norway, Germany and the UK [原文发表时间] 2011/5/16...

Author: Bonnie Fu Date: 07/26/2011

关于ASP.NET Web Forms和MVC的很好的免费培训

[原文发表地址] Great Free Video Training on ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC [原文发表时间] Sunday, May 15,...

Author: Bonnie Fu Date: 07/01/2011


请访问ScottGu的中文博客存档 获取更多之前博文的信息。。 附注:我们同时还在更新以下中文博客(感兴趣的话去看看吧 :) )...

Author: Bonnie Fu Date: 06/02/2011

ASP.NET MVC 3 工具更新

[原文发表地址] ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update [原文发表时间] May 03, 2011 9:46 PM 三周之前我们在拉斯维加斯举办了MIX...

Author: Bonnie Fu Date: 05/31/2011

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