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the most un-fun part of coding...

Ahhhhhhh, eyes going buggy...that's it...I'm taking a break.

I have come to realize that the most unentertaining part of coding for me is the writing of the spec.  The funny part however, is that because of a recent project I kinda got thrown into the middle of, I now realize just why it's so important to have a properly wrote spec.

I had sooooooo many questions that could have been easily answered had the spec been wrote better...and then the design of this whole class I was coding up.  Oofda is all I can say.  I'm not sure how that guy got his spec passed review, but like I said, on the brighter side it definatly showed me what not to do when writing a spec.  Hehehe.

So today I'm writing a spec for a different project...and as un-fun as it is I'm determined to take my time and make it as good of a spec as possible.  What I'm noticing about writing a spec however, is that everyone seems to have their own concept about what a spec should contain.  I've asked many people around work how it should be formatted and everyone pretty much has a different answer.  To me that says it really doesn't matter as long as the spec contains the information everyone is looking for.

Sadly I'm a creature of habit, and I like to have some kind of starting template whenever I'm authoring something...and there just isn't a spec template for our team.  :( 

Hmmmm, maybe I should make one...are there any good spec template examples out there someone could point me towards?