Developing a General Pipeline Component
A general pipeline component is a .NET or COM component that implements the following interfaces:
IBaseComponent Interface (COM) in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference
IComponent Interface (COM) in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference
IComponentUI Interface (COM) in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference
A general pipeline component gets one message from the BizTalk Messaging Engine, processes it, and returns it to the BizTalk Server engine. General components can also be implemented so that they do not return messages to the server. Such components are called consuming components because the component receives messages but does not produce any result messages.
Custom pipeline components should copy any additional parts from the input message to the output message(s). This preserves them for further processing in the pipeline.
More pipeline resources
Developing an Assembling Pipeline Component
Developing a Disassembling Pipeline Component
Developing a Probing Pipeline Component
Reporting Errors from Pipeline Components
Configuring Native Pipeline Components
Deploying Pipeline Components
CustomComponent (BizTalk Server Sample)