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How to Install the Inline and Adapter Versions of the Service Oriented Solution

The following steps describe how to prepare the computer for installing the inline and adapter versions of the service oriented solution, and how to install the solution on this computer.


  • The service oriented solution is located in the folder <BizTalk Server Installation Folder>\SDK\Scenarios\SO.
  • If you don’t have a mainframe for the solution, you can modify the port binding to use the stub Web service for Pending Transactions. The Web service generates transactions locally to emulate the mainframe transactions.

Prepare the computer for installing the adapter and inline versions of the Service Oriented Solution

  1. If you installed Windows SharePoint Services, exclude the (root) of the Default Web Site from Windows SharePoint Services Managed Paths as follows: Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint Central Administration.

    1. Under Virtual Server Configuration, select Configure virtual server settings.

    2. On the Virtual Server List page, click Default Web Site.

    3. On the Virtual Server Settings page, click Define managed paths.

    4. In the Included Paths section of the Defined Managed Path page, select Root and then click Remove selected paths.

    5. At a command prompt, perform an IISReset.

  2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, click Computer Management console, and then add the BizTalk service account to the local Administrators group.

  3. Log off the computer, and then log on to the computer as the BizTalk service account.

  4. At a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER to set the %BTSSolutionsPath% environment variable. Then, exit the command prompt.

    • setx BTSSolutionsPath \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server <VERSION>SDK\Scenarios"


      If you are using a 64-bit computer, use %ProgramFiles(x86)% instead of %ProgramFiles%.


      For more information about the SETX command, see the Microsoft TechNet Web site at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=67831.

Remove the stub version of the Service Oriented Solution

  1. Open the BizTalk Server Administration Console as follows: Click Start, point to All Programs, point to BizTalk Server, and then click BizTalk Server Administration.

  2. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, expand BizTalk Server Administration, expand BizTalk Group, expand Applications, right-click BTSScn.SO.CustomerService, and then click Stop. In the Stop Application dialog box, select Full Stop - Terminate Instances, and then click Stop.


    You don't need to remove the stub version for installing the inline and adapter versions. If you want to put all the versions together, you should skip this step.

  3. Open a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER. This command changes the default script host to CScript.exe:

    • cscript /H:CScript
  4. At the command prompt, change the current directory to %BTSSolutonsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts folder, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

    • UnEnlistStub.vbs
  5. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

    • UndeployStub.vbs
  6. At the command prompt, run the following command

    SET PATH=%PATH%;\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server <VERSION>Tracking"

    This sets the path to find the BAM utilities.


    If you are using a 64-bit computer, type %ProgramFiles(x86)% instead of %ProgramFiles%.

  7. At the command prompt, change the directory to %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\BAM, and then run the following command:

    • bm remove-all -DefinitionFile:ServiceLevelTracking.xml
  8. At the command prompt, change the directory to <Enterprise Single Sign-On Install Directory>, and then run the following command:

    • ssomanage -tickets no no
  9. At the command prompt, run the following command to delete the WoodgroveBank.CustomerService SSO Affiliated application:

    • ssomanage -deleteapp WoodgroveBank.CustomerService
  10. At the command prompt, run the following commands to delete the Web sites used by the stub version. For more information about iisvdir.vbs, see the Microsoft TechNet Web site at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=67830.

    • iisvdir /delete W3SVC/1/ROOT/Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.OrchProxy.Stub

    • iisvdir /delete W3SVC/1/ROOT/Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubSAP

    • iisvdir /delete W3SVC/1/ROOT/Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPendingTransactions

    • iisvdir /delete W3SVC/1/ROOT/Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPaymentTracker

  11. Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager as follows: Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administration Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

    • Expand the Application Pools, right-click the application pool you crated for the previous Web applications, click Delete, and then click OK in the confirmation dialog box.
  12. Click Start, point to Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs, and then uninstall the IBM WebSphere MQ Client for Windows.

  13. Start Visual Studio Command Prompt and then run the following command to delete the amqmdnet.dll you installed for the stub version.

    • gacutil /u amqmdnet

Prepare the back-end systems for the Service Oriented Solution to access

  1. Install IBM WebSphere MQ for Windows Server on the local computer.

    1. Keep all the default settings. Set up the Default Configuration at the end of the Prepare WebSphere MQ Wizard. The queue manager is named as QM_<your computer name>.

    2. Install the Fix Pack 10 (CSD10). Keep all the default settings.

  2. Install the MQSeries Agent.

    1. Rerun the BizTalk Server setup program.

    2. On the Program Maintenance page, select Modify, and then click Next.

    3. On the Component Installation page, expand the Additional Software node, and then select MQSeries Agent.

    4. On the Completion page, make sure that Launch BizTalk MQSeries Agent Configuration Wizard is not selected.


    The MQSeries Agent check box is activated only after the IBM WebSphere MQ for Windows is installed.

  3. Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt, change the directory to the <IBM MQSeries Installation Directory>\bin folder, and then run the following command:

    • gacutil /i amqmdnet.dll
  4. Install Microsoft Visual Studio if you want to install Microsoft Host Integration Server 2004 to access the mainframe. In the setup program, on the Options page, select Visual C# .NET, and then clear other components checkboxes. You don't need to install other components than the Visual C# .NET.


    The TI Designer in Host Integration Server 2004 requires Visual Studio .NET 2003.

  5. Install and configure Microsoft Host Integration Server 2004 if you have a mainframe to be accessed. Keep all the default settings.

Create the MQSeries queues

  1. Open the WebSphere MQ Explorer, expand Queue Managers, and then expand the queue manager in which you want to create the queues. Typically, a queue manager is named as QM_<your computer name>.

  2. In the WebSphere MQ Explorer, right-click Queues, point to New, click Local Queue, and then create the following local queues for the adapter version of the solution:

    • AdapterSOAInputQueue

    • AdapterSOAOutputQueue


    The queues can share an MQSeries cluster, but they are not required to do so.


    MQSeries queue manager names and queue names are case sensitive.

  3. Repeat the previous step to create the following local queues for the inline version:

    • InlineSOAOutputQueue

    • InlineSOAInputQueue

  4. Repeat the previous step to create the following local queues for the Payment Tracker simulator. (The Payment Tracker simulator is used in both the adapter and inline versions):

    • LastPaymentsInputQueue

    • LastPaymentsOutputQueue

Complete configuration of the MQSeries adapter

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft BizTalk Server 20xx, and then click BizTalk MQSeries Agent Configuration Wizard.

  2. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  3. On the Application Identity page, select This User, and then enter the user name and password. The COM+ application for the MQSeries Agent will run under this user account. For this walkthrough, use the same user account that the BizTalk service is using. If it is not, the user accounts for BizTalk services hosting the MQSeries Adapter must be added to the CreatorOwner role of the COM+ application.

  4. Click Yes on the MQSConfigWiz dialog box, if prompted that the user account that you entered in the previous step has the administrative privilege.

  5. On the Name of Role page, click Next.

  6. On the Creating the MQSAgent COM+ Application page, click Next, and then click Finish on the Completion page.

Configure the mainframe CICS application

  1. Using Notepad, open the bizcbl.txt and its "copy book" (MainFrameProgramVTCS2Description.txt) in the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\MFAccess\HISTIComponent folder, and then review the contents.

    • Bizcbl.txt includes the COBOL procedure returning the randomized account statements from account number input.

    • MainFrameProgramVTCS2Descriptoin.txt contains COMMAREA which describes the input and output data information. COMMAREA is a block of contiguous memory used to pass data back and forth between called and calling programs.


    You can also use the copy book to generate the Transaction Integrator (TI) metadata file using Visual Studio with the TI Designer plug-in.


    Although the following steps are crucial to the successful deployment, they are not usually performed by the BizTalk Server developer. You must rely on the mainframe personnel to properly configure the mainframe environment. The software required for this walkthrough is usually installed in the most mainframe environments. For more information about the minimum mainframe operating system environment, see the Host Integration Server documentation.

  2. Copy the COBOL code to the host by method like FTP.

  3. Compile the COBOL code and copy book. The following code shows a sample of Job Control Language (JCL) for the COBOL compiler.

    //            PARM=&COBPARM,
    //            REGION=&REG
    //*         SPACE=(TRK,(100,50)),
    //*         DCB=(DSORG=PS,LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=2420,RECFM=FBA)
    //            DISP=(MOD,PASS),
    //            UNIT=&WORK,
    //            SPACE=(80,(250,100))
    //SYSUT1   DD UNIT=&WORK,SPACE=(460,(350,150))
    //SYSUT2   DD UNIT=&WORK,SPACE=(460,(350,150))
    //SYSUT3   DD UNIT=&WORK,SPACE=(460,(350,150))
    //SYSUT4   DD UNIT=&WORK,SPACE=(460,(350,150))
    //SYSUT5   DD UNIT=&WORK,SPACE=(460,(350,150))
    //SYSUT6   DD UNIT=&WORK,SPACE=(460,(350,150))
    //SYSUT7   DD UNIT=&WORK,SPACE=(460,(350,150))
  4. Link edit the compiled source to create the executable. The following code shows a sample of JCL for COBOL link edit.

    //            PARM=&LNKPARM,COND=(5,LT,COB)
    //            DCB=BLKSIZE=1024,
    //            SPACE=(1024,(200,20))
  5. Configure the CICS mainframe application.

    • In this step, the mainframe systems programmer or CICS developer must install TCPIPSERVICE, Session, Connection, Transaction, and Program resource definitions.

    • You should consult with mainframe administrators to get an IP address, port number, and a Link to Program name that you can access.


      This walkthrough assumes that the mainframe uses a CICS application server and that the programming model for the transaction is TCP/IP (Enhanced Listener Mode (ELM) Link).

Configure the Web server for Secure Socket Layers (SSL)

Install Certificate Services

  1. Click Start, point to Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.

  2. In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, click Add/Remove Windows Components.

  3. In the Windows Components Wizard, select the Certificate Services, click Next, and then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Create a certificate request

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site, click Properties, click the Directory Security tab, and then click Server Certificate.

  2. On the Welcome page of the Web Server Certificate Wizard, click Next.

  3. On the Service Certificate page, select Create a new certificate, and then click Next.

  4. On the Delayed or Immediate Request page, click Prepare the request now, but send it later, and then click Next.

  5. On the Name and Security Settings page, keep all the default settings, and then click Next.

  6. On the Organization Information page, type your company's organization and organizational unit names, and then click Next.

  7. On the Your Site's Common Name page, type your computer name in the Common name box, and then click Next.

  8. On the Geographical Information page, fill out your geographical information, and then click Next.

  9. On the Certificate Request File Name page, type c:\certreq.txt in the File name box, and then click Next.

  10. On the Request File Summary page, click Next, and then click Finish on the Completion page.

Submit the certificate request to the Certification Authority

  1. In Internet Explorer, in the Address box, type http://localhost/certsrvt, and then press ENTER.

  2. On the Welcome page, click Request a Certificate, and then click Advanced certificate request on the Request a Certificate page.

  3. On the Advanced Certificate Request page, click Submit a certificate request using a base64 encoded PKCS #10 file or a renewal request using a base64 encoded PKCS #7 file.

  4. Copy all the text from the c:\certreq.txt that you created in the procedure "To create a certificate request", paste it to the Saved Request box on the Submit a Certificate Request or Renewal Request page, and then click Submit.

Issue a certificate using Certification Authority management tool

  1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Certification Authority.

  2. In the Certification Authority console, expand your certification authority's name, expand the Pending Request, right-click the certificate request that you submitted in the previous step, point to All Tasks, and then click Issue.

  3. Close the Certification Authority console.

Download the certificate to the Web server

  1. In Internet Explorer, in the Address box, type http://localhost/certsrvt, and then press ENTER.

  2. On the Welcome page, click View the status of a pending certificate request.

  3. On the View the Status of a Pending Certificate Request page, click the certificate request that you created in the procedure "To create a certificate request".

  4. On the Certificate Issued page, select either of the encoding schemes, and then click Download certificate.

  5. On the Security Warning dialog box, click Save, and then save the certificate as c:\certnew.cer.

Install the certificate to the Web server

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site for which you created the certificate request, and then click Properties.

  2. On the Properties dialog box, click the Directory Security tab, and then click Server Certificate.

  3. On the Welcome page of the Web Server Certificate Wizard, click Next.

  4. On the Pending Certificate Request page, select Process the pending request and install the certificate, and then click Next.

  5. On the Process a Pending Request page, type c:\certnew.cer in the Path and file name text box, and then click Next.

  6. Click Next on the SSL Port page, click Next on the Certificate Summery page, and then click Finish on the Confirmation page.


    In this walkthrough you don't need to install the server certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the local computer because both Certificate Services and Web server are installed on the same computer.

Create the Web services for the back-end systems

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, right-click Application Pools, select New, and then select Application Pool.


    The service oriented solution accesses the mainframe through this Web service.

  2. On the Add New Application Pool dialog box, enter the Application pool ID (any value), and then click OK.

  3. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, right-click the application pool that you just created, and then select Properties.

  4. On the Properties page, click the Identity tab, select Configurable, enter the User name and Password, and then click OK. For this walkthrough, use the same user account that the BizTalk service is using.

Create the PendingTransactions Web service for runtime

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory to run Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.

    Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for the stub SAP Web service:

    Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.PendingTransactions

    PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\MFAccess\PendingTransactions

    Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

  2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.PendingTransactions, and then click Properties.

    1. In the Directory Security tab, click Edit to modify Authentication and access control. Select Basic authentication (password is sent in clear text), and clear other Authentication access checkboxes. Click OK to close the Authentication Methods dialog box.

    2. In the Directory Security tab, click Edit under the Secure Communication group box, and then check Require secure channel (SSL) in the Secure Communications dialog box.

    3. In the Virtual Directory tab, set the Application Pool to the application pool that you created in the procedure "To create a new IIS application pool for the Pending Transaction Web services".

Create the PendingTransactions Web service for development environment

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory to run Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.

    Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for the stub SAP Web service:

    Alias = PendingTransactions

    PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\MFAccess\PendingTransactions

    Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

  2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click PendingTransactions, and then click Properties.

    1. In the Directory Security tab, click Edit to modify Authentication and access control. Select Enable anonymous access. Click OK to exit.


      The PendingTransactions Web application for development environment will be used by Visual Studio. You don't need this Web application for production environment.

    2. In the Virtual Directory tab, set the Application Pool to the application pool that you created in the procedure "To create a new IIS application pool for the Pending Transaction Web services".

Create the Stub SAP Web service

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory to run Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.

    Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for the stub SAP Web service:

    Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubSAP

    PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\SAP

    Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

  2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubSAP, click Properties, and then modify the settings as follows:

    1. In the Virtual directory tab, set the Application Pool to <YourAppPool> that you created in the procedure "To create a new IIS application pool for the Pending Transaction Web services".

    2. In the Directory Security tab, click Edit in the Authentication and access control group box, and then select Enable anonymous access. Click OK to exit.

Create the TI component for the Service Oriented Solution

Create a COM+ application for the TI component

  1. At a command prompt, run %systemroot%\system32\com\comexp.msc.

  2. In Component Services console, expand Component Services, expand Computers, expand My Computer, right-click COM+ Application, point to New, and then click Application.

    1. On the Welcome page, click Next, and then click Create an empty application on the Install or Create a New Application page.

    2. Type BTSScn SO TI Component in the Enter a name for the new application box, select Server application as Activation type, and then click Next.

    3. In the Account group box of the Set Application Identity page, select This user, and then type the user name and password in the User and Password boxes. The new COM+ application will run under this user account. This user account must be a member of local HIS Runtime Users group. For this walkthrough, use the same user account that the BizTalk service is using.

    4. On the Add Application Roles page, click Next.

    5. On the Add Users to Roles page, expand CreatorOwner, click Users, and then click Add.

    6. On the Select Users or Groups dialog box, select a user account that will be used for accessing the mainframe. For this walkthrough, add UserID local account.


      To access the CICS transaction through the TI component, you can use the COM+ application or the Web application hosting the .NET Remoting component. This walkthrough uses the COM+ application and COM Interop for TI components to access the mainframe to improve performance.

    7. On the Completion page, click Finish.

Create a Remote Environment to access the mainframe

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Host Integration Server 2004, and then click TI Manager.

  2. In the TI Manager console, click Transaction Integrator (Configuration), expand Windows Initiated Processing, right-click Remote Environments, point to New, and then click Remote Environment.

    1. On the Welcome page, click Next.

    2. On the Configure a New Remote Environment page, type the Remote Application Name, and then click Next. For this walkthrough, use Mainframe_TCP for the name.

    3. On the Configure Host Environment and Programming Model page, select CICS for the Target host and ELM Link for the Programming model, and then click Next.

    4. On the Configure Endpoint TCP/IP page, type the IP address for your mainframe in the IP/DNS address box, and then click Edit to add the port number. Your HIS COM will access the transactions through the endpoint address.

    5. On the Completion page, click Finish.

Create the TI Component for the Service Oriented Solution

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Host Integration Server 2004, and then click TI Manager.

  2. In the TI Manager console, click Transaction Integrator (Configuration), click Windows Initiated Processing, and then click Objects. Right-click Objects, click New, and then click Object.

    1. On the Welcome page, click Next.

    2. On the Specify Or Locate An Object page, click Browse, choose the SOHISTIUsingCOM.TLB in the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\MFAccess\HISTIComponent folder, and then click Next.

    3. On the Define Environment Characteristics for The COM Object page, select BTSScn SO TI Component for the COM+ application, and then click Next.

    4. On the Define Remote Environment page, select the remote environment that you created in the previous procedure for the Remote environment, and then click Next.

    5. On the Creation of WIP Objects page, click Next, and then click Finish on the Completion page.

Test the connectivity to the mainframe

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\MFAccess\HISTISimpleTester folder, and then double-click the Interop.SOHISTIUsingCOM.dll.reg file. This adds registry values for the HISTISimpleTester application to call the TI component through the Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW).

  2. In Windows Explorer, browse to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\MFAccess\ folder, and then run SetupMFAccess.bat.

  3. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\MFAccess\HISTISimpleTester\bin\Debug folder, and then run BTSScnSOHISTIComponentSimpleTester.exe.

    • In the HISTISimpleTester application, click Call Mainframe Program - Using COM. It returns five records from the COBOL application running on the mainframe.

Create the virtual directories for the orchestration Web services

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, right-click Application Pools, select New, and then select Application Pool.

    1. On the Add New Application Pool dialog box, enter the Application pool ID (any value), and then click OK.

    2. Right-click the application pool that you just created, and then select Properties.

    3. On the Properties page, click the Identity tab, select Configurable, enter the User name and Password, and then click OK. For this walkthrough use the same user account that the BizTalk service is using.


    This user must have permission to execute the Orchestration Proxy Web service, and must be added to one of the BizTalk Server Administrators, SSO Administrators, or SSO Affiliated Administrators groups

  2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory to run Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.

    Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for the proxy Web service for the adapter version:

    Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.OrchProxy.Adapter

    PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Adapter

    Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

  3. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.OrchProxy.Adapter, click Properties, and then modify the settings as follows:

    1. In the Virtual directory tab, set the Application Pool to <YourAppPool> that you created in the previous step.

    2. In the Directory Security tab, click Edit in the Authentication and access control group box, select Only Integrated Windows Authentication enabled, and then clear other Authentication access checkboxes. Click OK to exit.

  4. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory to run Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.

    Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for the proxy Web service for the inline version:

    Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.OrchProxy.Inline

    PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Inline

    Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

  5. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.OrchProxy.Inline, click Properties, and then modify the settings as follows:

    1. On the Virtual directory tab, set the Application Pool to <YourAppPool> you just created.

    2. Click Directory Security tab, click Edit in the Authentication and access control group box, select Only Integrated Windows Authentication enabled, and then clear other Authentication access checkboxes. Click OK to exit.

Build the Service Oriented Solution

  • At a command prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln, type SetupBTSSoln.bat, and then press ENTER. The SetupBTSSoln.bat performs the following tasks:

    • Creates a unique strong name key (SNK) for signing the assemblies of the SO Solution.

    • Extracts the public key token from the SNK and updates the binding files with the public token.

    • Builds the SO solution.

    • Builds the SSOApplicationConfig in the %BTSSolutionsPath%\Common folder.

Create the SSO affiliate applications

  1. Open a command prompt, and then change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts folder.

  2. At the command prompt, open the PendTransAffApp.xml using Notepad, and review it. No changes to this file are necessary.


    The PendTransAffApp.xml file defines the SSO affiliate application, WoodgroveBank.PendingTransactions, for the Pending Transactions back-end system. It also defines the user and administrative groups for the SSO affiliate application. For this walkthrough, use BizTalk Application Users and BizTalk Server Administrators.

    If you want to use different groups for the SSO affiliate application, you need to create Windows groups (with any name) in the Active Directory, and then change the appAdminAccount and appUserAccount nodes in the PendTransAffApp.xml. If you do this, you should set the value for groupApp attribute of flags node to "yes".

    For more information about SSO affiliate applications, see SSO Affiliate Applications.

  3. At the command prompt, open the PendTransUserMap.xml file using Notepad, and then make the following edits:



    The PendTransUserMap.xml file contains the user mappings for the Pending Transactions back-end system.


    For the externalUserId node, use the external user ID for the Pending Transactions back-end system. For this walkthrough, use UserID for the external ID.


    For the windowsUserId node, enter the user name which the externalUserId will map to. You can use both a domain group and a domain user account. This user must be a member of the group that will be allowed to use the Pending Transactions back-end system. For this walkthrough, use the user name of the BizTalk service.


    For the windowsDomain node, enter the domain name of the windowsUserId.

  4. At the command prompt, open the PmntTrckAffApp.xml file using Notepad, and review the contents of the file. No changes to this file are necessary.


    The PmntTrckAffApp.xml file defines the SSO affiliate application, WoodgroveBank.PaymentTracker, for the Payment Tracker back-end system.

  5. At the command prompt, open the PmntTrckUserMap.xml file using Notepad, and then make the following edits:



    The Payment Tracker SSO affiliated application will be used for the MQSeries Adapter and the mapped external user ID/password are sent through MQSeries header properties. The MQSeries Server validates only the BizTalk service account, under which MQSeries Adapter is running. It doesn't validate any external user credential.

    For more information about SSO affiliated applications for the MQSeries Adapter, see How to Configure MQSeries Adapter Receive Locations and Send Ports.


    The PmntTrckUserMap.xml file contains the SSO user mappings for the Payment Tracker back-end system. The Payment Tracker simulator program simulates both success and failure conditions for user authentication.

    The program successfully authenticates all user IDs that begin with the letters PT (for example, PTUserID), and fails to authenticate any user IDs that do not begin with PT. This enables you to choose the appropriate user ID depending on the condition that you would like to test. You can also repeat the entire mapping node for each user ID and define multiple mappings in the same file.


    For the externalUserId node, enter the external user ID for the Payment Tracker back-end system. For this walkthrough, use PTUserID for the external ID.


    For the windowsUserId node, enter the user name which the externalUserId will map to. This user must be a member of the group that will be allowed to use the Payment Tracker back-end system. For this walkthrough, use the user name of the BizTalk service.


    For the windowsDomain node, enter the domain name of the windowsUserId.

  6. At the command prompt, open the ConfigStoreApp.xml file using Notepad, and then review the contents of the file.

    This file defines the configuration store application in SSO that the scenario uses to keep configuration parameters. Some of the configuration parameters include the Timeout value when communicating with SAP (for both the adapter and inline versions) and the name of the queue manager and queues to use when using the inline version. No changes to this file are necessary.

  7. At the command prompt, open the SetConfigValuesInSSO.cmd file using Notepad, review and change the contents of the file as the following table.


    This command file sets the values for the configuration parameters in the SSO database. It contains several set commands that assign the values to local variables in the beginning of the command file.

    The SAPAdapterTimeout, PendingTransactionsAdapterTimeout, and PaymentTrackingAdapterTimeout values are used in the adapter version. The remaining values are used in the inline version.


    You can enter " " (two double quotes) for the default values marked <User Specified> in the following table.

    Parameter Default Value Description
    SAPAdapterTimeout 20000 Max timeout (millisecond) for a request to the SAP back-end
    SAPInlineTimeout 20000 Max timeout (millisecond) for a request to the SAP back-end
    SAPInlineHostName <User Specified> SAP back-end identifier
    SAPInlineClientNumber <User Specified> SAP Client number
    SAPInlineSystemNumber <User Specified> SAP System number
    SAPInlineUserName <User Specified> The user name used to connect to the SAP back-end
    SAPInlinePassword <User Specified> The password used to connect to the SAP back-end
    PendingTransactionsAdapterTimeout 20000 Max timeout (millisecond) for a request to the Pending Transactions server
    PendingTransactionsInlineTimeout 20000 Max timeout (millisecond) for a request to the Pending Transactions server
    PendingTransactionsInlineURL https://<your computer name>/Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.PendingTransactions/PendTransWS.asmx URL of the Pending Transactions service. <Your computer name> must match the common name in the procedure "To create a certificate request". You must not use "localhost" for <Your computer name>.
    PendingTransactionsInlineSSOAffiliateApp WoodgroveBank.PendingTransactions Pending Transactions SSO application name
    PaymentTrackingAdapterTimeout 20000 Max timeout (millisecond) for a request to the Payment Tracking system
    PaymentTrackingInlineTimeout 20000 Max timeout (millisecond) for a request to the Payment Tracking system
    PaymentTrackingInlineQManager <User Specified> (Typically QM_<your computer name>). MQSeries Queue Manager name
    PaymentTrackingInlineMQChannelDefinition " " (need to enter the two double quotes). Empty string if local, or formatted channel name of the remote MQ server. If you keep all default settings in configuring IBM WebSphere MQ, the channel definition will be S__<your computer name>/TCP/<your computer name>(1414).
    PaymentTrackingInlineRequestQueue LastPaymentsInputQueue The MQ Queue name for payment tracking requests
    PaymentTrackingInlineResponseQueue LastPaymentsOutputQueue The MQ Queue name for payment tracking responses
    PaymentTrackingInlineSSOAffiliateApp WoodgroveBank.PaymentTracker Payment tracking SSO application name
    StubSAPWebServiceURL http://localhost/Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubSAP/StubSAPWS.asmx The stub Web service URL of the Credit Limit SAP system
  8. At the command prompt, run the following command to set the PATH environment:

    • SET PATH=%PATH%;"%CommonProgramFiles%\Enterprise Single Sign-On"
  9. At the command prompt, run the CreateInitialConfigInSSO.cmd. It creates the SSO Affiliate Applications, the SSO configuration store application, and the user mappings for the affiliate applications. Then, it executes the SetConfigValuesInSSO.cmd to store configuration values in the SSO configuration store application.

  10. At the command prompt, run the following command to set the user credential for the Pending Transactions affiliate application. Use the <DomainName> and <UserID> defined in the PendTransUserMap.xml for the <WindowsDomain>\<WindowsUserId>. This command asks you to enter the password of the external user, UserID, used in this walkthrough.

    • ssomanage -setcredentials <WindowsDomain>\<WindowsUserId> WoodgroveBank.PendingTransactions
  11. At the command prompt, run the following command to set the user credential for the Payment Tracker affiliate application. Use the <DomainName> and <UserID> defined in the PmntTrckUserMap.xml for the <WindowsDomain>\<WindowsUserId>. This command asks you to enter the password of the external user, PTUserID, used in this walkthrough.


    The Payment Tracker simulator doesn't validate the external user credential. You can enter any password for the PTUserID.

    • ssomanage -setcredentials < WindowsDomain >\< WindowsUserId > WoodgroveBank.PaymentTracker

Deploy the BAM definition file for the Service Oriented Solution

  1. Open a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER to set the path to find the BAM utilities:

    • SET PATH=%PATH%;\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server <VERSION>Tracking"
  2. At the command prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\BAM, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

    • bm deploy-all -DefinitionFile:ServiceLevelTracking.xml

Deploy the Service Oriented Solution

Update the binding files for the Service Oriented Solution

  1. At a command prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts folder, open the Deployallbinding.xml using Notepad, and then make the following edits:

    • Change the name of the server in the SET MGMT_DB_SERVER and MBMT_DB to the name of the server and database that BizTalk Server is using.

    • Change the value of the SOLNDIR variable to "%BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln".

  2. At a command prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Bindings folder.

  3. For the adapter version, open the AdapterSOAOrchBindings.xml using Notepad, and then edit as follows:

    • Replace all occurrences of _MQ_SERVER_NAME\_ with the MQSeries Server name.

    • Replace all occurrences of _MQ_QMANAGER_NAME\_ with the MQSeries Queue Manager name.

    • Replace all occurrences of _PT_WS_SERVER_NAME\_ in the string "<Address>https://_PT_WS_SERVER_NAME\_" with the server name where the Pending Transactions Web service is deployed. The server name must match the common name in the step, "To configure the Web server for SSL". You shouldn't use localhost.


    The binding file, AdapterSOAOrchBindings.xml, uses the stub Web service for:

    1. The Credit Limit back-end SAP system. 2. The MQSeries adapter to integrate with the Payment Tracking back-end system. 3. The Pending Transactions Web service to call the HIS TI .NET component to integrate with the mainframe back-end system.

      If you aren’t using the mainframe, you must use the stub Web service to generate data for the Pending Transactions system.

  4. For the inline version, open the InlineSOAOrchBindings.xml using Notepad, and then edit as follows:

    • Replace all occurrences of _MQ_SERVER_NAME\_ with the MQSeries Server name.

    • Replace all occurrences of _MQ_QMANAGER_NAME\_ with the MQSeries Queue Manager name.

Deploy the Service Oriented solution

  • At a command prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts folder, type the following command, and then press ENTER.

    • Deployallbinding.cmd


    The Deployallbinding.cmd creates the BizTalk application named BTSScn.SO.CustomerService and imports binding files for the adapter and inline versions.

Configure the stub Pending Transactions Web Services when a mainframe is not available

Configure the stub Pending Transactions Web service (for using the adapter version without a mainframe)

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory to run Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.

    Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for stub Pending Transactions Web service for the adapter version:

    Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPendingTransactions

    PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\PendingTrans

    Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

  2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPendingTransactions, click Properties, and then modify the settings as follows using the Properties dialog box.

    1. In the Virtual directory tab, set the Application Pool to <YourAppPool> you created in the step, "To create the virtual directories in IIS for the solution".

    2. In the Directory Security tab, click Edit in the Authentication and access control group box, and then select Enable anonymous access. Click OK to exit.

  3. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, expand BizTalk Group, expand Applications, expand BTSScn.SO.CustomerService, expand Send Ports, right-click PendingTransactionSolicitResponsePort, and then click Properties.

    1. In the General page, click Configure to display the Transport Properties dialog box, and then modify the Web Service URL to the stub Pending Transaction Web service, for example:


    2. Close all of the dialog boxes.

Configure the stub Pending Transactions Web service (for using the inline version without a mainframe)

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory to run Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.

    Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for stub Pending Transactions Web service for the adapter version:

    Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPendingTransactions

    PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\PendingTrans

    Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

  2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPendingTransactions, click Properties, and then modify the settings as follows:

    1. In the Virtual directory tab, set the Application Pool to <YourAppPool> you created in the step, "To create the virtual directories in IIS for the solution".

    2. In the Directory Security tab, click Edit in the Authentication and access control group box, and then select Enable anonymous access. Click OK to exit.

  3. Open a command prompt, and then change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts folder.

  4. At the command prompt, open the SetConfigValuesInSSO.cmd file using Notepad, and then set the value of the PendingTransactionsInlineURL to the URL of the stub Pending Transaction Web Service.

    • http://localhost/Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPendingTransactions/StubPendTransWS.asmx
  5. At the command prompt, type SetConfigValuesInSSO.cmd, and then press ENTER.

Start the Service Oriented Solution

  1. Open a command prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts folder, type the following command, and then press ENTER to start all orchestrations for the inline and adapter versions.

    • startAll.vbs
  2. Run the service-oriented solution. For more information about running the solution, see How to Run the Service Oriented Solution.

Next Steps

You test the inline and adapter version of the service-oriented solution in How to Run the Service Oriented Solution.

See Also

Before Installing the Service Oriented Solution How to Install the Stub Version of the Service Oriented Solution Developer Machine Setup for the Service Oriented Solution