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ScaleOffsetColorTheme Class


Theme Engine to control initialized GameObject's scale, local position offset, and color based on state changes For color, will try to set on first available text object in order of TextMesh, Text, TextMeshPro, and TextMeshProUGUI If none found, then Theme will target first Renderer component available and target the associated shader property found in ThemeDefinition

public ref class ScaleOffsetColorTheme : Microsoft::MixedReality::Toolkit::UI::InteractableColorTheme
public class ScaleOffsetColorTheme : Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.InteractableColorTheme
type ScaleOffsetColorTheme = class
    inherit InteractableColorTheme
Public Class ScaleOffsetColorTheme
Inherits InteractableColorTheme




DefaultShaderProperty (Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
originalStateValues (Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)
propertyBlock (Inherited from InteractableShaderTheme)
renderer (Inherited from InteractableShaderTheme)
shaderProperties (Inherited from InteractableShaderTheme)



Indicates whether the current Theme engine implementation supports shader targeting on state properties

(Inherited from InteractableShaderTheme)

Defines how to ease between values during state changes

(Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)

GameObject initialized with this ThemeEngine and being targeted based on state changes

(Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)

Indicates whether the current Theme engine implementation supports easing between state values

(Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)

True if Theme Engine has been initialized, false otherwise

(Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)

Name of Theme Engine

(Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)

List of global Theme Engine properties

(Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)

List of Properties with values per state

(Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)

Types of component this Theme Engine will target on the initialized GameObject or related GameObjects

(Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)



Generates the default theme definition configuration for the current theme implementation


Get the current property value for the provided state property

GetThemeProperty(Int32) (Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)
Init(GameObject, ThemeDefinition)

Initialize current Theme Engine with given configuration and target the provided GameObject

LerpFloat(Single, Single, Single) (Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)
LerpInt(Int32, Int32, Single) (Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)
OnUpdate(Int32, Boolean)

Update ThemeEngine for given state based on Theme logic. Check, sets, and possibly eases values based on given state

(Inherited from InteractableThemeBase)

Resets properties on Host GameObject to their original values when Init() was called for this theme engine. Useful for reverting changes done by this theme engine.

SetValue(ThemeStateProperty, Int32, Single)

Instruct theme to set value for current property with given index state and at given lerp percentage

SetValue(ThemeStateProperty, ThemePropertyValue)

Instruct theme to set value for current property with ThemePropertyValue value provided

(Inherited from InteractableShaderTheme)
TryGetRendererColor(ThemeStateProperty, Color)

Try to get color from the renderer return true, no text components exists, so falling back to base

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
TryGetTextColor(ThemeStateProperty, Color)

Try to get a color from UI Text if no color is found, a text component does not exist on this object

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
TryGetTextMeshColor(ThemeStateProperty, Color)

Try to get color from TextMesh If no color is found, not TextMesh on this object

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
TryGetTextMeshProColor(ThemeStateProperty, Color)

Try to get color from TextMeshPro If no color is found, TextMeshPro is not on the object

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
TryGetTextMeshProUGUIColor(ThemeStateProperty, Color)

Try to get color from TextMeshProUGUI If no color is found, TextMeshProUGUI is not on the object

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
TrySetRendererColor(Color, ThemeStateProperty, Int32, Single)

Try to set color on a renderer should just return true - falling back to base

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
TrySetTextColor(Color, ThemeStateProperty, Int32, Single)

Try to set color on UI Text If false, no UI Text was found

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
TrySetTextMeshColor(Color, ThemeStateProperty, Int32, Single)

Try to set color on TextMesh If false, no TextMesh was found

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
TrySetTextMeshProColor(Color, ThemeStateProperty, Int32, Single)

Try to set color on TextMeshPro If false, no TextMeshPro was found

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)
TrySetTextMeshProUGUIColor(Color, ThemeStateProperty, Int32, Single)

Try to set color on TextMeshProUGUI If false, no TextMeshProUGUI was found

(Inherited from InteractableColorTheme)

Applies to