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_AccountSelector Interface


This is a primary interface in a COM coclass that is required by managed code for interoperability with the corresponding COM object. Use this primary interface only when the method you want to use shares the same name as an event of the COM object; in this case, cast to this interface to call the method, and cast to the latest events interface to connect to the event. Otherwise, use the .NET interface that is derived from the COM coclass to access methods, properties, and events of the COM object. Para obter informações sobre o objeto COM, consulte AccountSelector.

public interface class _AccountSelector
public interface _AccountSelector
Public Interface _AccountSelector



Retorna um Application objeto que representa o aplicativo pai do Outlook para o objeto. Somente leitura.


Retorna uma OlObjectClass constante que indica a classe do objeto. Somente leitura.


Retorna o pai do objeto do objeto especificado. Somente leitura.


Retorna um Account objeto que representa a conta selecionada no modo de exibição de bastidores do Microsoft Office no Microsoft Outlook. Somente leitura.


Retorna o NameSpace objeto para a sessão atual. Somente leitura.

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