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IUITechnologyManager Interface


Provides an internal interface to implement the UITechnologyManager class. Do not implement this interface directly. Instead, derive from the UITechnologyManager class.

public interface class IUITechnologyManager
public interface IUITechnologyManager
type IUITechnologyManager = interface
Public Interface IUITechnologyManager



Gets the name of the technology.


AddEventHandler(IUITechnologyElement, UITestEventType, IUITestEventNotify)

Adds an event handler.


Cancels any wait or search operation that is performed by this technology manager.

ConvertToThisTechnology(IUITechnologyElement, Int32)

Takes an element from another technology and returns an element that is compatible for the current technology, together with the level of support that it has for the converted element.

GetChildren(IUITechnologyElement, Object)

Returns an enumerator for the child elements in the given element.


Returns the indication of confidence for this technology manager that it can support the control that is identified with the provided handle.


Returns an element from this technology that corresponds to the provided native element.

GetElementFromPoint(Int32, Int32)

Retrieves the element that is located at the given screen coordinates.


Retrieves the element that is identified by the provided window handle.


Returns the windows pointer for the element that currently has the focus.


Returns information about the last test action that was invoked by this manager.


Returns the next sibling of the given element in the UI hierarchy.


Gets the parent of the given element in the UI hierarchy.


Returns the previous sibling of the given element in the UI hierarchy.

GetSynchronizationWaiter(IUITechnologyElement, UITestEventType)

Returns an IUISynchronizationWaiter by using the provided element and event type.


Returns the value of the given property of this technology manager.

MatchElement(IUITechnologyElement, Object, Boolean)

Returns a value that indicates whether the provided element matches the previously parsed query ID cookie.

ParseQueryId(String, Object)

Parses the provided string representation of a query element and returns a string representation of the query element as a cookie.

RemoveEventHandler(IUITechnologyElement, UITestEventType, IUITestEventNotify)

Removes the specified event from the given element and all its descendents.

Search(Object, IUITechnologyElement, Int32)

Searches for an element in the parent element that matches the condition of the provided query ID cookie.

SetTechnologyManagerProperty(UITechnologyManagerProperty, Object)

When implemented in a derived class, sets the value of the given property in this technology manager.


Performs any initialization that is required by this technology manager to start a session.


Performs any cleanup that is required by this technology manager to stop the current session.

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