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RegistrationErrorInfo Classe


Recupera informações de erro estendidas sobre métodos relacionados a vários objetos COM +. Isso também inclui métodos que instalam, importam e exportam componentes e aplicativos COM+. Essa classe não pode ser herdada.

public ref class RegistrationErrorInfo sealed
public sealed class RegistrationErrorInfo
type RegistrationErrorInfo = class
Public NotInheritable Class RegistrationErrorInfo


O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como recuperar informações de erro estendidas sobre métodos relacionados a vários objetos COM+.

   String^ applicationName = "Queued Component";
   String^ typeLibraryName = nullptr;
   RegistrationHelper^ helper = gcnew RegistrationHelper;
   // Call the InstallAssembly method passing it the name of the assembly to 
   // install as a COM+ application, the COM+ application name, and 
   // the name of the type library file.
   // Setting the application name and the type library to NULL (nothing in Visual Basic .NET
   // allows you to use the COM+ application name that is given in the assembly and 
   // the default type library name. The application name in the assembly metadata 
   // takes precedence over the application name you provide to InstallAssembly. 
   helper->InstallAssembly( "C:..\\..\\QueuedComponent.dll",  applicationName,  typeLibraryName, InstallationFlags::CreateTargetApplication );
   Console::WriteLine( "Registration succeeded: Type library {0} created.", typeLibraryName );

   // Create a RegistrationConfig object and set its attributes
   // Create a RegistrationHelper object, and call the InstallAssemblyFromConfig
   // method by passing the RegistrationConfiguration object to it as a 
   // reference object
   RegistrationConfig^ registrationConfiguration = gcnew RegistrationConfig;
   registrationConfiguration->AssemblyFile = "C:..\\..\\QueuedComponent.dll";
   registrationConfiguration->Application = "MyApp";
   registrationConfiguration->InstallationFlags = InstallationFlags::CreateTargetApplication;
   RegistrationHelper^ helperFromConfig = gcnew RegistrationHelper;
   helperFromConfig->InstallAssemblyFromConfig(  registrationConfiguration );
catch ( RegistrationException^ e ) 
   Console::WriteLine( e->Message );

   // Check whether the ErrorInfo property of the RegistrationException object is null. 
   // If there is no extended error information about 
   // methods related to multiple COM+ objects ErrorInfo will be null.
   if ( e->ErrorInfo != nullptr )
      // Gets an array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects describing registration errors
      array<RegistrationErrorInfo^>^ registrationErrorInfos = e->ErrorInfo;
      // Iterate through the array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects and disply the 
      // ErrorString for each object.
      System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = registrationErrorInfos->GetEnumerator();
      while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
         RegistrationErrorInfo^ registrationErrorInfo = (RegistrationErrorInfo^)( myEnum->Current );
         Console::WriteLine( registrationErrorInfo->ErrorString );
    string applicationName = "Queued Component";			
    string typeLibraryName = null;
    RegistrationHelper helper = new RegistrationHelper();
    // Call the InstallAssembly method passing it the name of the assembly to
    // install as a COM+ application, the COM+ application name, and
    // the name of the type library file.
    // Setting the application name and the type library to NULL (nothing in Visual Basic .NET
    // allows you to use the COM+ application name that is given in the assembly and
    // the default type library name. The application name in the assembly metadata
    // takes precedence over the application name you provide to InstallAssembly.
    helper.InstallAssembly(@"C:..\..\QueuedComponent.dll", ref applicationName, ref typeLibraryName, InstallationFlags.CreateTargetApplication);
    Console.WriteLine("Registration succeeded: Type library {0} created.", typeLibraryName);

    // Create a RegistrationConfig object and set its attributes
    // Create a RegistrationHelper object, and call the InstallAssemblyFromConfig
    // method by passing the RegistrationConfiguration object to it as a
    // reference object
    RegistrationConfig registrationConfiguration = new RegistrationConfig();
    registrationConfiguration.Application = "MyApp";
    registrationConfiguration.InstallationFlags = InstallationFlags.CreateTargetApplication;
    RegistrationHelper helperFromConfig = new RegistrationHelper();
    helperFromConfig.InstallAssemblyFromConfig(ref registrationConfiguration);

catch(RegistrationException e)

    // Check whether the ErrorInfo property of the RegistrationException object is null.
    // If there is no extended error information about
    // methods related to multiple COM+ objects ErrorInfo will be null.
    if(e.ErrorInfo != null)
        // Gets an array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects describing registration errors
        RegistrationErrorInfo[] registrationErrorInfos = e.ErrorInfo;

        // Iterate through the array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects and disply the
        // ErrorString for each object.

        foreach (RegistrationErrorInfo registrationErrorInfo in registrationErrorInfos)
    Dim applicationName As String = "Queued Component"
    Dim typeLibraryName As String = Nothing
    Dim helper As New RegistrationHelper

    ' Call the InstallAssembly method passing it the name of the assembly to 
    ' install as a COM+ application, the COM+ application name, and 
    ' the name of the type library file.
    ' Setting the application name and the type library to NULL (nothing in Visual Basic .NET
    ' allows you to use the COM+ application name that is given in the assembly and 
    ' the default type library name. The application name in the assembly metadata 
    ' takes precedence over the application name you provide to InstallAssembly. 
    helper.InstallAssembly("C:..\..\QueuedComponent.dll", applicationName, typeLibraryName, InstallationFlags.CreateTargetApplication)
    MsgBox("Registration succeeded: Type library " & typeLibraryName & " created.")

    ' Create a RegistrationConfig object and set its attributes
    ' Create a RegistrationHelper object, and call the InstallAssemblyFromConfig
    ' method by passing the RegistrationConfiguration object to it as a 
    ' reference object
    Dim registrationConfiguration As New RegistrationConfig()
    registrationConfiguration.AssemblyFile = "C:..\..\QueuedComponent.dll"
    registrationConfiguration.Application = "MyApp"
    registrationConfiguration.InstallationFlags = InstallationFlags.CreateTargetApplication
    Dim helperFromConfig As New RegistrationHelper()

Catch e As RegistrationException

    ' Check whether the ErrorInfo property of the RegistrationException object is null. 
    ' If there is no extended error information about 
    ' methods related to multiple COM+ objects ErrorInfo will be null.
    If Not (e.ErrorInfo Is Nothing) Then
        ' Gets an array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects describing registration errors
        Dim registrationErrorInfos As RegistrationErrorInfo() = e.ErrorInfo

        ' Iterate through the array of RegistrationErrorInfo objects and disply the 
        ' ErrorString for each object.
        Dim registrationErrorInfo As RegistrationErrorInfo
        For Each registrationErrorInfo In registrationErrorInfos
        Next registrationErrorInfo
    End If
End Try



Obtém o código de erro para o objeto ou o arquivo.


Obtém a descrição da ErrorCode.


Obtém o valor de chave para o objeto que causou o erro, se aplicável.


Obtém uma especificação precisa do item que causou o erro, como um nome de propriedade.


Obtém o nome do objeto ou arquivo que causou o erro.



Determina se o objeto especificado é igual ao objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Serve como a função de hash padrão.

(Herdado de Object)

Obtém o Type da instância atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Cria uma cópia superficial do Object atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Retorna uma cadeia de caracteres que representa o objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

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