WebClient.DownloadDataCompleted Evento


Ocorre quando uma operação de download de dados assíncrona é concluída.

 event System::Net::DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler ^ DownloadDataCompleted;
public event System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler? DownloadDataCompleted;
public event System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler DownloadDataCompleted;
member this.DownloadDataCompleted : System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler 
Public Custom Event DownloadDataCompleted As DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler 
Public Event DownloadDataCompleted As DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler 

Tipo de evento



O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra a configuração de um manipulador de eventos para esse evento.

// Sample call : DownLoadDataInBackground ("http://www.contoso.com/GameScores.html");
void DownloadDataInBackground( String^ address )
   System::Threading::AutoResetEvent^ waiter = gcnew System::Threading::AutoResetEvent( false );
   WebClient^ client = gcnew WebClient;
   Uri ^uri = gcnew Uri(address);

   // Specify that the DownloadDataCallback method gets called
   // when the download completes.
   client->DownloadDataCompleted += gcnew DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler( DownloadDataCallback );
   client->DownloadDataAsync( uri, waiter );

   // Block the main application thread. Real applications
   // can perform other tasks while waiting for the download to complete.
// Sample call : DownLoadDataInBackground ("http://www.contoso.com/GameScores.html");
public static void DownloadDataInBackground(string address)
    System.Threading.AutoResetEvent waiter = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);
    WebClient client = new WebClient();
    Uri uri = new Uri(address);

    // Specify that the DownloadDataCallback method gets called
    // when the download completes.
    client.DownloadDataCompleted += new DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler(DownloadDataCallback);
    client.DownloadDataAsync(uri, waiter);

    // Block the main application thread. Real applications
    // can perform other tasks while waiting for the download to complete.
'  Sample call : DownLoadDataInBackground ("http:' www.contoso.com/GameScores.html")
Public Shared Sub DownloadDataInBackground(ByVal address As String)

    Dim waiter As System.Threading.AutoResetEvent = New System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(False)
    Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient()

    '  Specify that the DownloadDataCallback method gets called
    '  when the download completes.
    AddHandler client.DownloadDataCompleted, AddressOf DownloadDataCallback
                Dim uri as Uri = New Uri(address)
    client.DownloadDataAsync(uri, waiter)

    '  Block the main application thread. Real applications
    '  can perform other tasks while waiting for the download to complete.
End Sub


Esse evento é gerado sempre que uma operação de download de dados assíncrona é concluída. Os downloads de dados assíncronos são iniciados chamando os DownloadDataAsync métodos.

Esse DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler é o representante deste evento. A DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs classe fornece ao manipulador de eventos dados de evento.

Para obter mais informações sobre como lidar com eventos, consulte Manipulando e levantando eventos.

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