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FaultContractAttribute(Type) Constructor


Initializes a new instance of the FaultContractAttribute class.

 FaultContractAttribute(Type ^ detailType);
public FaultContractAttribute (Type detailType);
new System.ServiceModel.FaultContractAttribute : Type -> System.ServiceModel.FaultContractAttribute
Public Sub New (detailType As Type)



The serializable type that contains error information for the caller.


The detailType argument is null.


The following code example shows the use of FaultContractAttribute to specify that the SampleMethod operation can return a SOAP fault with the detail type of GreetingFault.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;

namespace Microsoft.WCF.Documentation
  public interface ISampleService{
    string SampleMethod(string msg);

  public class GreetingFault
    private string report;

    public GreetingFault(string message)
      this.report = message;

    public string Message
      get { return this.report; }
      set { this.report = value; }

  class SampleService : ISampleService
  #region ISampleService Members

  public string  SampleMethod(string msg)
    Console.WriteLine("Client said: " + msg);
    // Generate intermittent error behavior.
    Random rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
    int test = rnd.Next(5);
    if (test % 2 != 0)
      return "The service greets you: " + msg;
      throw new FaultException<GreetingFault>(new GreetingFault("A Greeting error occurred. You said: " + msg));


Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Net.Security
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports System.Text

Namespace Microsoft.WCF.Documentation
  <ServiceContract(Namespace:="http://microsoft.wcf.documentation")> _
  Public Interface ISampleService
    <OperationContract, FaultContractAttribute(GetType(GreetingFault), Action:="http://www.contoso.com/GreetingFault", ProtectionLevel:=ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign)> _
    Function SampleMethod(ByVal msg As String) As String
  End Interface

  <DataContractAttribute> _
  Public Class GreetingFault
    Private report As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal message As String)
      Me.report = message
    End Sub

    <DataMemberAttribute> _
    Public Property Message() As String
          Return Me.report
      End Get
      Set(ByVal value As String)
          Me.report = value
      End Set
    End Property
  End Class

  Friend Class SampleService
      Implements ISampleService
  #Region "ISampleService Members"

  Public Function SampleMethod(ByVal msg As String) As String Implements ISampleService.SampleMethod
    Console.WriteLine("Client said: " & msg)
    ' Generate intermittent error behavior.
    Dim rand As New Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)
    Dim test As Integer = rand.Next(5)
    If test Mod 2 <> 0 Then
      Return "The service greets you: " & msg
      Throw New FaultException(Of GreetingFault)(New GreetingFault("A Greeting error occurred. You said: " & msg))
    End If
  End Function

  #End Region
  End Class
End Namespace


The constructor is typically executed by applying the attribute to a service method and specifying a type as the argument in the attribute.

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