CodeCop Hidden AA0241
Use all lowercase letters for reserved language keywords.
Use all lowercase letters for reserved language keywords. This rule does not apply to built-in methods and types; they must be written using Pascal case.
We recommend following these best practices when developing extensions in AL to ensure consistency and discoverability on file, object, and method naming, as well as better readability of written code.
Data types in variable and parameter declarations aren't included in this rule because they're written using Pascal case.
Bad code example
trigger OnValidate()
IF "Order Date" > "Starting Date" THEN
Error(Text007, FieldCaption("Order Date"), FieldCaption("Starting Date"));
Text007: Label '%1 cannot be greater than %2.';
Good code example
trigger OnValidate()
if "Order Date" > "Starting Date" then
error(Text007, FieldCaption("Order Date"), FieldCaption("Starting Date"));
Text007: Label '%1 cannot be greater than %2.'; // Label variable declaration in Pascal case
Good and bad practices for fixing the rule
Change every reserved language keyword to use lowercase letters. Use Pascal case for data types in variable and parameter declarations.