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Omnichannel for Customer Service offers a suite of capabilities that extend the power of Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise to enable organizations to instantly connect and engage with their customers across digital messaging channels. An additional license is required to access Omnichannel for Customer Service. For more information, see the Dynamics 365 Customer Service pricing overview and Dynamics 365 Customer Service pricing plan pages.

Sets the authentication token provider.

The authentication token provider function, when called with a callback function as a parameter, invokes the callback function with a valid JSON Web Token (JWT) string as the argument.
This method raises an error if the value of the authTokenProvider parameter is not a function.


  • In the payload of the JWT token, the value provided for lwicontexts key should be the serialized custom context.
  • The custom context is a collection of key/value pairs. Only primitive values are allowed for any key.
  • The keys of custom context must correspond to context variables that are created for the associated work stream in Omnichannel for Customer Service.
  • The authentication token provider would be invoked by live chat widget when starting a new chat.


The live chat SDK methods should be invoked after the lcw:ready event is raised. You can listen for this event by adding your own event listener on the window object.

This SDK is applicable only if authentication is enabled for the widget. To enable authentication for your widget, see Create chat authentication settings.




Parameter Type Description
authTokenProvider Function Function which when invoked with a callback function as an argument, fetches the JWT token and invokes the callback function with the JWT token as its argument

Return value



Sample token payload

    "sub" : "87b4d06c-abc2-e811-a9b0-000d3a10e09e",
    "lwicontexts" :"{\"msdyn_cartvalue\":\"10000\", \"msdyn_isvip\":\"false\"}",
    "iat" : 1542622071,
    "iss" : "contosohelp.com",
    "exp" : 1542625672,
    "nbf" : 1542622072


In the above payload, the value corresponding to lwicontexts key should be the serialized custom context. The keys msdyn_cartvalue and msdyn_isvip in the serialized custom context correspond to context variables that are created for the associated work stream in Omnichannel for Customer Service.

let payloadToEncrypt = {
    "sub" : "87b4d06c-abc2-e811-a9b0-000d3a10e09e",
    "lwicontexts" :"{\"msdyn_cartvalue\":\"10000\", \"msdyn_isvip\":\"false\"}",
    "iat" : 1542622071,
    "iss" : "contosohelp.com",
    "exp" : 1542625672,
    "nbf" : 1542622072

function convertToJwtToken(payloadToEncrypt){
    // Ideally, you call your service to convert the payload to a valid JWT token
    return Promise.resolve("eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI4N2I0ZDA2Yy1hYmMyLWU4MTEtYTliMC0wMDBkM2ExMGUwOWUiLCJsd2ljb250ZXh0cyI6IntcIm1zZHluX2NhcnR2YWx1ZVwiOlwiMTAwMDBcIiwgXCJtc2R5bl9pc3ZpcFwiOlwiZmFsc2VcIn0iLCJpYXQiOjE1NDI2MjIwNzEsImlzcyI6ImNvbnRvc29oZWxwLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTU0MjYyNTY3MiwibmJmIjoxNTQyNjIyMDcyfQ.r37z1M5rMyRYMOJ-rhyTRYFOgvl9N7KvTMueSFPkiuM");

window.addEventListener("lcw:ready", function handleLivechatReadyEvent(){
// Sets the auth-token provider
// Throws error if authTokenProvider is not a function
    convertToJwtToken(payloadToEncrypt).then(function (jwtToken){
        Microsoft.Omnichannel.LiveChatWidget.SDK.setAuthTokenProvider(function authTokenProvider(callback){

Error codes

The following errors can occur with this method.

Error code Error message
2 Auth token provider method execution failed
3 Auth token provider didn't provide any token
4 Auth token provider provided invalid token

JavaScript API reference for live chat SDK