
Compartilhar via

Opportunity table/entity reference


Unsure about table vs. entity? See Developers: Understand terminology in Microsoft Dataverse.

Potential revenue-generating event, or sale to an account, which needs to be tracked through a sales process to completion.

Added by: Sales Solution


Message Web API Operation SDK class or method
Assign PATCH /opportunities(opportunityid)
Update ownerid property.
CalculateActualValueOpportunity CalculateActualValueOpportunityRequest
CalculatePrice This message is to be executed only by Dataverse to trigger registered plug-ins and flows.
Create POST /opportunities
See Create
CreateRequest or
CreateMultiple CreateMultiple CreateMultipleRequest
Delete DELETE /opportunities(opportunityid)
See Delete
DeleteRequest or
GetQuantityDecimal GetQuantityDecimalRequest
GrantAccess GrantAccess GrantAccessRequest
IsValidStateTransition IsValidStateTransition IsValidStateTransitionRequest
LoseOpportunity LoseOpportunityRequest
ModifyAccess ModifyAccess ModifyAccessRequest
Retrieve GET /opportunities(opportunityid)
See Retrieve
RetrieveRequest or
RetrieveMultiple GET /opportunities
See Query Data
RetrieveMultipleRequest or
RetrievePrincipalAccess RetrievePrincipalAccess RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest
RevokeAccess RevokeAccess RevokeAccessRequest
Rollup Rollup RollupRequest
SetState PATCH /opportunities(opportunityid)
Update statecode and statuscode properties.
Update PATCH /opportunities(opportunityid)
See Update
UpdateRequest or
UpdateMultiple UpdateMultiple UpdateMultipleRequest
WinOpportunity WinOpportunityRequest
WinQuote WinQuoteRequest


Property Value
CollectionSchemaName Opportunities
DisplayCollectionName Opportunities
DisplayName Opportunity
EntitySetName opportunities
IsBPFEntity False
LogicalCollectionName opportunities
LogicalName opportunity
OwnershipType UserOwned
PrimaryIdAttribute opportunityid
PrimaryNameAttribute name
SchemaName Opportunity

Writable columns/attributes

These columns/attributes return true for either IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate (usually both). Listed by SchemaName.


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior DateOnly
Description Shows the date and time when the opportunity was closed or canceled.
DisplayName Actual Close Date
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName actualclosedate
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
Description Type the actual revenue amount for the opportunity for reporting and analysis of estimated versus actual sales. Field defaults to the Est. Revenue value when an opportunity is won.
DisplayName Actual Revenue
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName actualvalue
MaxValue 1000000000000
MinValue -1000000000000
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Type a value between 0 and 1,000,000,000,000 to indicate the lead's potential available budget.
DisplayName Budget amount
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName budgetamount
MaxValue 1000000000000
MinValue 0
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Select the likely budget status for the lead's company. This may help determine the lead rating or your sales approach.
DisplayName Budget
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName budgetstatus
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

BudgetStatus Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 No Committed Budget
1 May Buy
2 Can Buy
3 Will Buy


Added by: Marketing Sales Solution

Property Value
Description Shows the campaign that the opportunity was created from. The ID is used for tracking the success of the campaign.
DisplayName Source Campaign
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName campaignid
RequiredLevel None
Targets campaign
Type Lookup


Property Value
Description Choose whether the proposal feedback has been captured for the opportunity.
DisplayName Proposal Feedback Captured
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName captureproposalfeedback
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

CaptureProposalFeedback Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 No
0 Yes

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Type a number from 0 to 100 that represents the likelihood of closing the opportunity. This can aid the sales team in their efforts to convert the opportunity in a sale.
DisplayName Probability
Format None
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName closeprobability
MaxValue 100
MinValue 0
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Property Value
Description Select whether a final proposal has been completed for the opportunity.
DisplayName Final Proposal Ready
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName completefinalproposal
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

CompleteFinalProposal Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Completed
0 Mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Select whether an internal review has been completed for this opportunity.
DisplayName Complete Internal Review
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName completeinternalreview
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

CompleteInternalReview Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Completed
0 Mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Select whether the lead confirmed interest in your offerings. This helps in determining the lead quality and the probability of it turning into an opportunity.
DisplayName Confirm Interest
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName confirminterest
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

ConfirmInterest Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 No
0 Yes

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Type notes about the company or organization associated with the opportunity.
DisplayName Current Situation
Format TextArea
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName currentsituation
MaxLength 2000
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Property Value
Description Select the customer account or contact to provide a quick link to additional customer details, such as address, phone number, activities, and orders.
DisplayName Potential Customer
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName customerid
RequiredLevel ApplicationRequired
Targets account,contact
Type Customer


Added by: Active Solution Solution

Property Value
DisplayName Potential Customer Type
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName customeridtype
RequiredLevel ApplicationRequired
Type EntityName


Property Value
Description Type some notes about the customer's requirements, to help the sales team identify products and services that could meet their requirements.
DisplayName Customer Need
Format TextArea
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName customerneed
MaxLength 2000
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Property Value
Description Type notes about the customer's pain points to help the sales team identify products and services that could address these pain points.
DisplayName Customer Pain Points
Format TextArea
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName customerpainpoints
MaxLength 2000
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Property Value
Description Select whether your notes include information about who makes the purchase decisions at the lead's company.
DisplayName Decision Maker?
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName decisionmaker
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

DecisionMaker Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 completed
0 mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Type additional information to describe the opportunity, such as possible products to sell or past purchases from the customer.
DisplayName Description
Format TextArea
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName description
MaxLength 2000
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Property Value
Description Select whether a proposal has been developed for the opportunity.
DisplayName Develop Proposal
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName developproposal
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

DevelopProposal Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Completed
0 Mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Type the discount amount for the opportunity if the customer is eligible for special savings.
DisplayName Opportunity Discount Amount
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName discountamount
MaxValue 1000000000000
MinValue 0
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Type the discount rate that should be applied to the Product Totals field to include additional savings for the customer in the opportunity.
DisplayName Opportunity Discount (%)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName discountpercentage
MaxValue 100
MinValue 0
Precision 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Decimal


Property Value
Description The primary email address for the entity.
DisplayName Email Address
FormatName Email
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName emailaddress
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior DateOnly
Description Enter the expected closing date of the opportunity to help make accurate revenue forecasts.
DisplayName Est. close date
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName estimatedclosedate
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
Description Type the estimated revenue amount to indicate the potential sale or value of the opportunity for revenue forecasting. This field can be either system-populated or editable based on the selection in the Revenue field.
DisplayName Est. revenue
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName estimatedvalue
MaxValue 1000000000000
MinValue -1000000000000
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Select whether the fit between the lead's requirements and your offerings was evaluated.
DisplayName Evaluate Fit
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName evaluatefit
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

EvaluateFit Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 No
0 Yes

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Choose whether the sales team has recorded detailed notes on the proposals and the account's responses.
DisplayName File Debrief
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName filedebrief
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

FileDebrief Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Completed
0 Mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior DateOnly
Description Enter the date and time when the final decision of the opportunity was made.
DisplayName Final Decision Date
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName finaldecisiondate
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
Description Type the cost of freight or shipping for the products included in the opportunity for use in calculating the Total Amount field.
DisplayName Freight Amount
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName freightamount
MaxValue 1000000000000
MinValue 0
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Select whether information about competitors is included.
DisplayName Identify Competitors
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName identifycompetitors
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

IdentifyCompetitors Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 completed
0 mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Select whether the customer contacts for this opportunity have been identified.
DisplayName Identify Customer Contacts
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName identifycustomercontacts
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

IdentifyCustomerContacts Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 completed
0 mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Choose whether you have recorded who will pursue the opportunity.
DisplayName Identify Sales Team
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName identifypursuitteam
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

IdentifyPursuitTeam Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 completed
0 mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Sequence number of the import that created this record.
DisplayName Import Sequence Number
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
IsValidForUpdate False
LogicalName importsequencenumber
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -2147483648
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Property Value
Description Choose whether someone from the sales team contacted this lead earlier.
DisplayName Initial Communication
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName initialcommunication
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

InitialCommunication Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 Contacted
1 Not Contacted


Property Value
Description Select whether the estimated revenue for the opportunity is calculated automatically based on the products entered or entered manually by a user.
DisplayName Revenue
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName isrevenuesystemcalculated
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

IsRevenueSystemCalculated Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 System Calculated
0 User Provided

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Contains the date time stamp of the last on hold time.
DisplayName Last On Hold Time
Format DateAndTime
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName lastonholdtime
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Added by: Forecasting Solution

Property Value
Description Categories used for forecasting.
DisplayName Forecast category
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_forecastcategory
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

msdyn_forecastcategory Choices/Options

Value Label Description
100000001 Pipeline
100000002 Best case
100000003 Committed
100000004 Omitted
100000005 Won
100000006 Lost


Added by: Predictive Lead Scoring Solution

Property Value
Description Describes whether opportunity is opted out or not
DisplayName GDPR Optout
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_gdproptout
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

msdyn_gdproptout Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Yes
0 No

DefaultValue: 0


Added by: Predictive Opportunity Scoring Solution

Property Value
DisplayName (Deprecated) Opportunity Grade
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_opportunitygrade
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

msdyn_OpportunityGrade Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 Grade A
1 Grade B
2 Grade C
3 Grade D


Added by: Relationship analytics Solution

Property Value
Description Maps to opportunity KPI records
DisplayName KPI
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_opportunitykpiid
RequiredLevel None
Targets msdyn_opportunitykpiitem
Type Lookup


Added by: Predictive Opportunity Scoring Solution

Property Value
DisplayName (Deprecated) Opportunity Score
Format None
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_opportunityscore
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -2147483648
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Added by: Predictive Opportunity Scoring Solution

Property Value
DisplayName (Deprecated) Opportunity Score Trend
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_opportunityscoretrend
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

msdyn_OpportunityScoreTrend Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 Improving
1 Steady
2 Declining
3 Not enough info


Added by: Predictive Scoring Common Solution

Property Value
Description Predictive score
DisplayName Predictive Score
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_predictivescoreid
RequiredLevel None
Targets msdyn_predictivescore
Type Lookup


Added by: Predictive Opportunity Scoring Solution

Property Value
DisplayName (Deprecated) Score History
Format Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_scorehistory
MaxLength 2000
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Added by: Predictive Opportunity Scoring Solution

Property Value
DisplayName (Deprecated) Score Reasons
Format Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_scorereasons
MaxLength 2000
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Added by: Segment solution Solution

Property Value
Description Unique identifier for Segment associated with Opportunity.
DisplayName Segment Id
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_segmentid
RequiredLevel None
Targets msdyn_segment
Type Lookup


Added by: Relationship analytics Solution

Property Value
DisplayName msdyn_similaropportunities
Format Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_similaropportunities
MaxLength 65536
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Property Value
Description Type a subject or descriptive name, such as the expected order or company name, for the opportunity.
DisplayName Topic
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName name
MaxLength 300
RequiredLevel ApplicationRequired
Type String


Property Value
Description Choose how high the level of need is for the lead's company.
DisplayName Need
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName need
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

Need Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 Must have
1 Should have
2 Good to have
3 No need


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the opportunity.
DisplayName Opportunity
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
IsValidForUpdate False
LogicalName opportunityid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Uniqueidentifier


Property Value
Description Select the expected value or priority of the opportunity based on revenue, customer status, or closing probability.
DisplayName Rating
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName opportunityratingcode
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

OpportunityRatingCode Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Hot
2 Warm
3 Cold


Property Value
Description Choose the lead that the opportunity was created from for reporting and analytics. The field is read-only after the opportunity is created and defaults to the correct lead when an opportunity is created from a converted lead.
DisplayName Originating Lead
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName originatingleadid
RequiredLevel None
Targets lead
Type Lookup


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Date and time that the record was migrated.
DisplayName Record Created On
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
IsValidForUpdate False
LogicalName overriddencreatedon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
Description Owner Id
DisplayName Owner
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName ownerid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Targets systemuser,team
Type Owner


Added by: Active Solution Solution

Property Value
Description Owner Id Type
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owneridtype
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type EntityName


Property Value
Description Choose an account to connect this opportunity to, so that the relationship is visible in reports and analytics, and to provide a quick link to additional details, such as financial information and activities.
DisplayName Account
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parentaccountid
RequiredLevel None
Targets account
Type Lookup


Property Value
Description Choose a contact to connect this opportunity to, so that the relationship is visible in reports and analytics.
DisplayName Contact
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parentcontactid
RequiredLevel None
Targets contact
Type Lookup


Property Value
Description Information about whether the opportunity participates in workflow rules.
DisplayName Participates in Workflow
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName participatesinworkflow
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

ParticipatesInWorkflow Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Yes
0 No

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Select whether the final proposal has been presented to the account.
DisplayName Present Final Proposal
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName presentfinalproposal
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

PresentFinalProposal Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 completed
0 mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Select whether a proposal for the opportunity has been presented to the account.
DisplayName Presented Proposal
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName presentproposal
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

PresentProposal Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Completed
0 Mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Choose the price list associated with this record to make sure the products associated with the campaign are offered at the correct prices.
DisplayName Price List
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName pricelevelid
RequiredLevel None
Targets pricelevel
Type Lookup


Property Value
Description Pricing error for the opportunity.
DisplayName Pricing Error
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName pricingerrorcode
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

PricingErrorCode Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 None
1 Detail Error
2 Missing Price Level
3 Inactive Price Level
4 Missing Quantity
5 Missing Unit Price
6 Missing Product
7 Invalid Product
8 Missing Pricing Code
9 Invalid Pricing Code
10 Missing UOM
11 Product Not In Price Level
12 Missing Price Level Amount
13 Missing Price Level Percentage
14 Missing Price
15 Missing Current Cost
16 Missing Standard Cost
17 Invalid Price Level Amount
18 Invalid Price Level Percentage
19 Invalid Price
20 Invalid Current Cost
21 Invalid Standard Cost
22 Invalid Rounding Policy
23 Invalid Rounding Option
24 Invalid Rounding Amount
25 Price Calculation Error
26 Invalid Discount Type
27 Discount Type Invalid State
28 Invalid Discount
29 Invalid Quantity
30 Invalid Pricing Precision
31 Missing Product Default UOM
32 Missing Product UOM Schedule
33 Inactive Discount Type
34 Invalid Price Level Currency
35 Price Attribute Out Of Range
36 Base Currency Attribute Overflow
37 Base Currency Attribute Underflow
38 Transaction currency is not set for the product price list item


Property Value
Description Select the priority so that preferred customers or critical issues are handled quickly.
DisplayName Priority
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName prioritycode
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

PriorityCode Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Default Value


Property Value
Description Contains the id of the process associated with the entity.
DisplayName Process Id
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName processid
RequiredLevel None
Type Uniqueidentifier


Property Value
Description Type notes about the proposed solution for the opportunity.
DisplayName Proposed Solution
Format TextArea
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName proposedsolution
MaxLength 2000
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Property Value
Description Choose whether an individual or a committee will be involved in the purchase process for the lead.
DisplayName Purchase Process
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName purchaseprocess
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

PurchaseProcess Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 Individual
1 Committee
2 Unknown


Property Value
Description Choose how long the lead will likely take to make the purchase.
DisplayName Purchase Timeframe
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName purchasetimeframe
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

PurchaseTimeframe Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 Immediate
1 This Quarter
2 Next Quarter
3 This Year
4 Unknown


Property Value
Description Select whether the decision about pursuing the opportunity has been made.
DisplayName Decide Go/No-Go
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName pursuitdecision
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

PursuitDecision Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 No
0 Yes

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Type comments about the qualification or scoring of the lead.
DisplayName Qualification Comments
Format TextArea
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName qualificationcomments
MaxLength 2000
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Property Value
Description Type comments about the quotes associated with the opportunity.
DisplayName Quote Comments
Format TextArea
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName quotecomments
MaxLength 2000
RequiredLevel None
Type Memo


Property Value
Description Choose whether the proposal feedback has been captured and resolved for the opportunity.
DisplayName Feedback Resolved
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName resolvefeedback
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

ResolveFeedback Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 No
0 Yes

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Select the sales stage of this opportunity to aid the sales team in their efforts to win this opportunity.
DisplayName Sales Stage
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName salesstage
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

SalesStage Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 Qualify
1 Develop
2 Propose
3 Close


Property Value
Description Select the sales process stage for the opportunity to indicate the probability of closing the opportunity.
DisplayName Process Code
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName salesstagecode
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

SalesStageCode Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Default Value


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Enter the date and time of the prospecting follow-up meeting with the lead.
DisplayName Scheduled Follow up (Prospect)
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName schedulefollowup_prospect
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Enter the date and time of the qualifying follow-up meeting with the lead.
DisplayName Scheduled Follow up (Qualify)
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName schedulefollowup_qualify
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Enter the date and time of the proposal meeting for the opportunity.
DisplayName Schedule Proposal Meeting
Format DateOnly
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName scheduleproposalmeeting
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
Description Select whether a thank you note has been sent to the account for considering the proposal.
DisplayName Send Thank You Note
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName sendthankyounote
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

SendThankYouNote Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Completed
0 Mark complete

DefaultValue: 0


Added by: Sales Patch Solution

Property Value
Description Skip Price Calculation (For Internal Use)
DisplayName Skip Price Calculation
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName skippricecalculation
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

SkipPriceCalculation Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 DoPriceCalcAlways
1 SkipPriceCalcOnRetrieve


Property Value
Description Choose the service level agreement (SLA) that you want to apply to the opportunity record.
DisplayName SLA
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName slaid
RequiredLevel None
Targets sla
Type Lookup


Property Value
Description Contains the id of the stage where the entity is located.
DisplayName (Deprecated) Stage Id
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName stageid
RequiredLevel None
Type Uniqueidentifier


Property Value
Description Shows whether the opportunity is open, won, or lost. Won and lost opportunities are read-only and can't be edited until they are reactivated.
DisplayName Status
IsValidForCreate False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName statecode
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type State

StateCode Choices/Options

Value Label DefaultStatus InvariantName
0 Open 1 Open
1 Won 3 Won
2 Lost 4 Lost


Property Value
Description Select the opportunity's status.
DisplayName Status Reason
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName statuscode
RequiredLevel None
Type Status

StatusCode Choices/Options

Value Label State
1 In Progress 0
2 On Hold 0
3 Won 1
4 Canceled 2
5 Out-Sold 2


Property Value
Description Shows the ID of the workflow step.
DisplayName Step
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName stepid
RequiredLevel None
Type Uniqueidentifier


Property Value
Description Shows the current phase in the sales pipeline for the opportunity.
DisplayName Pipeline Phase
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName stepname
MaxLength 200
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Added by: Sales Patch Solution

Property Value
Description Number of users or conversations followed the record
DisplayName TeamsFollowed
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName teamsfollowed
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -2147483648
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Property Value
Description Select when the opportunity is likely to be closed.
DisplayName Timeline
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName timeline
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist

TimeLine Choices/Options

Value Label Description
0 Immediate
1 This Quarter
2 Next Quarter
3 This Year
4 Not known


Property Value
Description For internal use only.
DisplayName Time Zone Rule Version Number
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName timezoneruleversionnumber
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -1
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Property Value
Description Shows the total amount due, calculated as the sum of the products, discounts, freight, and taxes for the opportunity.
DisplayName Total Amount
IsValidForCreate False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totalamount
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Shows the total product amount for the opportunity, minus any discounts. This value is added to freight and tax amounts in the calculation for the total amount of the opportunity.
DisplayName Total Pre-Freight Amount
IsValidForCreate False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totalamountlessfreight
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Shows the total discount amount, based on the discount price and rate entered on the opportunity.
DisplayName Total Discount Amount
IsValidForCreate False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totaldiscountamount
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Shows the sum of all existing and write-in products included on the opportunity, based on the specified price list and quantities.
DisplayName Total Detail Amount
IsValidForCreate False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totallineitemamount
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Shows the total of the Manual Discount amounts specified on all products included in the opportunity. This value is reflected in the Total Detail Amount field on the opportunity and is added to any discount amount or rate specified on the opportunity.
DisplayName Total Line Item Discount Amount
IsValidForCreate False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totallineitemdiscountamount
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 0
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Shows the total of the Tax amounts specified on all products included in the opportunity, included in the Total Amount field calculation for the opportunity.
DisplayName Total Tax
IsValidForCreate False
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totaltax
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 2
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Choose the local currency for the record to make sure budgets are reported in the correct currency.
DisplayName Currency
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName transactioncurrencyid
RequiredLevel ApplicationRequired
Targets transactioncurrency
Type Lookup


Property Value
Description A comma separated list of string values representing the unique identifiers of stages in a Business Process Flow Instance in the order that they occur.
DisplayName (Deprecated) Traversed Path
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName traversedpath
MaxLength 1250
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.
DisplayName UTC Conversion Time Zone Code
Format None
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName utcconversiontimezonecode
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -1
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer

Read-only columns/attributes

These columns/attributes return false for both IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate. Listed by SchemaName.


Property Value
Description Internal attribute for storing customerid. Do not use this attribute directly; use parentaccountid instead.
DisplayName Account
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName accountid
RequiredLevel None
Targets account
Type Lookup


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName accountidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName accountidyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Value of the Actual Revenue in base currency.
DisplayName Actual Revenue (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName actualvalue_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Value of the Budget Amount in base currency.
DisplayName Budget Amount (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName budgetamount_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Added by: Marketing Sales Solution

Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName campaignidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Internal attribute for storing customerid. Do not use this attribute directly; use parentcontactid instead.
DisplayName Contact
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName contactid
RequiredLevel None
Targets contact
Type Lookup


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName contactidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName contactidyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Shows who created the record.
DisplayName Created By
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdby
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdbyname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdbyyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Date and time when the record was created.
DisplayName Created On
Format DateAndTime
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
Description Shows who created the record on behalf of another user.
DisplayName Created By (Delegate)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdonbehalfby
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdonbehalfbyname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdonbehalfbyyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName customeridname
MaxLength 160
RequiredLevel ApplicationRequired
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName customeridyominame
MaxLength 450
RequiredLevel ApplicationRequired
Type String


Property Value
Description Value of the Opportunity Discount Amount in base currency.
DisplayName Opportunity Discount Amount (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName discountamount_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Value of the Est. Revenue in base currency.
DisplayName Est. Revenue (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName estimatedvalue_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Added by: Active Solution Solution

Property Value
Description Shows the conversion rate of the record's currency. The exchange rate is used to convert all money fields in the record from the local currency to the system's default currency.
DisplayName Exchange Rate
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName exchangerate
MaxValue 100000000000
MinValue 0.000000000001
Precision 12
RequiredLevel None
Type Decimal


Property Value
Description Value of the Freight Amount in base currency.
DisplayName Freight Amount (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName freightamount_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Indicates whether the opportunity is private or visible to the entire organization.
DisplayName Is Private
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead False
LogicalName isprivate
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean

IsPrivate Choices/Options

Value Label Description
1 Yes
0 No

DefaultValue: 0


Property Value
Description Shows who last updated the record.
DisplayName Modified By
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedby
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedbyname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedbyyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Description Date and time when the record was modified.
DisplayName Modified On
Format DateAndTime
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime


Property Value
Description Shows who last updated the record on behalf of another user.
DisplayName Modified By (Delegate)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedonbehalfby
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedonbehalfbyname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedonbehalfbyyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Added by: Relationship analytics Solution

Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_opportunitykpiidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Added by: Predictive Scoring Common Solution

Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_predictivescoreidname
MaxLength 128
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Added by: Segment solution Solution

Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName msdyn_segmentidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Shows the duration in minutes for which the opportunity was on hold.
DisplayName On Hold Time (Minutes)
Format None
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName onholdtime
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -2147483648
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName originatingleadidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName originatingleadidyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Name of the owner
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owneridname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type String


Property Value
Description Yomi name of the owner
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owneridyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type String


Property Value
Description Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the record
DisplayName Owning Business Unit
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owningbusinessunit
RequiredLevel None
Targets businessunit
Type Lookup


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owningbusinessunitname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type String


Property Value
Description Unique identifier for the team that owns the record.
DisplayName Owning Team
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owningteam
RequiredLevel None
Targets team
Type Lookup


Property Value
Description Unique identifier for the user that owns the record.
DisplayName Owning User
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName owninguser
RequiredLevel None
Targets systemuser
Type Lookup


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parentaccountidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parentaccountidyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parentcontactidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName parentcontactidyominame
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName pricelevelidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type String


Property Value
Description Last SLA that was applied to this opportunity. This field is for internal use only.
DisplayName Last SLA applied
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName slainvokedid
RequiredLevel None
Targets sla
Type Lookup


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName slainvokedidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName slaname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Total time spent for emails (read and write) and meetings by me in relation to the opportunity record.
DisplayName Time Spent by me
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName timespentbymeonemailandmeetings
MaxLength 1250
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Value of the Total Amount in base currency.
DisplayName Total Amount (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totalamount_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Value of the Total Pre-Freight Amount in base currency.
DisplayName Total Pre-Freight Amount (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totalamountlessfreight_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Value of the Total Discount Amount in base currency.
DisplayName Total Discount Amount (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totaldiscountamount_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Value of the Total Detail Amount in base currency.
DisplayName Total Detail Amount (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totallineitemamount_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Value of the Total Line Item Discount Amount in base currency.
DisplayName Total Line Item Discount Amount (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totallineitemdiscountamount_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
Description Value of the Total Tax in base currency.
DisplayName Total Tax (Base)
IsValidForForm True
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName totaltax_base
MaxValue 922337203685477
MinValue -922337203685477
Precision 4
PrecisionSource 2
RequiredLevel None
Type Money


Property Value
FormatName Text
IsLocalizable False
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName transactioncurrencyidname
MaxLength 100
RequiredLevel None
Type String


Property Value
Description Version Number
DisplayName Version Number
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName versionnumber
MaxValue 9223372036854775807
MinValue -9223372036854775808
RequiredLevel None
Type BigInt

One-To-Many Relationships

Listed by SchemaName.


Same as the opportunity_OpportunityCloses many-to-one relationship for the opportunityclose table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity opportunityclose
ReferencingAttribute regardingobjectid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName opportunity_OpportunityCloses
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Same as the opportunity_OrderCloses many-to-one relationship for the orderclose table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity orderclose
ReferencingAttribute regardingobjectid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName opportunity_OrderCloses
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Same as the opportunity_QuoteCloses many-to-one relationship for the quoteclose table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity quoteclose
ReferencingAttribute regardingobjectid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName opportunity_QuoteCloses
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Same as the lk_leadtoopportunitysalesprocess_opportunityid many-to-one relationship for the leadtoopportunitysalesprocess table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity leadtoopportunitysalesprocess
ReferencingAttribute opportunityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName opportunity_leadtoopportunitysalesprocess
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: NoCascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Same as the opportunity_invoices many-to-one relationship for the invoice table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity invoice
ReferencingAttribute opportunityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName opportunity_invoices
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Sales
Order: 30
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: Restrict
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Same as the Opportunity_OpportunityClose many-to-one relationship for the opportunityclose table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity opportunityclose
ReferencingAttribute opportunityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName Opportunity_OpportunityClose
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: Cascade
Share: Cascade
Unshare: Cascade


Same as the opportunity_quotes many-to-one relationship for the quote table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity quote
ReferencingAttribute opportunityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName opportunity_quotes
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Sales
Order: 10
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Same as the opportunity_sales_orders many-to-one relationship for the salesorder table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity salesorder
ReferencingAttribute opportunityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName opportunity_sales_orders
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Sales
Order: 20
CascadeConfiguration Assign: Cascade
Delete: Restrict
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Same as the lead_qualifying_opportunity many-to-one relationship for the lead table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity lead
ReferencingAttribute qualifyingopportunityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName lead_qualifying_opportunity
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: RemoveLink
Merge: Cascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Same as the lk_opportunitysalesprocess_opportunityid many-to-one relationship for the opportunitysalesprocess table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity opportunitysalesprocess
ReferencingAttribute opportunityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName opportunity_opportunitysalesprocess
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: NoCascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Same as the product_opportunities many-to-one relationship for the opportunityproduct table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity opportunityproduct
ReferencingAttribute opportunityid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName product_opportunities
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
Order: 10
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Added by: Marketing Solution

Same as the CreatedOpportunity_BulkOperationLogs many-to-one relationship for the bulkoperationlog table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity bulkoperationlog
ReferencingAttribute createdobjectid
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable False
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName CreatedOpportunity_BulkOperationLogs
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


Added by: Assignment Rules Solution

Same as the msdyn_opportunity_msdyn_salesroutingrun_targetobject many-to-one relationship for the msdyn_salesroutingrun table/entity.

Property Value
ReferencingEntity msdyn_salesroutingrun
ReferencingAttribute msdyn_targetobject
IsHierarchical False
IsCustomizable True
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName msdyn_opportunity_msdyn_salesroutingrun_targetobject
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
Order: 10000
CascadeConfiguration Assign: NoCascade
Delete: Cascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade

Many-To-One Relationships

Each Many-To-One relationship is defined by a corresponding One-To-Many relationship with the related table. Listed by SchemaName.


Added by: Lead Management Solution

See the opportunity_originating_lead one-to-many relationship for the lead table/entity.


Added by: System Solution Solution

See the opportunity_parent_account one-to-many relationship for the account table/entity.


Added by: Product Management Solution

See the price_level_opportunties one-to-many relationship for the pricelevel table/entity.


Added by: System Solution Solution

See the opportunity_parent_contact one-to-many relationship for the contact table/entity.


Added by: System Solution Solution

See the opportunity_customer_accounts one-to-many relationship for the account table/entity.


Added by: System Solution Solution

See the opportunity_customer_contacts one-to-many relationship for the contact table/entity.


Added by: Marketing Solution

See the campaign_opportunities one-to-many relationship for the campaign table/entity.


Added by: Predictive Scoring Common Solution

See the msdyn_msdyn_predictivescore_opportunity one-to-many relationship for the msdyn_predictivescore table/entity.


Added by: Segment solution Solution

See the msdyn_msdyn_segment_opportunity one-to-many relationship for the msdyn_segment table/entity.

Many-To-Many Relationships

Relationship details provided where the Opportunity table is the first table in the relationship. Listed by SchemaName.


IntersectEntityName: opportunitycompetitors

Table 1

Property Value
IntersectAttribute opportunityid
IsCustomizable False
LogicalName opportunity
NavigationPropertyName opportunitycompetitors_association
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details

Table 2

Property Value
LogicalName competitor
IntersectAttribute competitorid
NavigationPropertyName opportunitycompetitors_association
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Sales
Order: 40

Dataverse table/entity reference
Web API Reference