Specifies a game session ID for a user.
typedef struct XUserLocalId {
uint64_t value;
} XUserLocalId
Type: uint64_t
The game session ID for a user.
The XUserLocalId uniquely identifies a user within a gaming session. If we duplicate XUserHandle, both handles maintain the same XUserLocalId. Once a gaming session ends, the same user can have a different XUserLocalIds in the next session. You cannot use these IDs to track users across gaming sessions. The IDs are valid per gaming session.
A "null" XUserLocalId will be equal to the value of XUserNullUserLocalId.
The following callback functions and function take an XUserLocalId structure or a pointer to one as an argument:
- XUserChangeEventCallback: A callback function for a user change event.
- XUserDefaultAudioEndpointUtf16ChangedCallback: A callback that invokes when the default audio endpoint for a user changes.
- XUserFindUserByLocalId: A function that uses a specific local ID to retrieve a handle to a user.
- XUserGetDefaultAudioEndpointUtf16: A function that retrieves the default audio endpoint for a specific user.
- XUserGetLocalId: A function that retrieves the unique game session ID for a user.
The following example demonstrates how to use the XUserLocalId structure to retrieve the default audio endpoint for a user.
HRESULT GetAudioDeviceAssociation(
IMMDeviceEnumerator* audioDeviceEnumerator,
XUserLocalId user,
XUserDefaultAudioEndpointKind defaultAudioEndpointKind,
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ IMMDevice** endpoint)
wchar_t audioDeviceId[XUserAudioEndpointMaxUtf16Count];
RETURN_IF_FAILED_WITH_EXPECTED(XUserGetDefaultAudioEndpointUtf16(user, defaultAudioEndpointKind, std::size(audioDeviceId), audioDeviceId, nullptr), E_NOTFOUND);
return audioDeviceEnumerator->GetDevice(audioDeviceId, endpoint);
HRESULT GetAudioAssociations()
Mwrl::ComPtr<IMMDeviceEnumerator> audioDeviceEnumerator;
XUserLocalId userLocalId;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(XUserGetLocalId(_handle.get(), &userLocalId));
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string id;
Mwrl::ComPtr<IMMDevice> device;
if (SUCCEEDED(GetAudioDeviceAssociation(audioDeviceEnumerator.Get(), userLocalId, XUserDefaultAudioEndpointKind::CommunicationRender, &device)))
appLog.AddLog("Preferred render communication device id: %S\n", id.get());
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string id;
Mwrl::ComPtr<IMMDevice> device;
if (SUCCEEDED(GetAudioDeviceAssociation(audioDeviceEnumerator.Get(), userLocalId, XUserDefaultAudioEndpointKind::CommunicationCapture, &device)))
appLog.AddLog("Preferred capture communication device id: %S\n", id.get());
return S_OK;
Header: XUser.h
Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles
See also